Family planning

in SteemWomen Club2 years ago


Greetings my lovely friends in @steemwomensclub Having kids can be one of the best experiences in your life. But having children is also a big decision, and you should think carefully about it. If you’re not sure if you’re ready to have a baby, or how many children to have and when, family planning can help.


Importance of Family Planning

  • Family planning is important. It allows you to decide the ideal number of children and the spacing between them.

  • Family planning allows you to decide the ideal number of children and the spacing between them.

  • Family planning helps you plan your family's finances and other resources, as well as prepare for future pregnancies.

It's important to talk with a doctor or nurse if you're thinking about using any form of birth control, including natural methods such as fertility awareness.

📌Family planning can help you plan your family's finances and other resources.

📌You can plan for your child's future.

📌You can plan for your own retirement.

📌You can plan for your children's education.

📌Family planning helps your children do better in school because they're born healthier, and can learn more easily.

If a mother is well fed, she can easily breastfeed her baby. This means that the child will be healthier and have better mental development. The result is that the child does better in school, and has a stronger chance of making it to university or college.

  • Spacing out pregnancies is also good for mothers’ health..

  • Spacing out pregnancies is also good for mothers’ health.

  • It is easier to recover from one pregnancy than from two.

Mothers can be more involved in their children's lives and have the energy to play with them and help them learn, which encourages language development.

Mothers are more effective at work when they don't have another child to take care of at home. They are also less likely to lose their jobs because they can continue working while pregnant or recovering from childbirth.

They can spend more time volunteering in the community, which benefits everyone!

Family planning helps all members of the family.


Family planning is not just about you. It's about your partner and your children, too. You can make the decision to have a child as many times as you want—and if you decide that now isn't the right time for a baby, family planning allows your family to plan for its long-term health.

Family planning gives everyone in the family a share of responsibility for having children when they're ready financially, emotionally and physically—and it helps those children do better in school because they're born healthier and can learn more easily. Even if you don't think of yourself as someone who cares about global issues, family planning has benefits here at home: it lowers crime rates (because children grow up in less stressful environments), decreases welfare costs (because fewer people need government assistance) and increases tax revenue (because people spend less money on abortions).

Family planning benefits everyone in your family.

The benefits of family planning are many. For example, it helps you plan your family's finances and other resources, which can be hard when you're trying to juggle a job and children.

It also reduces the risk of pregnancy complications like preterm birth or having a baby with low birth weight.

And it helps your children do better in school by giving them more time to focus on their studies instead of worrying about whether they should have another sibling now or later.

It's clear that family planning is good for everyone—but if you still need convincing, here are some other reasons why it's so important:


Protect yourself and your family by taking the necessary steps to plan your family. Visit a health care provider, or contact one of our local partners today to talk more about how you can begin planning your family.

 2 years ago (edited)

Family planning is good for those who will like to go by it. As for me, I am not a fan of that and I didn't do it. I still achieved my aim of 2 kids. But the points you have made here about it's importance are capable of attracting one to try it out. Good job dear!
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 2 years ago 

Thank you Sister

 2 years ago 

You need to power up

 2 years ago 

Okay. I have powered up now

The user does not belong to #club100 or #club5050. The user has not activated 50% of the earnings of the last 30 days. Last powerup on march 20.


Cc. @ngoenyi


 2 years ago (edited)

Well, all the tools I used showed that she is in club100 though I didn't check her wallet. But I agree, one can not be in club100 when she is not in club5050.


If indeed the tool shows that it is in #club100 I don't understand why. But, seeing so little turned on I check, there are many variables by which I analyze.
Thanks for your attention!

 2 years ago 

According to me the rule of Club100 say that an account:

  • Have no transfers in the last 3 months
  • Have to have vesting transfers in the last 3 months, no mention of the amount or that it needs to be in every month. Just that there needs to be vesting transfers.
    If that is the case this account is a club100 member.
    Total Transfers for 3 months = 0
    Total Vesting transfers for 3 months BEFORE yesterday's vesting is 2.501 which does qualify this account to be a Club100 member

What will influence curators is the ZERO Voting CSI


 2 years ago 

@morpheussa will check this out in the morning

 2 years ago 

Great post!
I wish that more people can see your post.
Family planning is such an important factor and a must be on the list for all newly weds.
Thank you for sharing!

 2 years ago 

You are welcome

Family planing is very good to some people their body accepted but as for me, no way. I prefer natural .

 2 years ago 

Natural Method is still part of the family planning. Once you understand your cycle then you're good to go.

Thank you for reaching out to my post

This is really great articles for mothers

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