in SteemWomen Club3 years ago (edited)

Hello Beautiful Women of this amazing platform.
How have you all been? I trust we all and our families are doing great

Let’s not forget that taking good care of ourselves is key to the well being of every members of our families. We have to save ourselves first before we can adequately save others

So this week’s contest #18 centers on Homemade healthy drink.
There are lots of healthy drinks out there but non can be compared to those we make at home by ourselves because no body can make better choices as regards our health more than us.


So I will be presenting Banana, Watermelon and Pineapple Drink and Smoothie with peanuts and liquid milk for garnishing.
I make lots of homemade healthy drinks and this is one of them

For this recipe, I will be using;

  • Bananas
  • Pineapple
  • Watermelon
  • Peanuts
  • Liquid Milk
  • Water for easy blending
  • An electric Blender


Did you know that banana has many more vitamins and nutrients than apple? Yes, a banana a day keeps the doctor away. They are super foods.
They are rich in Vitamin A and C, Carbohydrates, Iron, Phosphorus, fiber and natural sugar
People with diabetes can enjoy banana because they help to maintain healthy glucose level in the blood.
Bananas help to boost energy level of the body more than most sports drinks. Just two bananas provide enough calories for an hour and half workout or walk.
As women, we are advised to take two bananas instead of drugs to reduce menstrual pain and testify to its wonders.
Do you experience itching and swelling after mosquitoes or insects bites? Try rubbing the inside of your bananas peels.
An elderly woman had advised me to use bananas to subdue morning sicknesses when I was pregnant. I did and worked for me, I guess it’s because of its calming properties.
Bananas act as natural antacids. They help to neutralize the acidity of the stomach and also help to soothe heart burn.source
They’re actually my favorite fruits.


Watermelons are low in calories and sugar thus making them great choices for weight management and good options for those living with diabetes. Watermelons help to keep the body hydrated and aids in digestion because of their high water content. They can help regulate body temperature.
They contain Vitamins A, C and D that help the body to build immunity and support healthy skin. I do watermelon oil therapy for brightening my skin especially immediately after delivery. source


Pineapples have antioxidants that help the body to fight diseases and they help to support the immune system because they are rich in Vitamin C. They are also helpful in weight management because they will fill you up without adding much calories. Pineapples contain manganese that support healthy bones. They aid digestion just like watermelons. Pineapples also help in managing cancer because they have cancer fighting properties. source


Peanuts are rich in antioxidants, folate which is highly recommended for pregnant women as it helps to prevent lots of birth defects and lots of essential minerals like zinc, calcium, potassium, phosphorus etc that also help our bodies to fight diseases. The fats in peanuts are heart friendly
They are high in protein which is a major nutrient that our bodies need for growth and repairs.source


• I peeled the pineapple, banana and watermelons




• I then cut them into small chunks for easy blending and blended into smoothie.






• Now, I did both smoothie and juice because my baby prefers the juice. So I just used a filter to get a glass of the juice for her.



• To my smoothie, I added the peanuts and dripped in some liquid milk


for a creamy taste and garnishing.

Am done. Please, come for a sip😉



You don’t need to be told about it. Try it out and see for your self.

Permit me to summarize the explanation above. I simply made a weight management and immune system support homemade drink
It is drink is cost friendly and easy to make.

Thank you so much @steemwomenclub for this expository opportunity and thank you everyone for taking your time to read through.

I invite my friends @ladyofpolicy, @goodybest, @beewrites to join me in this contest.


Wow what a nice smoothie that you just made, I'm on your way to your house @nneoma, but what if I don't want to use groundnuts to enjoy my homemade drink, what else can I use?

 3 years ago 

😀😀😀😀😀. Thanks Sweetie for visiting. You can use any other nuts like almonds, cashew nuts. Although, Nuts are optional, you can skip them.

I really wish I can host all the amazing ladies in this community one day in my house 🤗🤗🤗🤗

That will be nice, I can't wait for that 💃💃💃

Very good in the body, keep it up I love this

 3 years ago 

Weldone@nneoma08 your Healthy juice looks yummy! I will try it out and thanks for sharing

 3 years ago 

Thanks plenty @goodybest Ma’am for your interest and for visiting

 3 years ago 

You're welcome @nneoma08

 3 years ago 

Please, I need the address to your house. I'm coming ASAP

 3 years ago 

I honestly can’t wait to hug you. Thanks so much, Sis

 3 years ago 

Wow, this looks yummy. I would love to have a taste of it. Thanks for sharing.

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