Steem Women club Engagement Contest 1 | My Mother, the most important person in my life by @monjuapollonia

in SteemWomen Club2 years ago (edited)

Greetings to steemwomensclub!


Edited by me in pixellab


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My Mother, me and my son👩‍👩‍👧

Mother resonates not just with blissful unconditional love but also with endless care which is the basic need of every child regardless of being humans or animals. The connection of mother's to their children started right back from conception and it's eternal bond.

My mother, Phubong Gladys Monju was the 4th wife of Monju Emmanuel Chia(my late father)
I'm from a polygamous family of 4 wives and 26 chilled and many grand and great grand children.


My Mother

If I'm to jot the list of reasons why my mommy is the most important person in my life, then it might seem endless, but here are few most crucial reasons why my mother is very important to me.

Unconditional Love

When I take a look at my mothers eyes I come to realize the true meaning of Unconditional love. This is because even though he's in her late 60s, she still discipline me and tells me how I'm still her little baby 28years ago! She loves me in any phase and situation she finds herself and I know that because I lost my daddy 23years ago and my mommy had to sacrifice her all to take care of me and my sibling. She went through hell in her steps children hands but yet she'll stay strong for us. Even after loosing my elder sister she didn't still give up on hope to continue loving and caring for me and my brother. She didn't have any skills or trade but could farm all year round to send me and my sibling to school while my elder sibling learnt a trade, I was enrolled into a government school.


My Mother and myself in church

Mothers are the first Teachers

For ever child, learning start before birth and that means inside the mother's womb. She often told me that during my pregnancy, she always talked and sang beautiful songs to me. That developed a strong bond between us and connection for me with the world.

What ever the language and custom I must have learned I learned first from my mother. She told me she will start hearing me calling Amma and that made her very special. This because the nature of polygamous homes warrant the mother's have access to their husbands homes once a week especially with her case that she was the 4th of 4wives.

She taught me right from wrong and how to live a fulfilling life. She achieved this because she was a no nonsense mother when it comes to decipline. She taught me all she knew and till date, she still does. She went through alot that helped shaped how she brought us up.

My mother gives me hope

I would say if it weren't for mothers, this world would be pretty hopeless. I say so because life is filled with varying experiences and though some are good and vice versa. My mother gives me the hope, love, care and comfort that assures me that in the end good always prevail. Through my mum's eyes and confidence, she always tells me of how hard work pays in the long run. Through all my situations whether from examinations or hardships of life, she's the number one person I seek guidance from first.


My mother at my bachelor's degree graduation

She's my best friend

Sometimes, only a mom’s lap was what I required to feel safe.
My mommy always tells me am an open book to her🥰. This because she knows me like no other. What ever i face I make, she tells me she understands me and love my like that. Her judgement are always right and she treat and discipline me according though. There's nothing about me that someone will tell her that will be strange for her, she's my number one confider and to top it all that I'm now her lone daughter after the demise of my elder sister.

My mother, my Foundation and pillar

All the values of marriage I know today, she taught me orally because her husband my dad died when I was just 5years old. So I couldn't learn by emulating her examples of marriage.

She taught me to build a marriage based on trust and love because when the foundation is strong, the enemy can't succeed and I'm glad I took her advice because I'm happily married.

She taught me how to take care of my kids unconditional the same way she did for us.

My children loves a d adores her so much and she took care of my son's and always with me during delivery and offcourse gives me all the comfort of post partum.


My mom and me at home

Love her the way she does

Though I know I can never pay her for everything she's done and is continuing to do for me but all I can do is to reciprocate that love and affections to her. I know she can never ask anything in return, but I can only make her feel special by surprising her on different occasions, days with gifts to let her know she's very important.


My mother, me and my kids

My mom is growing old and I'm also a mother now, I now understands her better why she did all she did in making sure discipline was a good behavioral sharpener.


At her age now, I'm playing the role of a mother to my mother because I monitor her diet and medications. This is because I want her to enjoy her grandchildren and enjoys a healthy life because it will bring completion to her because I'm doing what she did to me years back.


Mother, her daughter and grandkids

But still today, if I'm stuck somewhere, and feeling indecisive, I know she will bring stock of suggestions and a warm hug ready to mend me up. I love you very much mommy.

I will end here by inviting @chant, @hannybanny,@chiabertand, and @graciella to participate in this engagement challenge.

