in SteemWomen Club3 years ago (edited)

Hello Beautiful Women. How have you been? I trust we’re all doing well? It’s my pleasure to be here again to share my daily fitness activities with us all.

Today, I want to share my morning routine with all of us and hope also that we can take some lessons from this.

Please, take note Dear Diary,

On waking up, I take a glass of warm water
before doing my morning chores and preparing my children for school

Once they are off to school, I move straight to my item two; some exercises to help me stay healthy and fit.

There are some exercises that I believe every woman should take part so as to improve on our general wellbeing and stay fit too.

I do different variations and types of exercises but there four main options on my list that I basically do every morning.



I have grown to enjoy doing squats as a woman because squats work on my hips, my thighs and my butt ☺️
Squats are for the lower body. They’re also effective on the stomach. If you want a flatter tommy, then you should try squats and with consistency, you will achieve it in no time.
I had developed serious back and waist pains after my last pregnancy but since I went back to exercising and squats, the pains had reduced drastically.
Squats are easy to do and you don’t need much space to do them. They will help you burn some fat and also improve your posture. I just love the backside effect
To do squats, you stand straight and tall, slightly open your feet to your hip width.
Now, you want to tighten your abdominal muscles and then lower your body till you get your legs parallel to the floor, (please, go slowly for better results) stay for some seconds and go back to your initial position. You can go on and repeat this process until you feel the need to stop.



Planks are great for building your muscles and maintaining your posture. They can help you build your strength and reduce lower back pain which occurs usually as a result of poor posture. Planks also helps to strengthen your stomach muscles and giving you a flatter stomach. Plank exercises work on your whole body; from your shoulder to your hips to your spine through your legs.
Planks are done on the floor. You also don’t need much space for this.
Just go down on your knees, pointing your toes down; put your two palms on the floor slightly spread and raise your body above the floor. Hold-on, on that position for as long as possible. You can also put your hands down as against your palms.
You can stay for 30 seconds and increase from there. You will instantly feel the impact on your your body and muscles.




Skipping is great for weight loss and it’s quite fun too. I just can’t forget my childhood experiences with skipping. We just did them for fun not knowing that we were actually staying fit too. You will burn lots of calories through consistent skipping. It’s a full body exercise because it involves your abdomen, your legs for jumping and your hands too because you will use them to turn the skipping rope. Skipping helps to improve your heart rate and blood pressure too.
Anyone can skip except you have leg pains then you must consult your doctor.

It’s less expensive, all you need is a skipping rope and a little space.
You can even improvise a rope too. You don’t need to be a pro; just jump, turn your rope and skip your rope


Jumping jacks are great body warm up exercises. I start with them and do them in between the other exercises to relax my muscles and relieve stress. They are always fun to do just like those days in Primary School.
They help to build your bones and muscles of the body. I have this pain on my chest from carrying and backing my baby because she’s big but I noticed that the pains are no longer there for some time now. Jumping jacks are also great for the hearts’ health (from panting and breathing, you will know
😄). *They are easy to do and doesn’t require much space or professionalism.

You can do this by standing straight with your legs together and your hands hands by your sides, then slightly bend your knees and jump spread out your legs and clapping your hands above your head. Just go like Goofy.. Mickey Mouse’ friend.
I like the clapping sounds* 😄

I also do air boxing, high knee, running up and down my 42 stairs
to stay fit and sweat some sweat out 😁.

Once am done, I head straight to my bathroom and have a warm bath; and for today, this is on my menu for breakfast.


Come join me Lovely ladies.

I know we all value our health as humans and as women, we can do anything to stay healthy if we decide to and good to note too, you can have fun at the same time 👌. And you don’t need a Gym studio to do these, you can achieve them from the comfort of your home.
You can achieve all these within 30 minutes. Just set your targets and time.

I need to do a two weeks or 30 days challenge to sweat it out! 😉Who’s in with me? We need to be fit and look good for ourselves and Sweethearts 💃🏽

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. Please, stay safe and healthy too. I love you all.

Here’s my entry @steemwomenclub.



Nice one dear and the way the country is going, the fitness mat come to play

Wow! This is encouraging, Its good to take care of your health.

 3 years ago 

May I understand what you mean by Cool? @viclove1991

 3 years ago 

Wooow. Beautiful. Keep it up. I'll give them a try.

 3 years ago 

@nneoma08 the work outs really help us to be fit.
I was once doing it every morning,, but I stopped. I wish I can go back to it. Seeing you now,, just moved me..

 3 years ago 

Thanks Sis. You can still go back if you make up your mind. It really helps a lot and I believe every woman needs it. Thanks for visiting, Sis

 3 years ago 

Hullo @nneoma,a glass of warm water really gets us going with the day...morning exercises are really hard to keep up with but will try out .
Thanks for sharing

 3 years ago 

Yes Sweetie. You need to try it. It’s worth it. Thank you so much for reading through!

 3 years ago 

I need to do a two weeks or 30 days challenge to sweat it out! 😉Who’s in with me?

I am in oo. This is very beneficial. Thanks so much for the education.

 3 years ago 

You’re welcome to the fitness team Sweetie. Please, get in touch for more info. Staying fit and healthy is our priority.

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