The Diary Game: Visiting my son's God father's family, doing my first power up and preparing dinner by @estysam on 26/12/2021

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago


Compliment of the season beautiful women of @steemwomenclub, it's a good thing to share with you how I spent my day today. My day was very hectic and filled with activities ranging from doing my normal house chores to visiting and also preparing dinner for my family. Please go through my blog.


      Morning Activities

I woke up by past 6 am, said my prayers with my husband and son and visited my WhatsApp. I had messages there I needed to attend to urgently which I was doing when my son's God father sent me a message. He asked if we were around and I answered "affirmative". My husband later called him same morning and scheduled visiting him.

At about 10am after finishing with my normal morning chores which includes washing the dishes and sweeping the house, I set for the nearby market. I bought yellow corn for Samuel's pap; I prefer doing it myself if I have the time for hygienic purpose and it's also cheaper than buying pap from the market. I also bought cabbage, carrots, green beans, myonnaise, guinea corn, cucumbers and oranges

The visit (Afternoon Activities)

As soon as I got back home by 12noon, I prepared my baby's bag and we set out to go visit his God father. His house is about 30mins drive from ours and since we will be going with public transportation, we decided to leave early so as to come back early too.
When we arrived, we were warmly welcomed by the family and offered a sit. We gave them the Christmas gift we came with which is a live chicken. The kids were seeing a nollywood movie and we joined them and enjoyed their company. Not quite long, we were served food. We had already started eating when I remembered to take a photo of it.

We had stayed only about 1 hour when my husband received a call from a family friend, they were waiting for us at home and we needed to also see them so, our stay was cut short. It was time to go back home and baby Samuel was given a Christmas cash gift. I was surprised and happy at the same time. Samuel's God father offered to drop us at the junction so that we can also say hello to his wife who is at her shop before boarding a tricycle back home .

  Getting Home and Powering Up

On getting home, the visitors we already tired of waiting so I immediately opened the house for them, offered them a sit and served them chin-chin and a bottle of fanta each. They brought a bowl of soup for us so, I don't have to cook again tonight.

   The Power Up

I've been hearing of powerup and #club5050 but his is my first time of doing it and I'm glad I did. It takes simple steps of
Login into your wallet
Click on steem
Click on the drop down and click powerup
Type the number of steem you want to power up. When you do it and click on power up, it immediately redirects you to put in your active key and sign in and, you are done.
Screenshot_20211227-124643_1.jpg My account after powering up


I am #club5050. Written by @estysam for @steemwomenclub.

Best wishes

 3 years ago 

Un dia de muchas visitas buenas amiga, que bien

 3 years ago 

@karla-jaen, thanks for visiting my blog.

 3 years ago 

You had a great and busy day, thank you for sharing, your son looks amazing and the meal really looks yummy. I hope you kept mine?

 3 years ago 

I kept yours, lol. @peachyladiva, thanks for visiting my blog

 3 years ago 

Welcome to the club my dear. It's a food feeling to belong and a great thing to invest by powering up. The future is gonna be bright.

It was indeed a great day you had. Thank you for sharing your day with us
#twopercent #cameroon

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