infection in the blood
hello beautiful women of the site How are you today? My days are very tiring. I don't remember if I mentioned it before. I have two children. My whole day is spent taking care of them, no matter how careful we are, it is inevitable that they will get sick. Two days in a row, both went to the emergency room with a fever of 39 degrees.
I am extremely scared when the fever rises because my daughter had a seizure when she was 3 years old. Every time her fever rises, I remember that day, how I was desperate and scared.
may god heal all the sick
We went to the hospital and they said it was a blood infection.blood test was done, serum and steam was given and he got a little better
means infection in the blood
In order for groups of bacteria to infect an organism, they need a place to pass through.Bacteria circulate throughout the body through the blood. Blood becomes a kind of transport route.
Signs of Infection in the Blood
the symptoms i noticed Chills and body tremors Fever 38 degrees or higher
difficulty breathing
This infection can be caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites. An untreated infection in the body will turn into an infection in the blood.
It is necessary to use an antibiotic recommended by the doctor for the infection in the blood. Apart from this, it would be useful to take some measures to prevent its occurrence. Antibiotic therapy should be started quickly. In some cases, it can be taken by serum.I hope our treatment will give good results with the serum we received and the prescription he wrote.
his body was so tired that he fell asleep right away when he came back from the hospital
Good bye
Hello there. You have been selected as one of the 5 quality posts of the day. Keep active. Congratulations
hope everything is fine by now.
Hola, deseo que tus bebés pronto mejoren totalmente
Un abrazo
I wish them a speedy recovery!!!
Thank you
You are welcome!!!