Women Club Engagement Contest | Personal Development and What I do | by @fredquantum

in SteemWomen Club2 years ago (edited)


It's a great pleasure to be writing another contest in this 4th week of the engagement challenge on Steemit. And for today, I will be writing in a contest about the things that I do for my personal development, it's a very interesting contest and I won't hesitate to jump on it. I hope you would have a great time reading my entry. Let's Go!

My Personal Development Engagements

To discuss things I do for my personal development, it's important to know that these don't pertain to engagements that fetch money alone as it includes my passion, things that I do without any monetary benefits or rewards, I just love doing them and it makes me happy. Now, let's take a look at some of these things in the subheadings below.

1. Studying

Studying has been one of the greatest ways I have employed for my personal development, it encompasses developing a few skills I had acquired, building on perfecting them. In addition, I spend reasonable time visiting channels that offer information on my area of interest, and reading/watching different authors to enhance my knowledge thereby adding to the things I had already known. Let's see some of the things that I took out time to study.

  • Crypto: Cryptocurrency has been part of me for a long time, I mean years yet I am still learning on daily basis. I spend time reading cryptocurrency news to have an overview of the recent happenings in the ecosystem and watch videos on some methods of trading to add up to the ones I already know or modify them. Also, I try out new strategies on my own, especially in trading.

  • Graphics: I had self-learned graphics sometimes ago and even my first job after the Youth service (after first degree) was related to graphics as such it has been one of the things I do. I have been developing myself recently in this field after a long break from the game. I watch videos to learn about projects one can use the graphic tools for. In addition, I work on random imaginary projects for self-development, like developing an imaginary brand (making logos, brochures, brand flyers, and so on) and other random projects in the quest for my development.

Romance Book Cover.png
Romance from the North- Designed with Adobe Photoshop

Vampire Book Cover.png
The Rain of the Vampires- Designed with Adobe Photoshop

Above are some of the book covers I had made in the quest to improve myself in making graphics. I had put in appreciable time to manipulate a lot of images in the book covers above like the sky, the birds, forming rays of light from the airplanes, land, different effects and so on. You may want to see the raw file 😊.

2. Evaluation

Evaluation is one of the ways I keep track of my progress, I have highlighted some of the studies I involve myself in, and I measure them weekly to see if I had really added something tangible. With this I get to draw out what was working or what isn't, knowing my current state and the way forward, is it really worth the time I had spent on them? These are one of the ways I measure my engagement.

In addition, through proper evaluation, I discover if the energy channeled into my studying is enough or not. As such, I come up with adding up to my engagement or looking for other channels for my studying or replacing some of my engagements with a new one, yet in the same field but which tends to be more productive.

3. Physical Wellness- Exercising

This is one important aspect of my engagement I don't joke with, I love playing football. One of the first things that earned me a name during my university days is football when we had the fresher's cup. I enjoyed walking on the street in school then as people call me by my name, these are the people I don't know but have watched me playing the game a few times.

As I was growing up, responsibilities keeps piling up and I hardly have time to play football frequently. As it stands, I only play the game on Saturdays, to ensure I stay fit, I have set aside at least a day in a week to jog an average distance of 20 km, as such I maintain my stamina to stay healthy and play football on weekends without feeling much fatigue.

Tracking my Steps

4. God over Everything

Yes, God over everything! In all personal development engagements I do, God has been the solid bedrock as such attending services with other congregations, studying the word together, and listening to spiritual programs has been one of the ways I develop myself. Apart from the usual practice of acknowledging God, sometimes unconsciously, I say "bless this oh Lord", anytime I am about to engage in anything even the things we consider irrelevant, my mouth opens to say that phrase. God over everything!

Heading to a Church Service | Location


You should know what you stand for, do things that align with your profession and if you'd venture into other fields, ensure you are ready to do it and triumph and not stop halfway. That being said, you should always evaluate your engagements as such you would be able to look into aspects that need to be modified. Also, trust in the process by staying positive.


In conclusion, it's a great pleasure to have been able to participate in this contest today which enables me to put down the activities I involve in for personal development. It ranges from studying, evaluating, exercising, and remembering God in all.

I have attached a recommendation for the readers to ensure they choose what works best for them and not follow a trend, do what lies within your passion/profession or new things, having carried out analysis to be sure of what you are venturing into. Thanks to everyone who read this piece today. I'd like to invite @edlili24 and @endersontowers to take part in this.

