Steem Women Club Community Contest #9 ''DECLARE YOUR LOVE'' || Mi fiel compañera❤️ || My faithful companion❤️.

Hola mis queridos amigos de SteemWomen Club.💘

Hello my dear friends from SteemWomen Club💘.


Hoy declararé mi mayor y más hermoso amor a mi hermosa madre.

Today I will declare my greatest and most beautiful love to my beautiful mother.


Es la mujer más fuerte y guerrera que conozco, también la más bella, noble y sencilla, con un corazón enorme.

She is the strongest and most warrior woman I know, also the most beautiful, noble and simple, with a huge heart.


Doy gracias a Dios infinitamente por darme el privilegio de tenerte como madre, eres maravillosa.

I thank God infinitely for giving me the privilege of having you as a mother, you are wonderful.

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Gracias por estar siempre en cada uno de los momentos más importantes de mi vida, mamá, y le pido a DIOS que te siga bendiciendo para que sigas acompañándome en cada paso que doy.

Thank you for always being in each of the most important moments in life, Mom, and I ask GOD to continue blessing you so that you continue to accompany me in every step that I take.


Estoy muy orgullosa de ti mami, eres una excelente madre, hija, esposa, amiga, suegra y un excelente ser humano, te agradezco todo lo que has hecho por mi y todo lo que me has dado a ti y solo a ti te debo quien soy ahora y lo que seré en unos años y todo eso gracias a tu apoyo y tu amor incondicional, mi vida no es suficiente para agradecer todo el amor que me das.

I am very proud of you mommy, you are an excellent mother, daughter, wife, friend, mother-in-law and an excellent human being, I thank you for everything you have done for me and everything you have given me, to you and only to you I owe who I am Now and what I will be in a few years and all that thanks to your support and your unconditional love, my life is not enough to thank all the love you give me.


Gracias mami, no me cansaré nunca de agradecerte, por ser la madre más valiente y decidida del mundo, invencible ante la vida y luchadora por tus hijos.

Thank you mommy, I will never tire of thanking you, for being the bravest and most determined mother in the world, invincible in the face of life and a fighter for your children.

Gracias por hacerme crecer,por defenderme, por darme tu apoyo siempre y tú amor infinito.

Thank you for making me grow, for defending me, for always giving me your support and your infinite love.

Te Amo reina de mi vida 👑❣️.

I love you queen of my life👑❣️.

Agradecida por su valiosa atención 😍.

Grateful for your valuable attention😍.

Anímense a participar en este concurso tan especial 😘@milagros2005 @johasofi @yudeily

Go ahead and participate in this very special contest 😘@milagros2005 @johasofi @yudeily


Hermosas palabras que solo una hija orgullosa de su madre puede expresar. Es una linda participación, éxitos para ti!

Bendiciones y larga vida para ti y tu madre, así pueden disfrutar mas la una a la otra.

#venezuela #affable

Sii muy orgullosa de mi mamita 😍 gracias mi @sughey amén amén ❤️.

hi @paolatorres I have confirmed your contest entry. Like all women, you expressed your love with your best words. The biggest chance in this life is to have a good family. It always makes you happy. It is moving to confess your love to your mother. Not everyone can say such good things about their mother. You are very lucky . May your love be eternal. I congratulate you for your nice words. .
Thank you very much for participating in the contest. Our slogan in this community; together we are strong. We will support each other. I will strive for women to win. . Keep making quality posts in the community.
If there is any problem, you can access it from the discord channel. Good luck :)

Gracias Gracias 💗

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