Steem Women Club Community CONTEST #14 Invite Your Friends to Steemit || More Creativity On Steemit Community | I invited My Mom and Now She Is Here🦋

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago (edited)


En esta ocasion me uno al concurso de esta semana anunciado por @steemwomensclub y para el cual mi amiga @rosamariam me extendió la invitación para participar.

Por ahora solo pude atraer a una persona a que formara parte también de la plataforma. Aunque no es solamente una persona mas, se trata de mi mamá. Desde que inicié en la plataforma le he comentado a mi mamá las distintas cosas que he visto acá y que por fin encontré un lugar donde valoraran las cosas que me apasionan. Mas aun en la actualidad que estamos en cuarentena y hay tantas limitaciones. Simplemente agradezco formar parte de esta grandiosa comunidad que a pesar del poco tiempo ademas de aportarle valor a mi pasion me ha dado un gran aporte economico.

This time I'm joining this week's contest announced by @steemwomensclub and for which my friend @rosamariam extended me the invitation to participate.

For now I could only attract one person to be part of the platform as well. Although it's not just one more person, it's my mom. Since I started on the platform I have told my mom about the different things I have seen here and that I finally found a place where they value the things I am passionate about. Even more so now that we are in quarantine and there are so many limitations. I am simply grateful to be part of this great community that in spite of the short time in addition to bring value to my passion has given me a great economic contribution.

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WhatsApp Image 2021-04-11 at 8.00.02 PM.jpeg

Mi madre siempre ha sido para mí lo más cercano a una súper héroe, literalmente ya que es una mujer guerrera, fuerte espiritualmente, de mucho valor, determinación, juicio, amable, bondadosa, cariñosa, creativa (muy creativa). Sus consejos me han ayudado a través del tiempo a mejorar cada vez más como persona.

My mother has always been the closest thing to a superhero for me, literally, as she is a warrior, spiritually strong, courageous, determined, judgmental, kind, caring, loving, creative (very creative) woman. Her advice has helped me through time to improve more and more as a person.

Acá adjunto su primera publicación

Me Presento a la Comunidad Steem Women Club || I Introduce Myself to the Steem Women Club Community by @elsismillano

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Definitivamente nuestro relación mejora cada día más. Leemos juntas, luego de leer libros que nos gusten nos tomamos un día para explicarnos entre nosotras las partes que nos llamaron la atención de los libros, tomamos un café caliente y comemos algo dulce muestras hablamos de muchos temas, vivo con ella desde siempre y aún así todos los días tenemos temas diferentes para hablar.

Lo que me encanta de mi madre es que es única, original y muy expontanea. Su creatividad rebasa cualquier otra que conozca; incluyendome. Me encanta su manera de ser tan sencilla y amable, tan entregada y dedicada. Una cosa que tambien me encanta de mi madre, es que comparte el mismo sentimiento que yo por la humanidad.

Definitely our relationship is getting better every day. We read together, after reading books that we like we take a day to explain to each other the parts of the books that caught our attention, we have a hot coffee and eat something sweet, we talk about many topics, I have lived with her forever and still every day we have different topics to talk about.

What I love about my mother is that she is unique, original and very extrovert. Her creativity surpasses any other I know; including me. I love the way she is so simple and kind, so dedicated and devoted. One thing I also love about my mother is that she shares the same feeling for humanity as I do.

Ahora tambien compartiremos la aventura por el mundo de Steemit. Es algo que me emociona y me alegra muchisimo ya que podremos pasar mas rato juntas haciendo distintas cosas, ayudandole y ella ayudandome a mi en lo que podamos.

Now we will also share the adventure through the world of Steemit. This is something that excites me and makes me very happy because we will be able to spend more time together doing different things, helping her and her helping me in any way we can.

Invito a @magdasierra a que se active nuevamente y se una a esta maravillosa comunidad♥️
I invite @magdasierra to become active again and join this wonderful community.

Gracias por tu guia en este camino mi angel. Tambien estoy ansiosa por esta aventura que estamos iniciando acá. Dios te bendiga!

Yeey!!! Espero que tu experiencia acá sea muy agradable:D

Your submission to the contest has been accepted. I am very happy that you mentioned the benefits of Steemit. As women, we will support each other. Do not give up. The end of patience will be happiness. Keep making posts in the community. Good luck

Thank you for your very motivating comment @steemwomensclub. It's a great joy for me to be part of this wonderful community♥️

Hello steem has been chosen as the quality post of the day in the women's club community. Continue making posts in the community.

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