Written by:-

 2 years ago 

Wow, what wonderful ways to develop yourself! Study, evaluation, exercise, these are wonderful amazing ways and you are doing great at them. I believe the results are obvious. Keep doing what you are doing and your development will be advancing more and more. Success to you dear.

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Thanks for verifying my entry for the contest and for appreciating my ways of personal development, ma'am.

 2 years ago 

Hello friend @fredquantum, I really liked reading this publication, it seems very good to me that you keep studying and preparing yourself in the area you have chosen. Exercising, playing soccer on the weekends and running 20 km, wow, is very good.
And God above all, well I agree because he is our creator and knows everything about us.

Very good recommendations. Good article, I congratulate you and continue like this. Thanks for sharing 😊
Success in the contest.

Thank you, @inspiracion. It's a great pleasure to have you engaged with my contest entry today and I am glad that you agree with most of the stuff I wrote up there. I will keep up with my activities and even better if need be. Thanks once again, friend.

It is a great way to develop yourself, always keeping you in sync with your intellect and a healthy body. Education will always be a positive thing for every human being, especially if it comes from the hand of the creator. Greetings and good luck

You are right friend, @nestorgarcia, the fact is that we can't do without learning, if one fails to learn more, such a person tends to remain on a spot. Everything in the world is evolving speedily, and education is the key to one's advancement. I appreciate your engagement on this today, thank you.

Hola @fredquatum; Todo un chico cuántico, me gustaron mucho tus reflexiones sobre la vida y las metas, por que deben estar de acuerdo a cada ser, y no a una moda, eres bien maduro para la edad que edad tienes y estás bien centrado, Te felicito.

Thanks for appreciating my entry, @styngrey.


This is one important aspect of my engagement I don't joke with, I love playing football. One of the first things that earned me a name during my university days is football when we had the fresher's cup. I enjoyed walking on the street in school then as people call me by my name, these are the people I don't know but have watched me playing the game a few times.

I really appreciate you keeping fit, exercise is one aspects that brings development to everyone, football is really an extreme exercise if you play 90 mins.

As such, I don't joke with exercise. I'm glad to have you on this today. Thank you.

Tener a Dios presente siempre, es lo mejor que podemos hacer para nuestro desarrollo como personas, sin el nada somos y con el, todo lo que hacemos nos sale bien. Que bueno que en todo lo que haces siempre está Dios presente mi Amigo.

El estudio y la auto evaluación son excelentes formas de hacernos crecer y mejorar como personas. Es importante siempre evaluarnos y saber en qué estamos fallando para corregirlo de la mejor manera.

Excelentes tus palabras amigo, un gusto poder leer tu post!

You are right my friend, God over everything. Effort without proper evaluation is wrong, one must be able to measure his/her growth over time and I'm glad you can relate to this article. Thank you, @pollito22.

 2 years ago 

Dear friend , it is good that you are doing many things to develop your self and it has been an inspiration for others too. good luck

Thank you, @nadeesew. I'm glad you found quality in my entry today.

I congratulate you, dear friend! Without a doubt, you are on the right track in your personal development. It is incredible the aspects that you have improved, whether for your health and for your well-being of learning, in that we have something in common, keep going dear friend! That's how it's done, I loved the covers of the editions! Cheers!.

Hi, friend @endersontowers. It feels good to have your review on my entry today and I'm glad you love the book covers. Thank you and greetings.

Hello brother, you are doing well as far as your personal developments are concerned because I see you do alot of activities to ensure you improve on your personal development such as studying, putting God first in all your activities, doing physical exercise and always evaluating your self. With no doubt, after carrying out this various activities, I believe one can acquire a good personal development scheme

I love your recommendation part and I believe some people go out of track because they are not always evaluating themselves and this oftenly turns out to bring downsides in their lives.

Thanks for sharing such a valuable content with us

Thanks for leaving a comment on my entry today. You are right, a lot of people are walking out of their capability all for the sake of following trends and eventually have such engagement dropped later, as such it all amounts to a waste of time. I appreciate your comment once again.

 2 years ago 

Hola @afredquantum, lo mejor es tener a Dios en nuestro corazón es lo mejor para nuestros crecimiento como persona, la actuevalación es muy importante porque comprendemos en que estamos fallando. Las portadas de los libros son geniales lo felicito.

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