in SteemWomen Club3 years ago (edited)


Good morning wonderful women in #steemwomenclub,I believe we are are strong and awake this bright morning.

Hurray,it's a new week and we have too many expectations for the week and I strongly believe that our expectations will become our reality this week if we can work hard and put God in charge.

Am still your girl @ladyofpolicy and today in my blog I have an important topic to discuss with every woman in this community which I titled "The career woman and real life",please do well to react with your own idea by when you read the post because am writing from my own point of view,that way we can learn together.

I will like to discuss few things about a Career woman;


From childhood I've always said to myself, precious you will be a career woman, wow do I even understand who a career woman is back then? The answer is no.

I love what I see on the movie, well dressed in corporate and high hills with a braided hair and amazing makeup, majestic footstep as she walks into the office while the PA rushed to pick up the handbag from her and reads out her appointment for the day and she chose to attend all or cancel them, wow all these I watch in the movie and I felt like that's who a career woman is and I so much wish to be one.

Growing up I realize that all those things are not who a career woman is rather the physical act that we see but that being a career woman starts from the mind.

A career woman is a woman whose main goal, focus and ambition is to create a career for herself and she works hard to actualize it.

An example of a career woman is someone who started as maybe a cleaner in a company and work herself to the office of the CEO is n that same company,movie starts and celebrities etc

Being a career woman is so demanding because you just don't make a wish of bring a career woman but rather you work hard day and night to actualize your dream.

Now, I will leave you with this question dear reader, are you a career woman and do you have the mind and strong will to pursue your dreams?


There are some qualities you see in a woman and you will know of a truth she is a career woman;

• God fearing.

Career women often have a strong relationship with God because they know their hard work s lone can't get them what they want. You might not t know that they pray hard especially those celebrities out there that looks too way world,never underestimate their spiritual life God is their secret.

• Independent.

You can't regard yourself as a career woman when you can't even sort the least problem in your life by yourself. She strongly believe that she have to do this herself in order to become stronger and despite how hard the situation is,she depends on herself and God and nobody else.

• Learning and unlearning daily.

A career woman is always on books laptop or phone she's always searching for new informations,new solution,new ideas. She's willing to pay money just for a knowledge,and she's willing to discard the old knowledge and grab a new one,that's why she's always at the top.

• Decency in dressing.

This is another big problem for this generation. I often see people who tell me they want to be a career woman and yes the really have good ideas but their dressing zeros their ideas. How do you expect a man who you want to go into partnership with business wise to see you as a responsible woman when you go to meet him in his office half naked? A career woman is often dressed in a gorgeous cooperate dress which speaks loud about her personality, Remember you dress the way you wish to be addressed.

images - 2021-08-16T062430.405.jpegcareer women

images - 2021-08-16T062940.297.jpegIndecent dressing
You can't dress like this and still regard yourself as a career woman,dress well.

Note: Career women like celebrities often dress anyhow to put up a show after which they spend money in wearing good clothes but ladies will turn the costume they used for a show as a dress and start walking half naked,which isn't wise.

There are so many other qualities of a career woman which includes; hardworking, humility, focused and lots more.


Wow,now this is the main thing. I often hear so many stories of career women having failed marriages and being unhappy. Truth be told even women that are not in career do have failed marriages so it's high time we start discarding the mindset of career being the reason for a failed marriage.

I met with my mentor who is a career woman in the ministry and she's happily married without any issue,doing her ministry and work happily with full support of her husband and am like ma'am how do you do it because I will like to do it the same way so that I can pursue my career and still have a beautiful marriage,and she gave me few reply;

• Most ladies end up dating their husband and marrying their boyfriend. In our youthful age,we waste our time dating and maltreating who is meant to be our husband and when we get to the age of getting married without any man coming around,we settle for any available one which makes it difficult for the person to cope with us in the marriage because they don't understand us from onset. Her point is,date,court and marry who supports your dream don't marry because others are marrying.

• Allow God to take the wheel and do the balancing himself.

• Always work with plan and time. When it's time for the family give time to the family and when it's time for work give your all to work so that it will won't take over another person's time.

• If you're a career woman who is still working for someone,do your best not to carry too many work back to your home.

• No matter how busy you get,give attention to your husband and kids,prepare meal for them else the main that always do these work can take over your home.

• Let your weekend and vacations be with your family and you will always have your husband's support.

• No matter how busy you're,make your husband's family especially mother to always know you care,call her and gift her if you can in that way even when your husband's complain her mother will back you up😁😁😁.

• Finally no matter how much you think you have,let the man always be the head.


Conclusively,being a career woman is not a reason for your marriage to fail. Do your path very well and you see everything will fall in place and you will enjoy your career and your life and marriage at the same time.

Thanks for reading this post and I hope it made a little sense to you?
Till I come your way next time, you're the best.



A career woman is all shade of fascinating. Thank you for this piece dear. Keep it up

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much ma
I appreciate your amazing feedback

 3 years ago 

Indecent dressing is really affecting the diginity of our ladies today, thanks for sharing this quality post on women carrier @ladyofpolicy

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much ma so much ma for this wonderful feedback
We're strong together 💪

 3 years ago 

Sure we are

 3 years ago 

You really made lovely points. Thanks for sharing with us.

 3 years ago 

The pleasure is mine ma
We learn everyday and we're strong together ma

 3 years ago 

Sure we are

You are indeed a career woman. My best apprentice so far🙈🙈

 3 years ago 

Thank you sir much ma'am
You know I learn a lot from you

 3 years ago 

Honestly, being a Career Woman is so demanding.

If you don’t balance it, you miss it and when you do; There will be anarchy.

Thank you so much for sharing, Sis.

 3 years ago 

The pleasure is mine dear
Am. Glad you grabbed something from. My post.
We're strong together.

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago (edited)

I wish it is possible for us to reach out to girls and let them know alot of things about being decent and more dressing real matters in the society. Thank you for sharing this helpful information

 3 years ago 

Am glad that the post made a little sense dear
Even if we can't get all to start doing the needful, at least let's set ourselves as example.

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