Steem Women Club Community Contest #9 | ''DECLARE YOUR LOVE'' | Love Multiplies As It Is Shared [ESP-ING]

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago

I am happy to run this contest, grateful for the invitation from @steemwomensclub. It seems to me a great proposal to express our love to that person to whom we have never told how much we love him. And what better time than this!


Image of my authorship, made on an app CANVA.

I have a very special person to whom I may never have shown everything that I love her and how special she is to me, and that is my grandmother.

She is pure love, she is such a disinterested person that anyone would love her, her love surpasses all limits and abysses that may exist, she was everything to me, and even if she is not physically with me, I want to declare all my love that you once see I did not express to him in due course.


And it is that love does not only mean loving a person who is not of your blood, love is doing things that you have never done for someone, love is getting the best of you for that person, and being better for her / the.
Love is feeling alive and happy with your life and with the people around you, and today precisely on Valentine's Day, is the time to love more than ever.

Your personality

She has a very strong personality, but at the same time she is the sweetest person on the planet, she is capable of helping everyone in order to feel good about herself, her love for animals and for life was something impressive and her passion for reading is unimaginable. I could sit for hours and hours talking to her and I would never tire.

Favorite feature

One of the many characteristics of her was that, despite all the bad things, she always brought out something good and helped everyone with her wonderful advice. Every place she reaches she radiates her light and her good harmony, she is such a simple person and with a heart that is worth what cannot be paid.

She loves helping animals, and she loves to give selflessly.


Throughout her life she has sacrificed and left many things behind for the well-being of her entire family, she is no longer the person she was before, she always gives everything that is available to her, even if she is left with nothing.


I want to declare my love because before I had not done it, and I want you to know how important it is for me, and how much you have taught me throughout my life. All his advice and teachings have served, and thanks to all the love that gave me uninterestedly.

His love exceeds all the abysses, and if there are more lives after this, I would like to always find her. Very few people have the happiness know the solely real and pretty feelings he has, and fortunate are those with his light and splendor illuminates.

Thanks for being that person I declare my eternal and more sincere love I would not regret it to prove it always, thank you forever be to me


Thank the grackers who always support us @steemcurator01 @steemcurator02...


Me siento feliz de realizar este concurso, agradecida con la invitación de @steemwomensclub. Me parece una propuesta genial para expresar nuestro amor a esa persona a la cual nunca le hemos dicho cuánto lo amamos. ¡ Y que mejor momento que este!


Imagen de mi autoría, realizada en una app llamada CANVA.

Tengo una persona muy especial a la que quizás nunca le haya demostrado todo lo que la amo y lo especial que es para mí, y se trata de mi abuela.

Ella es amor puro, es una persona tan desinteresada que cualquiera la amaría, su amor supera todos los límites y abismos que puedan existir, ella lo fue todo para mí, y aunque no se encuentre físicamente conmigo, quiero declararle todo mi amor que una ves no le expresé en su debido momento.


Y es que el amor no solo significa amar a una persona que no sea de tu sangre, el amor es hacer cosas de las cuales nunca has hecho por alguien, amor es sacar lo mejor de ti para esa persona, y ser mejor para ella/el.
Amor es sentirte viva y feliz con tu vida y con las personas que te rodean, y hoy precisamente en el día de San Valentín, es el momento para amar más que nunca.

Su personalidad:

Ella tiene una personalidad muy fuerte, pero a la ves es la persona más dulce del planeta, es capaz de ayudar a todo el mundo con tal de sentirse bien ella. Su amor por los animales y por la vida era algo impresionante y su pasión por la lectura es inimaginable. Podría sentarme horas y horas a hablar con ella y nunca me cansaría .

Característica favorita

Una de las tantas características de ella era que, pesar de todo lo malo, ella siempre sacaba algo bueno y ayudaba a todo el mundo con sus maravillosos consejos. A cada lugar al que llega irradia su luz y su buena armonía, es una persona tan sencilla y con un corazón que vale lo que no se puede pagar.

Ama ayudar a los animales, y le encanta dar desinteresadamente.


A lo largo de su vida ha sacrificado y dejado muchas cosas atrás para el bienestar de toda su familia, ya no es la persona que era antes, siempre entrega todo lo que está a su disposición, así ella se quede sin nada.


Quiero declararle mi amor porque antes no lo había hecho, y quiero que sepa lo importante que es para mí, y lo mucho que me ha enseñado a lo largo de mi vida.
Todos sus consejos y enseñanzas han servido, y gracias a todo el amor que me regaló desinteresadamente.

Su amor supera todos los abismos, y si existen más vidas después de esta, quisiera encontrarmela siempre.
Muy pocas personas tienen la dicha de conocer los sentimientos tan reales y bonitos que tiene, y afortunados son los que con su luz y esplendor los ilumina.

Gracias por ser esa persona a la que declaro mi amor eterno y más sincero, no me arrepentiría de demostrarlo, gracias por siempre estar para mí siempre.


Agradecida con los curadores que siempre nos apoyan @steemcurator01 @steemcurator02 .....


Que hermoso post! La ultima fotografía es demasiado linda! Definitivamente las abuelas nos dejan las mejores enseñanzas y por eso siempre las llevamos con nosotras!

 3 years ago 

Concuerdo definitivamente contigo, las abuelas son las mejores..... gracias por pasarr!

hI @dairhial07 have approved your contest entry. all women are altruistic. Striving for the good of her family all her life shows that she is a strong woman.

Thank you very much for participating in the contest. Our slogan in this community; together we are strong. We will support each other. I will strive for women to win. Keep making quality posts in the community. If there is any problem, you can access it from the discord channel. Good luck :)

 3 years ago 

Thank you very much, I love this community, I will look forward to the results...

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