Sustaining magnetism in your marriage,

Hello beautiful women of steem,let's talk about marriage
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And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man.
Magnetism is the irresistible pull in a person’s life. Concerning marriage and relationships, every couple gets married based on a certain magnetic factor. Something in the husband captivated the wife and vice versa, that it led to marriage.
In the course of marriage, a lot of people lose their magnetism unknowingly, which causes most couples to drift apart.

Sustaining the magnetism in your marriage

  1. Step one is to identify your magnetic factors. The best way to identify your magnetic factor is for the person who was magnetized to you to tell you what attracted them to you in the first place. Ask your spouse or partner to tell you the things that appealed to him or her in the beginning.

  2. Secondly, ask your spouse or partner to critically tell you the truth if you are still as magnetic as in the beginning and also you answer the same concerning your spouse or partner.3. On your part, try to identify what you used to do that you have stopped doing and make a quality decision to make adjustments with the objective of reinventing your magnetism.

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