8 March World Women's Day 24-Hour Contest | International Women's Day - "Women's fight for equal rights"steemCreated with Sketch.

in SteemWomen Club4 years ago (edited)

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World Women's Day 24-Hour Contest

Greetings dear readers

I join the Contest and share my reflective prose in relation to the commemoration of the

March 8th
International Women's Day
"We commemorate this day, the fight of women for equal rights."

_ @marlenyaragua

World Women's Day 24-Hour Contest

Promoted by @steemwomensclub

With the support and sponsorship of @steemcurator01, @steemcurator02 and @joanna018

Thanks you your support to the Contest and the SteemWomen Club Community and us women

I begin my participation by giving thanks for a new sunrise

Grateful for being able to watch this new dawn and share with those I love and respect.

Grateful for having given life

Grateful for being able to enjoy the Miracle of Life.

Blessings to all Venezuelan women and to all women in the world ... and to every woman who has transformed adversity into an opportunity for life.

My respects!

Without further ado ... my participation in this contest

What are the Good Things to be a Woman?

Being a woman is a privilege for me, why? Because we are capable of giving life, an extraordinary privilege that gives us the opportunity to perpetuate ourselves from our genetics because we also have the possibility of transcending with the footprints that we leave on the path and in the lives of the beings with whom we share day by day. We must remember every day of our lives that we are spiritual beings, that with our light we illuminate our path and radiate to the world. We are also human beings with feelings, emotions and sensations that we develop in a society, hence we are social beings.

And What Does Steem Women Club Community Mean to You?

For me, the SteemWomen Club Community is the interactive space where women, without any discrimination, can share their philosophy and life mission, their likes and pleasures, their life projects and even share their fears and how they have transformed them. It is a multipurpose space, both for recreation and production, since in this community we can also share our productive projects so that they can give us suggestions or recommendations or so that our companions can take some ideas, assuming the value of solidarity among us women.

Describe the pros of being a woman

For me, obviously from my perception and philosophy of life, being a woman has extraordinary advantages when we understand that we are beings with rights and opportunities on equal terms with human beings of the male gender. Every day we have a great opportunity to be our best version as the spiritual beings, human beings and social beings that we are. Therefore, we must assume from tolerance and respect our actions in the society where we develop and develop, even in a virtual community like ours. To be a woman is to give life, is to give love. From my philosophy of life, I vibrate with the Energy of Love***. In this sense, it cannot be postponed that love be the energy that transforms the world into that space of life where peace, love, solidarity, joy, companionship prevail; which is the same as saying Living in Community . I am sure that women are capable of transforming the world with their actions.

There is an African proverb that says.

"If women were to lower their arms, the sky would fall".

I can attest by statistical information that I have read that in the world the largest number of production systems are in the hands of women, of all ages, races and ideologies.

Talk about your favorite features

I am an optimist by choice of life and if at any time I have had to face complex situations or events, in some days of my life, I have seen it as the day of the big lesson and, that day, of course, is going to give me a learning experience. Sometimes it has been a learning at a structural level, to realize that I must transform the energy associated with that event or situation. That is the moment to redirect the logbook, to find new paths, to travel new roads, to let go of the suitcases in order to travel light and free of attachments, without commitments or ties created by petty interests.

For me there are no bad days or good days

There is only the opportunity to look at a new dawn every day. A new dawn is a new chance at life. It is a new opportunity to be our best version as a spiritual being, as a human being and as a social being. Gratitude is the cornerstone of prosperity and abundance. Therefore I am grateful for all the days lived, without judging or labeling. I only dedicate myself to be thankful for every day lived and for every blessing received. I am grateful for the days of joy, enjoyment and well-being. I am also thankful for the complex days of great lessons because on those days the learning has been genuine. On the days of complex events, of which there have been many, I have never just complained. Many times I have asked myself, as if I were talking to myself from my other self, what is it that I must learn, what is the learning of this moment, what must I correct my actions, what must I transform? Because I know and I am absolutely convinced that every cloud has a silver lining. I usually detect the positive side of what happens to me and if I do not find it with the naked eye, then I dedicate myself to look for it in 5D and on a multicolored scale. That is why I am the one who selects the colors of each stripe in my path.

I am a lover of Nature and it is its components that govern my Being that materializes in my Doing. It is the water, the sky, the plants, the sun, the moon, the stars, the butterflies and many other insects that visit my garden that inspire me. It is these daily transformations that I can see in my garden that tell me that I can transform myself, day by day, to give answers to the dynamic scenario that is life.

I am a practitioner of spirituality, a lover of nature and a lacto-ovopiscivegetarian, that is to say, in my meals the main ingredients are fresh vegetables and fruits. I consume eggs and fish as animal protein. I love to prepare my meals. I love to prepare and taste Sensory Food. I love to prepare my sweets with seasonal fruits. I am the one who grows my own spices and some of my vegetables in pots. I have a lover. That lover is my Garden.

Grateful for being who I am!

Is the Steem Women Club community important to you?

The SteemWomen Club Community is useful and important to me because it is a space to meet, to interact and it can even be a space for analysis and discussion. It is an interactive space for women directed and managed by women with the support of beautiful beings who respect women and their free, creative and emancipating actions.

What does this community mean to you?

I would like it to be that space of permanent interaction where I can give opinions, share original and quality content and continue in this beautiful learning that has been for me to belong to the Steemit platform.

Universe conspires in favor

Translated with www.DeepL.com
(free version)

It has been a pleasure to share with you today's theme

We are Energy ... Energy is Transformed

Photograph by @marlenyaragua

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving comments

Until a next post

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