La familia el lugar donde todo comienza/The family the place where it all begins (Esp/Eng)
At university while I was studying law, I was taught from the first academic years and in the area of family law, that the family was the basis of society. This concept has migrated to other areas of daily life, and is commonly used to give a basic and concrete idea of what should be understood as family, more from a social than a legal point of view.
I also understood that the behaviour in the family, and the behaviours learned during the early years, and then throughout a person's life, are exhibited on a day-to-day basis both in the workplace, whatever it may be, and in school or university education, areas of training or study, which do not replace what is learned at home, but only complement or shape it to a certain extent.
Es por ello que la familia, más como una idea social que como legal, debe ser entendida como determinante en la formación de las personas que integran la sociedad, por lo que está será inequívocamente el reflejo de aquellas. Cada una de las familias aporta algo a esa gran sociedad y a su comportamiento en colectivo, para bien o para mal.
This is why the family, more as a social idea than a legal one, must be understood as a determining factor in the formation of the people who make up society, which is why it will unequivocally be a reflection of them. Each family contributes something to this great society and to its collective behaviour, for better or for worse.
The boundaries of right and wrong learned in early childhood can directly determine the criminal acts committed by the adult subject in the future, causing him or her to lose discernment between what is accepted behaviour and what is wrong and harmful to others.
Por este motivo, la Familia es considerada como un Derecho Humano al que toda persona tiene derecho, siendo que los niños tienen el Derecho a ser educados por sus padres y estos la exclusividad de su cuidado, teniendo cada Estado la obligación de garantizar el ejercicio adecuado de este derecho.
For this reason, the family is considered a human right to which every person has the right, and children have the right to be educated by their parents and their parents have the exclusive right to care for them, with each State having the obligation to guarantee the adequate exercise of this right.
Pienso que cuando se tome consciencia de la importancia de la Familia como personas que conviven juntas, con un vínculo afectivo sano, que tienen normas, que se educan y protegen entre sí, podremos tener una sociedad global más humana y en paz. La familia no debe ser entendida solo como un concepto, Sino como lo que es como un Derecho, que en la medida que se ejerza apropiadamente, irá contribuyendo a un conglomerado social más sano orientado a la convivencia en armonía.
I think that when we become aware of the importance of the family as people who live together, with a healthy emotional bond, who have rules, who educate and protect each other, we will be able to have a more humane and peaceful global society. The family should not be understood only as a concept, but as what it is as a right, which, to the extent that it is exercised appropriately, will contribute to a healthier social conglomerate oriented towards living together in harmony.