Steem Women Club Contest #7 || How Did Steemit Change My Life? 😲

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago

Hello beautiful ladies 🌸

Here is my participation For steem women club Contest #7. How steemit change my life.

Come and read.. 😍

What is a steemit?

Steemit is a social media website where you can post Pictures articles and videos it's like any other websites mostly similar to Reddit, if you have ever used that site, on this website you can see anyone's comment, their reply, their mentions and almost everything with completely transparent and the best part about this its running on block chain technology so once you post something or once you did transaction it's really hard to reverse that even it's impossible any work completely safe here should not like other social media sites you are talking about the other social media that in the next paragraph may be what you are this is the short and introduction of steemit.

How did Steemit change your life?

Well since 2 months I have been using this website and its truly amazing to be here. So I live in Pakistan and over here it's not that good of environment for artistic people. I mean by that I used to make a lot of sketches and drawings but there was no one to support me except my family they used to like it and support me that it still a good drawing and painting. Then I stopped it because there was no support from outside so now when I came back to steemit I got to know about it and then I started posting some articles and some of my pictures that I took and I got really good appreciation by the steemit user well held it felt really good and it changed my life that way that Now when I have a painting or article that I want to share with world I can simply posted on steem and it's really fun and I feel really happy that people enjoy and love my post my article will I can't do the same thing on other social media websites I want name them because it's bad to name shaming any other websites but I can't do all those things and I am sure people want you and appreciate my work because all they want is negative things..

Are you satisfied with this situation?

Well I would say yes I am satisfied with the situation because the thing is that sometimes I feel low and fad when I post many articles, many post on steemit and I don't get any response, feel bad and then I feel like, am I doing something wrong ? or my post in my articles are not worth it but then I wait for a while and after some days or something could happen so my motivation comes back in I am a kind of person who is very hopeful in my life. So I see everything like there will be a miracle And it works most of the time, so it won't be wrong saying that yes I am satisfied with this situation right now I am in.

What is your purpose for being on this platform?

Well my purpose on this platform is that I want to learn many things and I want to know about the rest of the world I want to meet people and I want to share my thoughts and my skills if I have some well, I can draw, I can write and I am really hungry to learn more, I try to learn new things day by day and I grow through this platforms and I tried to read most of the articles and post because they are really interesting about different topics so that is one of the biggest reason why I'm here and I am using this website in the biggest reason is quality you Can't post many articles or pictures in the same time there is a restriction and that is what makes it unique there should be restriction because people out there they like to spam and if you have restrictions like this you can't do that why would say that my goal for my purpose on being this platform is to learn and to up my skill and to teach people what I already know.

My dream at Steemit 🌸

There is nothing so special that I want to think about but I think I am living my dream people are like in my articles people love to read they reply me and they tell me that what I am doing good or bad which is the best thing about this platform I would say but my dream is that one day I want to be a huge person on this platform to I can help other people whom posting quality content and they are putting a lot of effort into their work I will try to help them. Helping other people is actually my dream

Do you earn a daily income or invest here?

Well I'll be honest with you on this one, so I am a student I am not a rich person or from a rich family so that I can invest but yes I have been earning a little bit of rewards through my post as I said in my previous paragraph that there has been there is where I don't get anything but try and try to write post on daily basis some days I miss because of work in my home you know the daily stuff or if we have any guest then it hard for me to post so except those days I try to post daily. There are really good people on this platform they help me out (@cryptokannon and @randulakoralage) and that's why I feel good so I have never invested because I don't have that much money to invest and yes I did a little bit of votes after 2 days 3 days not daily sometimes daily but not everyday well I am speaking honestly so yes that is what my story is.

Tell me about your good or bad side.

So, talking about my good side because I have a bad side I don't know that yet because it's like that you don't know anything bad that you do until somebody else comes and tell you that you are doing this bad I am not denying that I don't have a bad side yes I might have many bad sides but I just don't know them yet let's talk about my good side I stay positive all the times I tried to be a good person to everyone not just my family to anyone I meet or talk and I try to help people as I have helped many people over here also on this platform and anyone new come and ask me something I am always there to help him and one more thing in this is I think the biggest quality that everyone should have is that I try to be hopeful you know hope is the thing that everyone should have in their pocket So ya it is what my good side look like thank you so much..

Thank you so much for reading my posts and i hope my post is worthy for this contest..💗

I would like to invite my friends @ayeshagul and @vvarishayy and @randulakoralage to come and take part in this contest..❤️️

Special mentions to @steemcurator01 , @booming01 and @booming02 For their support..❤️️

WITH LOVE @janemorane 💗


Thank you for mentioning me and I read your post and I really liked ,steemit a great platform here is getting to learn something new in every way we can all talk to each other in.
I agree with everything you say
make a very good post You have best of dear friend 🥰

 3 years ago 

Thanks dear , I hope you will take part in this contest soon..

Of course I will try

 3 years ago 

Thanks for mentioning me :) surely, I'll participate.
You know what makes a post more attractive? It's the honesty and I saw in your posts.

 3 years ago 

Thanks a lot my dear friend @vvarishayy

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