Health Benefits of cucumber by @jovita30

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago

God has really blessed us with nature. From harb to friuts. Indeed of a true, most people suffer because, the don't understand how to tap from nature.

Today, I would share with us, the health benefit locked up in cucumber. I am @jovita30 and I would be your host.


This is a creeping vine plant and it usually bears cylindrica fruits and it's about 95% water. This fruits can also be used as vegetable and it's a popular recipe in vegetable salad.

This is one of the most popular friuts we have in this part of the world.

Cucumber can be used to prepare salad or eaten raw with groundnut or without.




  • Very high in nutrient and extremly low in calories. Cucumber has 95% water. And it's not a new information to use that more than 50% of our body is made of water, and 90% of our blood is water. Staying hydrated always should be of great priority if we want to stay healthy and cucumber should be a top chioce. It helps you met your daily hydration need and also to keep your body cool.

To get the best of cucumber, eat it unpeeled. Peeling it reduces the fiber in it.

  • It helps in fighting free radicals because it contains antioxidants like tannins and flavonoids.

  • You can loose some weight in some waya by eating cucumber. Cucumber is low on calories, so you can ne full and still not add weight. With cuncumber it's a win win game.
    The water content in cucumber makes you full, keeps you hydrated and no extra weight.

  • cucumber helps in bowel movement and relieves constipation. Cucumber is rich in fiber(pectin) and water helps you pass out excrete without stress.

  • Cucumber is very easy to add to diet. You can eat with groundnut, you can eat raw with you rice, adding cucumber to your salad gives you more teast.

  • A healthy Fruit for Diabetic patients. Pancreas in their body requires the homones in cucumber to produce insulin.

  • It gives you fresh breath.


Aside eating cucumber, you can also apply it on your skin for some amazing results.

It can also be used as a facial cleanser, and also to treat sunburns and many more.

With a little bit of creativity cucumber would fit perfectly in your diet.

To get the full health benefits of cucumber eat unpeeled.

Thank you for visiting my post. Hope you where able to learn one or two things from this post on cucumber.



Thank you for sharing. I have learnt something today

Wow nice write up my dear @jovita30. Thanks so much for sharing with us the health benefits on Cucumber. Though I don't like cucumber but from your write, I will try and have a taste surely this week. Thanks once more for sharing.
#twopercent #cameroon

 3 years ago 

My favorite fruit, thank you for sharing the health benefits with us ma.

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