The children's day celebration//27th may 2021//

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago (edited)

Uupps!!!! It's children's day celebration today been the 27th day of may 2021,shout out to all the children and the womb that bore them which are the mothers because without the mothers their existence wouldn't have been made possible;

Children's day celebration has really been a big and fun event since I was born till date,It's a day mapped out  for children to be  celebrated by the nations of the world and also to improve their welfare and promote their rights as children,It also serves as a holiday to nursery and primary school pupils,though some countries have different dates for the celebration but here in Nigeria  we do ours on the 27th of may each year,it has been an awesome experience for me because I could remember those days in my nursery to  primary education when I'm always expectant of the date and excited anytime it comes by,the excitement is not necessary because of the holiday but because of the outings,the visit to zoo,amusement parks,the March past and other activities which are sponsored by the school in other to make the children have fun;






I really appreciate the children all over the world,they are amazing,bold and intelligent and it's high time we all put efforts together to secure their futures by helping them fight negative influences,abuse,social negligence  etc.,we ought to help them promote their rights ,nuture them, inculcate the right sense of living and socialization in them, give them good  moral upbringing,quality education/ knowledge in other to bring out the greatness and potentials in them for the benefit of the society and nation at large,

The children needs our help and support  and it's right time we reach out to them in any way we can,the society can be well if these young ones are well treated and given the right opportunity,

I'm immensely grateful to our mothers who has made some level of sacrifices to see to the betterment and well being of the children and to all the teachers your impacts are felt worldwide,you are the reason for the  different professions acquired by the all.

NB: All pictures contained in this post are original and not copied


Your post gives me such great memories of the good times when I was much younger wild and free. A beautiful one my freind. I look forward to seeing more of your posts!

 3 years ago 

Children's day celebration is a beautiful moment.
It reminds me of a those times we were kids.
27th may,,,,,, a moment of childhood.

@dilioness you really had great fun with the kids.

You really had fun, I love children SO Much

This pictures reminds me of my childhood days. Thanks for sharing these pictures

You really represent mothers keep it up

 3 years ago 

You really had fun , is good to be in the mist of children

Thanks @dlioness for your write up on Children Day Event. You remembered those days when you were young in years and the excitement associated with the children day celebration in those days. But my worries is " your failure to bring the father's into the picture". WHY? Please take note.
Joseph Agwu Ogbajie,

Smiles......, in as much as i didnt mention the fathers i am not disputing their efforts,fathers are really helpful and as a matter of fact i love my daddy and he stands to be one of the best daddy which i count you as one too sir,

Thanks for sharing sir @johanjab


Your post reminds me about does days when I was a kid. Kid is your time, hope you all enjoyed your day.

Yea very well ,its fun and i really enjoyed it so well,

If not for law of growth i would have wish i become a child again...smiles......


Hahahahah😃😃 you are funny

You really had so.much fun with them

 3 years ago 

Beautiful children!!! Happy children's day babies

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