The Diary Game | December 29, 2021 | The Caterpillar Hunt Continues - Attended a Wedding | #club75

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago (edited)

I don't know where the whole day goes. Since the time I arrived at my parents' home for winter vacation, time seems to be flying. I am in the relaxing mode and kids are having a time of their life too.

In the morning, I woke up at 11am today. These vacations are spoiling me because I wake up late now. Plus the days and nights are so cold that one is bound to be lazy and doesn't want to leave the warm blanket. But the hungry stomach can make us do anything.

I went downstairs to have some breakfast. The house help prepared a delicious paratha and chaye for me. I ate it with my family.


Later, I went straight to the garden to enjoy the warm sunlight of a cold day. It was chilly inside the house but very cosy outside. Kids were enjoying too. My elder son is obsessed with caterpillars or I don't know what are these insects. But he says caterpillar so I say that too. He keeps collecting them inside a box that his grand mom gave him. Sometimes, he forgets to open the box and the insects die. I am teaching him how to take care of them.


We also filled water in the bowls for birds. My son do these things happily. Kids have such a pure and kind heart. We should instill empathy in them from early age so that they remain empathetic and compassionate when they grow up.

My little son was happy too. He was running around the whole house. He wants to do everything his elder brother does and even tries to mimic him.

We came back inside in the afternoon. We were all hungry by then. I went inside the kitchen to find out that my mom had already prepared half of it. I helped her in the cooking for sometime and then I had to tend the kids. My mom coooked Chicken Palao which is one of my favorite dish.

There is so much gas load shedding now a days that we use Induction stove for cooking.

It was getting extremely cold as the night progressed. We had been invited to a wedding. I was so confused whether to attend it or not. Firstly, it was very cold and I didn't even want to wash my face. Let alone do the makeup. But at the end. I made up my mind and we hit the road.


We reached the destination after half an hour. I greeted everyone I knew. Then we headed for dinner. It was absolutely amazing and delicious. We ate to our fill and enjoyed the ambiance too. The décor was fabulous but sadly I couldn't take any picture of that.

We came back around midnight, changed our clothes and went straight to the bed.

It was a good day.



 3 years ago 

My elder son is obsessed with caterpillars or I don't know what are these insects. But he says caterpillar so I say that too.

Haha ..cute ma Sha Allah.. wether he is obsessed or not but I am truly obsessed with your kids😅❤️ Sha Allah ❤️😍

Haha. Thank you so much. Taking it as a compliment.

 3 years ago 

Your both sons are so cute Masha Allah. You are right due to winter season we are become more lazy. I also don't want to leave blanket. God bless you and your family good health.

Thank you dear. Can't wait for the Winters to end already. lol

Your sons are very cute and sweet 🙂 MashaAllah.

Thank you dear. (:

 3 years ago 

There is so much gas load shedding now a days that we use Induction stove for cooking.

In my living area at central Lahore, No concept of gas in winter season. We use simple gas calendar. Which is risky and expensive too. I want to know your experience about induction stove ?

Gas cylinders are scary to be honest. However, an induction stove is perfect if you don't care about electricity bills much.

 3 years ago 

Nice diary post
Busy day mash Allah you spent at mom,s place ,the load shading of gas some time very horrible ,I also used alternative for cooking on that situation 🤪🤪

Gas situation seems to be getting more serious due to lack of resources.

 3 years ago 

Good hear that you're finally getting some rest. Have a wonderful stay at your parents' house 💖

Thank you. (:

 3 years ago 

Innocent baby enjoying, yeah its true when we are for vacation time really seemed to fly, same happened with me, anyhow enjoy your lovely time with family

Thank you so much. (:

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