Steem Women club Engagement Contest 1 | My aunt is the most special person

in SteemWomen Club2 years ago (edited)

Hello dear steemwomen, it's my pleasure to write to you today. It is with special love and affection that I participate in this contest and also the challenge.
I will be sharing with you the woman I consider the most special in my life.

I ask that you please continue reading, open your hearts wide and feel the feeling of this post 😍.

Most special woman in my life

As a young girl, I have gone through so many experience, met many people and those people are the ones who have molded me into the person I am today. But I have one person I have especially become fond of.

IMG_20220425_000020_748.jpg Image taken from @ngoenyi's profile

For many years I have lived with my aunt @ngoenyi and I tell you that she is the one whom have become the most special to me.
She has become like a mother to me since the day I started to live with her and that is why I will devote this content to her. I will also tell you the reasons she has become so special to me. Keep reading....

Why my aunt is important?

My aunt is is important to me for the following reasons:

  • She is the one who taught me almost everything I know in life

My aunt taught me the real meaning of life, how things work, who the true God is and how to worship him and for these reasons I'm grateful to her.
She also introduced steemit to me and taught me the basic things I need to know. She has also done this for many people and like me they have been succeeding because of her guidance and care.

  • Her beautiful qualities

Another reason my aunt is so special is because of her beautiful qualities which include the following:

  • Honesty
  • Kindness
  • Tactfulness
  • Love
  • Impartial
  • Peaceable
  • Selflessness

And many more, all of these qualities endears her to me and I want to imitate them too.

  • Her discipline means love

My aunt always discipline me when I do something wrong. Though I may feel bad at first when the discipline is given but later I always come to realize that it is out of love for my.own good and I try to be more careful next time.

My aunt treats me as part of her family which makes her a great person


Yes, all the above and more are the reasons why my aunt is so special to me. Below I will share a few endearing memories I have shared with her and I hope you also continue reading that passage.

Memories with my aunt

I have shared beautiful memories with my aunt, most of which even made her more special. I will share a few of them with you:

Worship of the true God together

Yes, my aunt taught me who the true God is and how to worship him acceptably. And since them we have been doing it together.
The picture below shows me and her on the day I got baptized in 2019.


That was the most important day of my life and she was right there beside me. She encouraged me to dedicate my life to Gid and that is what I chose to do. At that time I was 15 years old.

Dancing together

My aunt is a very free person who is kind and loving to everyone. Many times we do things together, we work together, dance together and do many other things. Here below I show you one of the special dances that we did:

That day was special and the dance was much more fun with her.

Anniversary celebration

I've been part of the many celebrations in my aunt's family and the most memorable one is when we celebrated their anniversary together.


The above picture was taken on the 14th wedding anniversary of my aunt which I was also part of. That day we made special gifts and crafts for her. My cousins and I also performed special dance on that day. It was so much fun and emotional on that day.


Friends, there are many more things to write about, many things to talk about. Pages will overfull if I keep on writing. One thing I will still emphasis is that my aunt is a very special person. All her beautiful qualities are amazing and I thank God that she is part of my life 🙂.

I invite the following users to join in this contest:

to join in the contest as I leave you the link below:

Steemit Engagement Contest1 ; Write About the Important Woman/Man in Your Life. Why They İmportant?? 👩‍🦱👨🏻‍🦱 | Warning ⚠️Male users can participate in the Contest!

Thank you @steemwomensclub and @svm038 for this contest. Its been a delight for me to participate.



Dios sabrá recompensar todo el bien que tu tia ha hecho en tu vida. el amor a veces se esconde tras el miedo es muy frecuente que suceda en los seres que amamos y que están con la responsabilidad de cuidarnos. Tanto amor hacia nosotros les hace sentir miedo a que nos pase algo malo.

 2 years ago 

Yes, I pray that God blesses her always for me. Since she is such a nice person she deserves all the good things she is getting.

I appreciate you for reading my post. Thank you 🌻

 2 years ago 

Amiga ! Que gran participación se puede ver el gran aprecio que sientes por tu tía y no es para menos si te ha ayudado tanto 😃

Tienes a una gran tía que bueno que sientas tan cariño por ella y que ella te cuide tanto como lo hace, tu sinceridad deja ver cuánto respeto le tienes a tu tía y eso es genial .

Tu tía veo que ha hecho una gran labor al educarte y tratarte como parte de la familiaeso Jehová no lo olvida y más cuando somos bondadosos y todo lo que hacemos por otro lo hacemos con amor y por amor tal y como Jesús lo hizo por muchos con ingenuidad y con mucho respeto por cada persona.

Gracias a Dios que tienes a alguien que te quiere te valora te respeta te escucha y hace cualquier cosa por verte feliz

El respeto a la persona es algo muy valioso e importante y tú lo reflejas muy bien te felicito supongo que con todo lo que cuentas de tu tía ella también te respeta de una forma muy linda y con aprecio .

Estoy feliz de saber que estás en buenas manos mi bella madilyn02

Éxito en tu participación.

