Steem Women Club Community 'CHAIN OF GOODNESS EVENT' | Do Goodness and Earn |Do Goodness Find Goodness | 29 Marc

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago

Génesis Alejandra and Génesis Alexandra

Were born on February 21, 2015 in Anzoátegui, Venezuela. It was a very delicate delivery at 7 months of gestation, however they managed to survive, later at 6 months of birth the neighbors of the community decided to report her mother to the child defense authorities due to the mistreatment and poor condition physical appearance that the girls presented, at first glance you could see the malnutrition.


The authorities did not really do anything and the problem persisted, before they were 1 year old, they were abandoned by their mother, he left them alone at home and the neighbors noticed the crying of the little ones, being able to see that they were alone at home.
He currently lives with a very low-income aunt named Valle, she is quite an old woman and needs a lot of help to raise them.
The story of these little girls captivated me very much and I have committed myself to the Lady to help her, at least paying for the brunettes' dinner while I can and God allows it.


I have collected some clothes and food with many neighbors and friends, they are very happy when I make deliveries to them.


This year for the first time they were able to blow out the candles on their birthday cake, thanks to the collaboration of people, we celebrated their 6 years of life.



But first I invited them to eat some delicious hamburgers at my house, they were very happy because I had never eaten one. This really filled my heart and that of my entire family.


They still need many supplies such as

  • Clothing
  • Footwear
  • Medicines
  • Food
  • Above all a medical check-up to be able to treat the malnutrition they present.


I hope with the help of @Steemit and the @steemwomensclub community, to continue bringing happiness to their lives, because they are girls and they only deserve to be happy. @steemcurator1 @steemcurator2, @booming @cryptokannon, Thank you very much for your constant support.

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Que buena obra @litzne leyendo este post es imposible no sentir nostalgia pero felicidad a la vez de ver esas pequeñas sonreír y feliz ante todo.

Todos sentimos el corazon muy pequeño al conocer la historia, pero agradezco a Dios por colocarlas en mi camino

Amiga he localizado tu post a través del grupo de telegram. Me he emocionado. En primer lugar pensé:¿como puede una madre hacer eso ? Pero luego me centré en la gran labor que haces, las ayudas a ellas y a su tia pero tambien te ayudas a ti, como bien dices engrandeces tu corazón.
Te deseo muchos exitos.

Gracias amiga, si es difícil tratar de comprender la decisión de una madre y abandonar a sus hijas, un par de niñas inocentes, pero Dios toma el control de sus vida y se que serán grandes mujeres.

 3 years ago 

Esto esta pasando mucho en Venezuela, se que no solo aqui sucede, padres migran y dejan abandonados a los niños, unos se preocupan por ayudarlos desde lejos, otros simplemente se olvidan de ellos, peros Dios no se olvida, y tiene angeles en la tierra que ayudan asi como tu lo haces! Dios siga usandote y bendiciendote aun mucho mas!

Amen amiga, lo hago con todo el amor, los niños no deberían de tener preocupaciones, solo ser feliz, por eso les doy lo mejor de mi. Espero que cuando sean grandes sean grandes mujeres

Sigue adelante amiga. Exito y suerte. Abrazos

Hola @ltzney, que gusto me da leer tu post, es muy conmovedor la labor que estas realizando, eso es amor compasivo por los demás. Dios luz siempre esta presente en todos los lugares donde se necesita y en las personas que necesitan ser ayudadas. Tu labor es una muestra del Padre creador en la vida de esas niñas. Se que en nuestro país hay mucha gente que necesita. Todo lo que se hace desde el corazón el Universo te lo regresa multiplicado en abundancia y bendiciones. Infinitas bendiciones

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