Steem Women Club Contest #26: Care Day, Skin Care

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago

“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.”
Proverbs 31:30


Good day everyone. Its always been a pleasure to join contests especially in this women community. I just like the topic, and I enjoy reading other women's skin care routine. I believe that everyone is unique, but we have our own way on how we care our self, especially our face.

I'm gonna share to you my night skin routine. I am very particular with beauty products because of the sensitivity of my skin but this Perfect Skin product suits my skin.

So this is the 3-way easiest procedure.
Step 1
Wash your face with water. Apply soap gently on your face. This is a general procesure in every face maintainance routine. Massage gently and leave for 2-3 minutes before rinsing with water.


Step 2
Get a circular cotton. Put drops of toner. Apply it on the face and neck with one direction only.


Step 3
For night use, use the night cream. Massage it thoroughly on the face and neck.


Watch and observe the differences.


The product is very safe to use and not so costly.
With an affordable price of 180 Philippine peso or approximately 4$.


This is a little bit of my secret in maintaining my facial skin. Be confident in any angle of your self, because God has created us perfect as what we have, all we need to do is to maintain and care.

Thank you all for reading, this has been @jes88.


Wow no filter 🙂

very pretty!

 3 years ago 

14 days naman ni te haha

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