Introducing Myself in SteemWomenClub-"How to Self-care Anxiety, Overthinking, and Panic Attacks without the Help of a Physician?

in SteemWomen Club4 years ago (edited)

Hello there, Shane is my real name from the Philippines. Maybe I am familiar with those who knew me here. I am a former Steemian, but a fulltime Youtuber. My journey on Youtube is not easy before I hit my thousand subscribers.

Two years ago, I uploaded a five-minute video I didn't think would get a good view. The journey there isn't easy because of so many judgemental people that bashed me. I thought, Youtube doesn't deserve the type of my voice, but I also met a fellow Youtuber who inspired me to keep going. He encouraged me oftentimes that bashers are the key to success. The more that you are controversial, the more that people are curious to stalk your channel and subscribe. LOL! Yes, I am a Youtuber, but please don't expect that I'm a big YouTuber, you don't even know me. Like in Steemit, I'm not a big fish.

There was a time my mindset was padlocked with constructive criticisms. My elder sister criticized the quality of my voice and the quality of the videos I made. She also said that - if my subconscious mind is closed with critiques and negative reviews, there's no growth of my channel.

What did I learn? How to be relevant?

Accept your flaws, but, do something to improve your content, 'till it becomes relevant in search engine. Customers are always right. On Youtube, we are the manufacturers as a vlogger and our audiences are our customers. As an experienced customer, it is our right to give feedback. The point is if you plan to be a Youtuber or right now a Youtuber that can't handle a basher, be open-minded. Narrowminded will never survive on judgemental people.

But even if the content seems so fine, there is no control of those toxic minds commenting to drag you down. The problem is not about your content and not about you, but their bitterness towards people. Let them be your inspiration! While they're angry, you shine in the limelight and you make big bucks. Who is defeated, is it you or them? Do not allow them to see your weakness. And speaking of weakness, it's no place in my world after I learned, and when it tried to test me.

Last year 2020 was not great. I know not just me, but all people around the world. But my problem was not about the pandemic. Before the COVID hit in February, I saw the dark world spinning. I was perplexed about the cause of my vertigo. A masseur went home, telling negative things about my health, then the vertigo was cast away. I was alright, but later on, the other side of my head convinced me in solicitude to believe such a wicked prophecy. I became more conscious about my health. I had shortness of breath, so I laid down beside my mother in her bed, that only her embrace can calm me down. I knew who I am. I was not crazy, but even drinking water scared me, or when I ate.

I was overthinking things that don't exist with phobias that caused me to panic. Luckily, I survived.

How did I overcome overthinking, panic attacks, and anxiety through home remedies? Below are the tips according to my personal experience.

How to Self-care Anxiety, Overthinking, and Panic Attacks without the Help of a Physician?

  • Seek a Christian friend like pastors and tell your fears. They would never judge you. They know that faith is more powerful than drugs.
  • Read encouraging, inspirational, and motivational books. The contexts are mostly personal testimonies. Personal testimonies can wash out your doubts. Believe me, it's effective!
  • Be active in spiritual life. Do not be afraid to tell your fears while talking to the invisible God. Tell everything.
  • Deceive your mind by imagining things that can excite you such as, your greatest dreams to experience. For example, you imagine your dream house, perfect love life, and your dream lifestyle.
  • Listen to a piece of music. The old songs may help as it brings you back to the old times, allowing your brain to imagine your happy memories with friends, crushes and loved ones. If your brain is busy, it cannot entertain overthinking.
  • Listen to inspirational and encouraging songs. These songs will hit you to the bones that can give you hope and strength because you'll know that you're not fighting alone, that you have the same story.
  • Watch relaxing movies. If you feel like you can handle adventure and action films, spend your time on it.
  • Sunbath before 8 am for 15-minutes. According to the study, the benefit of sunlight during these hours are calcium and serotonin. When the level of serotonin in the body can dip, it can cause major depression. The serotonin hormone can boost a person's mood and can help calm and focused. Sunlight is a therapy for anxiety and depression.
  • Inhale and exhale 10-20 times if you have a panic attack. In this exercise, the bad energy inside the body is cast away.
  • Watch and listen to Youtube's sermons about anxiety and depression.
  • Jog and walk twice or thrice a week.
  • Practice yoga and meditation.
  • Eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables and avoid alcoholic drinks. It may trigger your panic attack.
  • Be a plant momma/papa! Plants helped me fighting stress and overthinking. Believe me but it's true!
  • If any of these self-care won't work for you, you may consult a doctor. The darkness maybe big, but do you know that small David defeated the giant Goliath? I care about you. Please keep yourself busy. Only sit at least 30 minutes to relax. Try crafting, drawing, solving riddles and puzzles, diamond paint, painting, sketching, cleaning, cooking, sewing and playing badminton.

    For those who didn't know the symptoms of Anxiety and Depression, read below:

    Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression

    1. Overthinking
    2. Panic attacks
    3. Dizziness
    4. Loss of focus and concentration
    5. Loss of balance
    6. forgetful
    7. hallucination
    8. cold sweats
    9. phobia
    10. shortness of breath

    Some people have a misconception about anxiety and depression. They may say that it's just a drama, but if one can experience these disorders, he/she can realize how admirable are those people with this illness for surviving. But having faith is the only way to defeat the demon's roar inside. Believe that you're not in control of everything, God is in control, so why overthinking? Why overpowering God? You are loved like me, you are valuable, you are worthy, you are strong, you are victorious. No one can stop you live with joy and freedom from the darkness.

    So yes, this is my story, Today, I chose to be happy and undefeated! Truly yours!

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