(11-03-2022) The diary game ; Eating snails again after a long time

in SteemWomen Club2 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone. It has been a while but i noticed we all are doing well and I'd say thank God for that. Well let's rewind a little cause I'll be telling you about how my Friday 11th March 2022 went.


I woke up yesterday morning and did my morning prayers. I normally had to go for braids classes but i was feeling so lazy and i just didn't want to go added to the fact that i was tired since the day before, after our normal time with her, she and i went to do a clients hair. She picked the braids and i ended them while extending the length of some. Then we finally finished and i started to trim the little hairs from the braids while she was putting the beads. We took about 5hrs and it was 7pm so i had to leave her but we were done and she just had to put it in hot water. So instead of closing at 1pm i closed at 7pm that day maybe that's why i didn't feel like going yesterday. Again she had to do another clients hair. Well, i just told her we didn't have water and i might not come down so she just said "okay no problem", but honestly we didn't have water so don't think i lied😂.

I stayed and didn't carry water because none of the taps were flowing. While at home my mom got a call from my aunt who was coming from muyuka to sell snails at OIC market but she said no one was there and she had to come up to our Buea town market. She got here and we went to meet her in the market

My sis, my mom and myself

So we sat there for a while then went back home. I came home and swept then made breakfast. There was no plantain to fry so i went and bought ripe plantain then fried it with egg for breakfast.

Soon after eating, since there was no tap flowing or any where we could carry water, we had nothing else to do. We started watching films on tv till my mom came home with snails for us to fix. My worst part of the whole snail thing is all the slime or draw, sometimes looking at all that slime i wonder why i still eat snails. But then its been soooooo long i ate snails like probably between 7 to 9 months.

Luckily alum was already added to it by the person who removed it from the shells so the slime wasn't there, hurray. We started fixing and fixing then my mom sent me to go and withdraw money my uncle sent. While i left, my sister continued the fixing with my grandma. I went, withdrew the money and bought my ice cream while walking back home.

The money i withdrew and my ice cream

I got home, gave her the money she sent me to withdraw and she went out. We wanted to eat plantain, my dad wanted garri and eru so we simple shared the snails and my mom asked us to keep the other part so she would make the eru when she comes back home. My sister took the snails eyes and fried. The amount of salt she put in it ehhh you would be really tempted to ask if the wife of Lot in the bible was cooking with her.

Well she finished and left for school while i started cooking our plantains. I fried the snails with tomato of course and boiled the plantain to go with it. Finished cooking and took my bath. Soon my mom was home and began cooking the eru so i had to go to the pharmacy with my grandma for her injection since my mom was busy. When we got back home, that's when i ate while watching tv.

My food; half ripe plantain and snails

I didn't sleep after that my dear. I fried one plantain that i had left but they didn't let me eat it, my dad and 2sisters ate that one plantain while i drank pap then i could finally sleep😂😂. I was on my phone for a while chatting, clicking ads on moneyman and of course reading, upvoting and commenting on steemit posts before i finally kept the phone aside, prayed and slept offffff.

That was how it went lovelies and thanks for reading😊.



Eating snails! Okay, that's new to me.. 😲 By all comments I assume that it is something tasty though.

I have a few suggestions to improve the quality of your diary.

  1. You are already in #club100. Use the tag to increase the chances to get votes from the curator team.

  2. Try to share the price of the purchased items, (E.g: Ice cream, snails)

Steem on! Cheese! ❤️
Curation Team Life and Humanity: @steemcurator08

 2 years ago (edited)

Thank you.
Will include those next time.

You really don't know snails??? Its really really nice. You should ask around your area and taste it


I thought club100 is checked in 3 months and i did a transfer of 1 steem weeks back.

Can i still use club100

My bad.. I didn't see that 1 Steem. I believe you have to wait for a little longer to get into club100

 2 years ago 

Yea i know that
Thank you

 2 years ago 

I Love 🐌 snails too, and the eru looks yummy 😋 even the dodo and fried eggs. The three of you, Your sister you and your mom looks good together 💪

 2 years ago 

Thank you 😊

 2 years ago 

I love snails! We cook it with garlic and butter and sometimes I will make a creamy garlic and white sauce with it.
What is the pap that you drank?

 2 years ago 

Wow. I don't really like the taste of garlic or smell so its always mild.

Its corn pap. I didn't take a picture

 2 years ago 

I love pap, maize pap. I can eat pap three times a day.
Never had it as a drink though

 2 years ago 

😂😂same here.
I can drink it at any time of the day

 2 years ago 

The snail looks very delicious and well garnished, that is the type I love to eat, though it has been a while since I did. We mostly eat the periwinkles here in Uyo.
Your diary is filled with delicious meals, someone must get hungry before leaving your post.
Thank you for sharing with us dear

 2 years ago 

😊😊thank you.
I haven't eaten periwinkle before. I only see it but I'm sure it taste nice.

The snail looks yummy, you see that plantain and egg, am coming right away to steal them ooo.

 2 years ago 

😂😂 if only you'll meet them

Snails🥺 i love them so bad. And i can't imagine that's your mom she's so younggggg. I can guess your age

 2 years ago 

To think some people don't eat it.
Ehh guess lemme hear

 2 years ago 

So there was a day you ate snails and didn't invite me
I can now see your true colors
I go do you 😭

 2 years ago 

😁😁 i thought you're still in limbe na
Eske you tell me say you don came back

 2 years ago 

Indeed you had a great day my sister and I love this
The joy of family

I had didn't sleep after that my dear. I fried one plantain that i had left but they didn't let me eat it, my dad and 2sisters ate that one plantain while i drank

 2 years ago 

😂😂 yea it was fun
Thanks for reading

Your day was great and I wish to have a taste of your snails🙈🙈

 2 years ago 

Yea it was.
😊😊 ahh its finished oh
Thanks for reading

Your day was great and I wish to have a taste of your snails🙈🙈

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