 2 years ago 

Yes my beautiful friend, I appreciate her so much for taking good care of me for all those years. She has taught me many things for which I'm grateful for.
I also thank God for his beautiful provisions by means of my aunt. I will continue to show my appreciation by obeying everything she says.

Thank you for coming to read my post and for all the encouragements that you give me. Im very happy that I know you 😊😍

 2 years ago 

Hola amiga que bendición de mujer tienes en tu vida.

He leído sus características de verdad mis respetos para ella.

Tienes una excelente guía y madre, que es especial es que compartan aniversario s y muchas celebraciones.

Que almas libres para bailar y gozar la vida, vivan y atesoren cada segundo.

Miles de bendiciones.

 2 years ago 

Yes friend, she is a blessing from God to me..I'm very happy to be with her and to learn so much things.

We enjoy many things together and for all of those things I'm thankful to God.

Thank you so much for your visit. Blessings to you too 😊

 2 years ago 

Que bueno que lo sea.

Saludos para ella, sigan disfrutado de la compañía de la.otea.

De nada, amén.

 2 years ago 

Sin duda alguna, @ngoenyi es una gran mujer, me hubiese gustado crecer cerca de una mentora como ella, pues es capaz de enseñar con amor y desinteresadamente, te está ayudando mucho a forjar tu futuro con bases sólidas y juntas son un gran equipo.

Felicitaciones por tenerla cerca de ti, Amalia mucho pues lo merece todo en la vida ❤️

Estaré participando también en este concurso lindo

 2 years ago 

Hello friend, yes my aunt teaches me a lot and she is also very kind.
I'm grateful to her for everything and I'm glad that I've learnt so much.

Thank you for your kindly visit. It's always a pleasure to read your comment. God bless you always 😊

 2 years ago 

Amén mi hermosa, en breve rendiré mi entrada al Challenge también.
Te la mostraré por el grupo.
Te mando un abrazo gigante 😘

 2 years ago 

Your aunt is a rare gem and I am kinda jealous you about all the qualities you share about her.
Of course sometimes we feel bad when corrected but as time goes on, we realized only those who love us have time to correct.
She was even kind enough to make part of the family which is a very good character of a good christian.
Thanks for sharing

 2 years ago 

Yes friend, you're right, discipline is not always a joyful thing at first but it yields good results later on. It's good that I have someone who disciplines me ND guides me in the right direction.

Thank you for stopping by to read my post. Your comment is really encouraging. Thank you 😊

 2 years ago 

You're welcome dear

 2 years ago 

What you have mentioned in your post is the true values of a woman.

  • Honest
  • Kind
  • Tactful
  • Lovable
  • Impartial
  • Peaceable
  • Selflessness
    Your aunt is that true woman we all strive to be! BUT, can I tell you something? I'm pretty sure she also adores you.
    All the best for your entry!
 2 years ago 

Thank you for that nice assurance my dear friend. I'm sure she does.

Those are beautiful qualities I will also love to imitate and by Jehovah's grace I will also be displaying them.

Thank you for your visit 🌻

 2 years ago 

You're blessed to have an aunt who loves you like her very own and treat you without any partiality.

Indeed all the qualities you have mentioned above , I must say I have met her in person but I have been chatting with her on WhatsApp and I must say they're all valid.

I didn't know you guys can dance real good. I love dancing too!

I hope you're making her proud of you!
Thanks for sharing

 2 years ago 

Thank you friend, yes it is indeed a blessing for me to have her.
Yes, those qualities are the beautiful aspects of her and they make her very unique.

I appreciate your nice visit to my post. Reading your comments made me feel like you are a person who values beautiful qualities and I am pretty sure yiu possess lots of them. Have a wonderful week ahead 😊

Even without reading your story, when i saw your cover photo I had to read your story.

The first quality of your mom which i have grown to fall inlove with is that she is hardworking. She has proven to the whole steemit Ecosystem that what you set your mind to can be archived through hardwork and consistency.

Because of this, she has so many roles on this platform and she continues to strive.

As she continues to display her motherly love and care on this platform to most people she has never met, i am sure its the same way she treats her own at home.

Your mom is a wonderful woman and am glad you were able to talk about her beautifully.

Thank you.

 2 years ago 

Yes my friend, you're right. She is very hardworking and caring at the same time. Its no surprise that she succeeds in many things because she always works hard for them.

Thank you for appreciating my post 🌹

 2 years ago 

Wow! You have a treasure as your aunty dear.@ngoenyi is a very special person that i would want to meet one day.
I love how she goes all in to help other people.
You are so lucky to have her as your aunty.

I admire the nigerian community on steemit because they have someone like her.
I am sure she is so happy and proud of you too.

My special greetings to your aunty and give her a very big hug for me.

 2 years ago 

Yes she always lobe helping people out, im happy to know that you also admire her qualities.
I hope we can all meet someday and then we can show our admiration for ourselves.

Thanks for visiting my post today 💐

Madam, you have had a wonderful day You enjoyed the day with much joy This moment of your joy is beautiful among us Thank you so much for sharing.

 2 years ago 

Thank you mt friend for your visit. I was writing about the special woman in my life. Reading it will help you to know what I wrote about her and know the right thing to comment. Thank you for your visit ones more 😊

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