Steem Women's Club Contest # 5 Do women help the family earn a living? | Virtue is the woman's response

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago


Being a woman today implies a lot, and that is that a woman is key in any learning, teaching and feedback process; A woman is a source of wealth from any area in which it is seen and established.

It is a pleasure to present myself in this community, it is my first publication here and I found the topic of women very valuable. My name is Cindy and my username is @cindycam, I have been in steemit since June 2017, a time of learning, teaching and much gratitude. The woman is a gem and value should be given to those who deserve it; All women in the world are valuable and give their best, it must be recognized.

Earning a living, sustenance, family help implies and encompasses much more than you imagine, in any part of the world there is a working woman, a woman who gets up early, a woman who gives everything for everything every day, to get ahead; For her and (THE FAMILY).


Women and men, each one does their part in this world, neither is more nor less than the other, both have the same value and give everything to get ahead, with much or little, their tenacity is above all.

"All women are capable of leading, of fighting; I am Venezuelan and it is no secret to anyone that in Venezuela they must do a lot with so little and give themselves more than we imagine, not only in our country, but also in the rest of the world. So the question is: Do women play an important role? "

Answers to the questions

The role of women is not only important in the house, in any environment it stands out perfectly.When a woman falls a thousand times a thousand times she gets up.
Being unconditionally for a child, mother, father, among others, in bad times much more than in good times.The daily search for sustenance.
Getting up early, staying up late for a child, for the whole family.The fact of working without shame at any job, as long as you bring food home.
Many women having only one bread at home, prefer not to eat to feed their family.A woman fights for her family, through thick and thin.
Women inspire others.A woman empowers herself and marks a line of successes and truths that help others, with her example.

Of course, the role of women is important, it is key in a family, a woman is one who gives everything of herself, no matter what, gives everything for:

  • His mother.
  • By your father.
  • For his grandparents.
  • For his cousins.
  • For their children.
  • For everyone who needs it, is to be a "humanist", values ​​everyone without condition.

For the whole family if necessary, because women are synonymous with life, we must give and not give to receive, but give to feel and be good with yourself. Helping should be more than a gift, not to say: (I do or I did, "NO"), it is because it should be like that, because the family is what matters. Never in life will there be time to be grateful for everything, from our birth we have a purpose and that is that in the union there is strength, it is the strength of blood, brotherhood, life itself, of those who are joining the family being consanguineous or not, the family is formed along the way.

We are that gift of life, being a woman and being born of one speaks clearly of what a woman is capable of doing for her family. It is implicit: strength, struggle, confidence to persevere, courage, among many others that are part of the qualities and virtues.

Woman, answer yourself.

Should Women Help With Family Livelihoods?

It certainly shouldn't be seen as an obligation, and there are no buts to helping our family; If from the beginning of our birth the family is the one that helps us to grow, from whom we are training in knowledge and basic notions, which then we go to stages that require more of us, the family is the engine, the one that does not leave you Falling, the one that encourages you when you are tired, it is the family that helps you grow and feeds you with love, strives so that you do not experience deficiencies. So, should we women help our relatives with the necessary means? It is our duty and there are no excuses, a well-formed woman, a woman with a solid foundation in the concept of family knows, understands that the family is the blessing above all things and that without it one is not nothing .

How should our help with family income be?

Income is an important issue, but no more than family; linked to this, a woman must know how to defend herself and how to balance earnings, with a high or low rank job, we must always keep in mind that one day we are there and the next we are not, that we are fleeting, so giving today is what matters , because we do not take anything and the more we give of ourselves to our families, the better we will go in life.

Help with income should not be limited, when you have it you must share it, that's how help is. Many of us receive a monthly salary, others biweekly, others weekly and even daily, and at the right time we must analyze the expenses and make the costs to help as much as possible. “In my case, I have my sister and my mother, both of them live far from me and at the time of having a profit divided between equals, deducting the food expenses mainly and then what includes miscellaneous expenses. Not only do I do it with them, there are more, I usually send my aunts and they are divided equally, perhaps it is not much, but the intention is what counts, even more in these times that are lived, with a pandemic and a confinement . where he only works seven 7 days yes and seven 7 days no. "I mean, it's time to juggle what you have and be thankful.

The investment made by women matters, why?

When a woman becomes independent, establishes goals and fulfills them, she is creating a chain that motivates, that anchors more women to follow that pattern of improvement; It is not only that women make an investment, it is that they know how to manage it, it is that they manage to maintain it and get something great out of it, which not only helps them but also the rest of the family, the support of the family, for the "YOU CAN". It's about the more you get, the more you can give to others, without expecting anything in return, just knowing that they are fine just like you.

How is your investment in Steemit?

There is no formula, but perseverance and dedication achieve a lot in this medium, you learn from the first click, because you show many facets and qualities that you did not dare before, we realize that we can do so much and that even I missed. The community allowed us to be able to sing, create, tell so many stories, learn from each user in the community, it nurtures you and motivates you to want to do something good.

The investment given to steemit is reciprocal, when we realize that they value you, they value your content, that is a gain, more than a monetary one, which is appreciated, it is a gain in the value of your work.

It is true that time is invested, but it is not wasted time, because what others do not find with pleasure, in steemit it is possible that many dreams become reality.

We invest our knowledge and that is important, overcome by so many obstacles that have been placed in the way, and much more in this year 2020, because from my beginning in steemit in 2017, it was really good times and I am grateful to be there so many years here. A time of many changes and processes that were also a push to meet many goals.

The ability to value other women is a synonym of virtue that should be the example in each of us.

Be part of this great initiative @steemwomensclub

I would like to invite my friend @sabrip to participate and get involved in the women's community.

 3 years ago 

Hola amiga, me encanto leerte, eres una mujer maravillosa y muy fuerte.
Das todo por el todo y así debe ser, nunca rendirse.
Felicidades preciosa muy buen post!!

hi @cindycam Thank you for participating in the contest.

This is the place where we socialize as we make money, I'm happy to be in this community. Keep sharing quality content. Don't forget to join our Discord channel, good luck :)


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