Things the happiest, healthiest women do to start their day

in SteemWomen Club11 months ago

Things the happiest, healthiest women do to start their day

You've probably come across Instagram reels and TikToks featuring successful, radiant women sharing their morning routines, some of which kick off as early as 4am! While some may view these routines as performative, establishing a productive routine can set a positive tone for the day ahead.


You don't necessarily have to rise at 4am; the key is finding a routine that suits you best. Today, I'd like to spotlight one of the happiest and healthiest women I know – my mom!

Over the past two decades, she's adhered to a morning routine that reflects in her cheerful disposition and youthful appearance (you'd never guess she's 60).

Allow me to walk you through some of her morning practices:

She gets up early:
Regardless of whether it's a weekday or weekend, my mom rises at 5am to start her day. During this quiet, pre-dawn time when the household is still asleep, she uses it to prepare for the day ahead. It's a serene way to have some alone time and attend to personal tasks.

I'm someone who relishes sleeping in, especially on weekends. After a week of early mornings for work, waking up just before noon feels like a luxury. However, I've come to realize that the key is going to bed early too.

It may seem like common sense, but summoning the discipline to set aside your phone and hit the hay can be challenging – especially for those who cherish their 'me' time late at night (like myself).

I'll often spend hours on social media and Netflix to compensate for the entertainment I missed out on due to work!

If you aspire to be a productive and content person, waking up early can set a positive tone for the rest of the day.

She practices mindfulness:
Commencing the day on the right note is crucial for having a good day (most of the time).

As she quiets her mind, she rids it of negativity and stress, replacing them with positivity. My mother dedicates this time to journaling and meditation.

She jots down things she's grateful for, grounding herself amidst life's hustle and bustle. Then, she sets her intentions and goals for the day. This provides her with direction and sharpens her focus.

These intentions need not be grand or hard to achieve; they simply need to be purposeful and positive. Here are some examples:

• I will be grateful for today.
• Today, I will learn to love myself more.
• I will not let the actions of others affect me.
• Today, I will learn to show myself forgiveness.

Make a conscious effort to work on your intentions. Over time, this practice can enhance your outlook on life and self.

She engages in a morning workout:
My mom relishes working out in the morning; it releases endorphins and uplifts her mood. Even if you're not particularly fond of exercising, scheduling it in the morning can give you a sense of accomplishment as you check it off your to-do list.

The key is to do what suits you best. My mom enjoys Pilates and running, alternating between them based on how she feels. She also incorporates resistance training to strengthen her muscles and add variety.

You don't have to dive into an intense HIIT workout if it's not your preference. Taking your dog for a walk, going for an early morning swim, or following a YouTube workout can do wonders for your overall well-being.

She incorporates stretching:

Stretching is crucial for flexibility and muscle recovery. Doing this in the morning provides a soothing start to the day, which my mother values for recovery over the weekend.

Starting this practice early pays off; our muscles tend to stiffen and we become less agile as we age. Learning how to touch your toes is much simpler at 20 than at 60.

Additionally, it aids relaxation and puts your mind at ease as you embark on the day.

She stays hydrated:
While adequate hydration is essential for overall health, it's often overlooked. To instill the habit of regular hydration, my mother drinks a cup of water every morning to rehydrate her body after a night's rest.

If you prefer something other than plain water, consider fruit-infused water. Add berries, lemon, or even mint and cucumber for a refreshing twist.

Water is crucial for a robust immune system and overall well-being!

She has a nutritious breakfast:
Breakfast truly stands as the most important meal of the day.

Since my mother exercises in the morning, a nutritious breakfast helps replenish the energy expended and fuels her for the rest of the day.

Healthy meals need not be mundane. As a food enthusiast, she enjoys exploring recipes online and trying out various healthy breakfast ideas.

Currently, she's in an 'overnight oats' phase, and there are countless creative recipes available.

I used to think of overnight oats as a gloopy, unappetizing meal that I could never get into. Then I discovered exciting recipes like 'Tiramisu overnight oats,' 'Banana Bread overnight oats,' or 'Carrot cake overnight oats,' and I quickly became obsessed.

Consuming a balanced meal with proteins, carbohydrates, and necessary micronutrients allows her to craft a delectable breakfast.


Insightful, thank you, for sharing this.

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