Steem Women's Club Community Contest #9 ''DECLARE YOUR LOVE'' ||| My husband my great love.|Concurso de la Comunidad del Club de Mujeres Steem #9 | ''DECLARA TU AMOR'' ||| Mi esposo mi gran amor. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ [Eng/Esp]

in SteemWomen Club4 years ago

Image made by me with marker

Steem Women's Club Community Contest #9 ''DECLARE YOUR LOVE'' ||| My husband my great love.



Hello friends of SteemWomen Club, this is my entry for the beautiful contest this week Declare your love, in the course of our lives we have people who occupy a space in our hearts: mom, dad, children, husband, all those who are an important part of our lives.

Thank God that he rewarded me with a beautiful family, that despite the circumstances we remain united, here I declare my love is to my husband and friend, the person I chose as a life partner and has accompanied me at all times both good and bad. He and I created a beautiful family and the biggest thing I have are my two children, my princess who is 6 years old and the baby who is 2 years old, we have been together for 9 years and 7 years married, it has not always been easy, but together we always get ahead.



He is a serious, persevering, honest, respectful and responsible man. He helps without expecting anything in return, understanding despite having a strong character, he knows how to recognize his mistakes and rectify them, he is very cautious, he never takes a step if he is not sure of taking it, he has a patience that I admire and above all he is a great father.


Favorite trait

He has many things that I like, but what stands out the most is his role as a father and how responsible he is with us, his dedication and effort to move our family forward.

My husband with children



Without a doubt he has sacrificed a lot and more if it is for his family.

A few years ago I had a health problem for which I had to be hospitalized, my daughter was only 7 months old and I had no one to take care of me in the hospital because my mother was far away, he prepared everything for the child before leaving her to my mother in law, he went to the university and then to the hospital to take care of me, he was there for several days while I was hospitalized, he became very thin, I understood the word well in good times and bad times.

When my little girl turned 2 years old I decided to go back to college and he gave me all his support, many times I wanted to give up but he encouraged me to continue, I have always had his support. Many times he stopped having things for himself, he prefers to give them to our children.

I went through a great state of anxiety and he helped me with his patience and understanding, when I feel like falling he always extends his hand and holds me tighter saying I am here for you, don't give up. I have always had his support, he is my best friend, the love of my life.

This was the gift I gave my husband for valentine's day


For this I dedicate this poem to him:

I declare my love to you.


I declare you my love, light of my life, to look at your beautiful eyes makes my heart beat,
I declare you my love, companion of my life, accomplice of my follies,
I declare you my love for your unconditional support,
I declare my love for you with all my heart,
I write you this poem that comes from my heart,
our love based on respect, affection and affection,
I want to live my life with you until my last breath, to be an example for our children,
may honesty never be lacking,
you know that you can always count on me,
your heart is my refuge, your arms my comfort,
your gaze transports me to the world that I love,
I love you my life, my love, my companion.

I love you!


Thanks to SteemWomen Club, for running this contest every week and for being a great support for all the girls that are part of this beautiful community. I invite @babybothe and @gabrielagg Link of the contest.

💞 Thanks for visiting my post 💞

Own photos taken with my phone.



Imagen echa por mi con marcador

Concurso de la Comunidad del Club de Mujeres Steem #9 | ''DECLARA TU AMOR'' ||| Mi esposo mi gran amor.



Hola amigas de SteemWomen Club, esta es mi entrada para el hermoso concurso de esta semana Declara tu amor, en el transcursos de nuestra vida tenemos personas que ocupan un espacio en nuestro corazón: mama, papa hijos , esposo, todos los que hacen parte importante en nuestra vida.

Gracias a Dios que me recompenso con una linda familia, que a pesar de las circunstancias nos mantenemos unidos, por aquí le declaro mi amor es a mi esposo y amigo, la persona que elegí como compañero de vida y que me ha acompañado en todo momento tanto buenos como malos. El y yo creamos una hermosa familia y lo mas grande que tengo son mis dos hijos, mi princesa que tiene 6 años y el bebe que tiene 2 años, llevamos nueve años juntos y 7 años casados no siempre a sido fácil, pero juntos siempre salimos adelante.



Es un hombre serio, perseverante, honesto, respetuoso y responsable. Ayuda sin esperar nada a cambio, comprensivo a pesar de tener un carácter fuerte sabe reconocer sus errores y rectificar, es muy cauteloso nunca da un paso si no esta seguro de darlo, tiene una paciencia que admiro y sobre todo es un gran padre.


Característica favorita

Tiene muchas cosas que me gusta, pero lo que mas resalto es su rol como padre y lo responsable que es con nosotros, su dedicación y esfuerzo por sacar adelante nuestra familia

Mi esposo con los niños



Sin duda el a sacrificado mucho y mas si es por su familia.

Hace algunos años tuve un problema de salud por el cual tuvieron que hospitalizarme mi hija apenas tenia 7 meses de nacida y no tenia quien me cuidara en el hospital ya que mi madre estaba lejos, el le preparaba todo a la niña antes de dejársela a mi suegra, iba a la universidad y después al hospital a cuidarme así estuvo varios días mientras estuve hospitalizada el se puso muy delgado hay entendí bien la palabra en las buena y las malas.

Cuando mi pequeña cumplió los 2 años decidí volver a la universidad y el me brindo todo su apoyo, muchas veces quise desistir pero el me alentaba a seguir, siempre he contado con su apoyo. Muchas veces a dejado de tener cosas para el, prefiere dársela a nuestros hijos.

Pase por por un gran estado de ansiedad y el me ayudo con su paciencia y comprensión, cuando siento caer el siempre extiende su mano y me agarra mas fuerte diciendo estoy aquí para ti, no te rindas. Siempre he tenido su apoyo el es mi mejor amigo, el amor de mi vida.

Este fue el regalo que le hice para san valentin


Por esto le dedico este poema:

Te declaro mi amor.


Te declaro mi amor luz de mi vida,
mirar tus hermosos ojos hacen palpitar mi corazón,
te declaro mi amor compañero de vida cómplice de mis locuras,
te declaro mi amor por tu apoyo incondicional,
te declaro mi amor con todo mi corazón,
te escribo este poema que me sale del corazón,
nuestro amor basado en el respeto el cariño y el afecto,
quiero vivir mi vida contigo hasta mi ultimo suspiro, ser un ejemplo para nuestros hijos,
que nunca falte la honestidad,
sabes que conmigo siempre puedes contar,
tu corazón es mi refugio tus brazos mi consuelo,
tu mirada me transporta al mundo que yo quiero,
te amo mi vida, mi amor, mi compañero.

Te amo!!!


Gracias a SteemWomen Club, por cada semana llevar a cabo estos concurso y por ser un gran apoyo para todas las chicas que formamos parte de esta hermosa comunidad. Invito a @babybothe y @gabrielagg Link del concurso.

💞 Gracias por visitar mi post 💞

Fotos propias tomadas con mi teléfono.



Gracias por la invitación.
Un hermoso poema amiga @maivys.
Realizare mi post.

 4 years ago 

Muchas gracias amiga, que bueno que te animaras a participar

hi @meivys
I have confirmed your contest entry. It's nice that you tell about your love for your husband. Your husband is very lucky. Many features made you love it. It is the greatest chance to have a beautiful family and husband. It always makes you happy in life. I congratulate you on your good words.
Thank you very much for participating in the contest. Our slogan in this community; together we are strong. We will support each other. I will strive for women to win. Keep making quality posts in the community.
If there is any problem, you can access it from the discord channel. Good luck :)

 4 years ago 

Thank you very much for your words, greetings and blessings.

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