Thanks for Reading through 🌼🌼
Till next time!!
I love you'll ♥️


Mother resonates not just with blissful unconditional love but also with endless care which is the basic need of every child regardless of being humans or animals

Wow so happy to hear that your mom I'd the most important person in your life

Without a doubt, more than 80% of every being will always regard their mom to be the most important person in their lifes because of the unconditional love, care and protection their mom always gives them from child birth even right up to adulthood

All the values of marriage I know today, she taught me orally because her husband my dad died when I was just 5years old. So I couldn't learn by emulating her examples of marriage.

Ehhh yaaaa😴, it's a pitty to hear that your dad is no more. I believe he is resting with the Lord right now.

I'm also happy for that fact that your mom raised you up as a single parent and made you who you are today. I see you Both have shared alot of memories together. So with no doubt I see why she is your role model. I wish her many more years on earth

 2 years ago 

Thanks for your kid words and I must say I pray too for her long life.
Mothers are gold

আপনার মা ও পাশে আপনারা ছেলেমেয়ের ছবি দেখে খুবই ভালো লাগতেছে। আমিও আমার মাকে অনেক ভালোবাসি। জীবনের শেষ দিন পর্যন্ত ভালোবেসে যাবো।

 2 years ago 

Truly mother love unconditional, she filled the gap of father and groom you to who you are today. No amount of word can describe the sacrifice of mother to their children. May God bless all mothers with good health, peace of mind and long life to eat the fruit of their labour. Thanks for sharing @monjuapollonia

 2 years ago 

Thanks for reading my post my dear friend!
Good health and long life Shall be their portion in Jesus Name 🙏🙏 AMEN

Dear sis, you have explained all what a mother is made of. I love the part you extended it beyond humans to animals. Mothers in general are are huge and great blessings from God and I don’t think we can repay them in cash or in kind. She has nurse you from childhood till you also become a mother and that is the transition. I’m glad you are also a mother and may God keep blessing every mother for their kind hearted and generous life. Anyway may our late father soul rest in perfect peace. Good luck dear sister.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for really taking time to read through my post.
I'm grateful and as you rightly said, we can never pay them in kind or cash.
But with our Little efforts, we can put smiles on their faces


 2 years ago 

Motherly love can never be compare, I can remember those how my mom will be bringing food stuff for me in my husband house. I love the way you are taking good care of her, only the love alone you shown her will make her more healthy, continue doing your best my friend

This is simply gorgeous that your mama is still strong and healthy. This is a blessing only God can be the initiator.

You know when you spend time listing those qualities i see the image of my mother in her. African mothers have this unique character. God bless your mother dear.

Your mum was the 4th wife. That makes your father a Lion. Ohh African we need to follow their food steps. What is happening to us🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 We need to wake up. Even just two wifes at least...

Thanks dear for sharing this great moments with us . Pray for long life for mama ..Shalom.

 2 years ago 

You know what?
Mother don’t want to be paid for what they do. All that the want is a hug and a “I love you mom”.
And that I can see from your post you give!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful mother with us.

 2 years ago 

I agree with you mother's give hope where there is no hope and the love they have is unconditional even when we disobey they still cherish and love us.

 2 years ago 

Yes indeed
Even; n disobedience our mothers unconditional love makes us realize how wrong we are

 2 years ago (edited)

The love you have for your mother is unmeasurable .Your mom is really a super woman taking care of her children single handedly is not easy .May the soul of dad keep resting peace .Your mom should be proud you too seeing you a big woman now with your beautiful family .Only what most mothers go through to take care of their children no one can tell .The joy of every mother is to see their childrenhappy and succeeding in life . Am happy seeing you acknowledging what your mother have did for you and she still doing . I love seeing children who take care of their parent .Some will suffer at the end the children behave as if they don’t have parent or conscience .Turn to Neglect their parents .Am happy at the end you have mentioned caring and loving you are to your mom at the age 60 years .providing her medication,etc

 2 years ago 

Aweee mother’s love is unconditional and best managers at home. From your post, it shows that your mother played an important role in your life.
I am happy you are taking good care of her as she is a patient. Now is the time for her to enjoy the goodness she entrusted in you. Had it been she was a bad mother, I do not think you would have cherished her this way.

Our wish is that our mothers should live long to enjoy the fruit of their labour. Thanks for sharing with us.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for your kind words my dear friend.
I'm telling you, no one wishes for a bad mother and I pray for long life.

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