Steem Women club Engagement Contest | Activities Enjoyed As A Family | by @chiabertrand

in SteemWomen Club2 years ago (edited)

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Steem greetings esteem Steemians, trust and believe you are all doing well. I'm here again in this great community to participate in this engagement contest and I will happily be sharing my Activities with me and my family. So, without further waisting any time,

My entry go thus:

I love this week's topic alot because it's talking about some activities we often carried out with our Love ones, spouse, or family. So I prefer sharing some of my activities I always carried out with my family since I don't have a spouse yet.

For sometime now, I have been living with my family, that is my sister, my uncle and his 3 children. Since my Uncle is often not around, I always spent much time but with his 3 children and my sister and we often carried out so many activities such as, going to church, traveling, cooking, eating, playing, watching movies/music, going out to lick ice scream, going to the field to watch football and having a walk together. So I will be sharing some of this few activities in details

Activities I Enjoy With Family

Like I said, they are so many activities I always enjoy with my family but I will be writing down few in details because I can't write all since my family and I always carry out alot of activities

1) Going To Church Together As Family



My siblings and I going Going To Church

This is the first most common thing we always do as a family because every Sunday morning or any other church day, we often go to church together. I always make sure that during church days , I ask my siblings to prepare their church dresses the previous day to church so that on the church day, they shouldn't be stranded because they didn't washed or clean their church dresses. On that church day, we always get up very early in the morning because we often attend but first service in church which always start from 7am-9am then Sunday school from 9am-10am. So we always close at 10am and by 10:30am, we are back home as a family

2) Going Out To Lick Ice scream Together As Family

My siblings like ice scream and roasted fish with passion and they oftenly ask me to take them out so that they can lick Ice-cream or eat roasted fish. So I oftenly take them out for ice-cream most especially during weekends which are not schooling days. During most week ends, when I'm free, there is a candy shop besides our location, so I always take them there and buy them ice-cream or roasted fish and sometimes both.

3) Playing Together



My siblings and I having fun

I am very social to my siblings and I am very open to them. So most at times when they are playing, I always join them to be playing with them even if it is children play..That is why I use to engage with them in playing football, Cards, lodo-games, hide-and-seek game and all the play little children most use to play. So I always bring down my self to their level so a to be able to play with them. They always like it anytime when I'm amongs them also playing.

4) Outing As A Family

My siblings and i

Sometimes when I'm going out, I use to take my siblings along, most especially if I'm going for shopping, visiting a family member or some birthday parties. At times I will take them out and we go together to some of this event.

5) Watching The TV, Doing Assignments and House chores Together



Watching the TV with my siblings

This one of the most important thing we usually do together as a family because we are often engaged in the house activities together such as cooking together because I always help my sister, we join hands to see that the house is always clean and fresh, we always eat together as a family starting from breakfast, lunch and super. When it's time for TV, we watch movies, music, cartoons, series films and football together. When I see my younger ones watching cartoon on TV, when ever I'm free, I always join them to watch it, even though I don't enjoy it, I have no choice than to watch it and they always love seeing me watching it

When it's time for football, though they don't like is much, they will also join me I'm watching it. When it's time for series movies, my sister love it a lot, me and my other siblings don't like it that much but we still choose to join our sister in watching it. All this is because of the family love we have for each other that we oftenly do our things together as a family

When ever my siblings are giving an assignment in school, we always do it together at home. So that means I'm the one that oftenly help them out with their assignments. I usually also teach them during my free time

6) Travelling Together As Family

At The Traveling Agency

Though we hardly travel, some times during summer holidays we usually use to travel together as a family. Our last travel as a family was 2years when we travel to Douala (litoral region in Cameroon) as a family during the summer holidays to visit our Aunt. When school where about resuming, we travel back to Bamenda still together as family

6) Strolling Around Or Taking A Walk



Most often, I usually take my siblings so that we can have a walk together around our neighborhood, most especially when there is no light and places are boring.


Thanks so much for your everyone, I will use this opportunity to invite my dear friends @tangwe-rene, @tenguhatanga, @wyzcekunited, @ngwerast, @monjuapollonia and @echamroland to come and participate in this amazing contest and share their activities with us on how they carry it out with their spouse or family

CC: @steemwomenclub

 2 years ago 

First of all, your siblings are very cute. Your pictures show a beautiful bonding that I cherish so much.🥰

Thank you so much for putting smiles on the faces of these Angels.

I wish you success in the contest @chiabertrand.

 2 years ago 

You seem very close to the family. I also often take them to the supermarket to buy Ice Cream. Sometimes, I'm embarrassed because I don't have enough money when I want to pay.

You seem very close to the family

You are right dear, my family is so close to my heart and I love them so much

.I also often take them to the supermarket to buy Ice Cream. Sometimes, I'm embarrassed because I don't have enough money when I want to pay.

Hahaha 🤣 at times I also face this same issue but I always comfortably tell them that I don't have money and I'm happy they always believe me.

Thanks for this nice visit dear

 2 years ago 

Our family is important to us and I can see that they are important to you too. You are doing great, finding time to do all these with your family is not easy it shows you value them so much. You are very humble and jovial to be able to join your siblings in playing games of all sorts. Keep up the good work. But I will like to join you guys for outing to enjoy ice cream and that roasted fish am seeing there haha. Thanks for your entry. Success

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Our family is important to us and I can see that they are important to you too

You are right mom, my family is my pride.

You are doing great, finding time to do all these with your family is not easy it shows you value them so much. You are very humble and jovial to be able to join your siblings in playing games of all sorts.

Yes mom I value my siblings so much, that's why we oftenly do things together and when ever I'm around, we play together, eat together and sleep together

But I will like to join you guys for outing to enjoy ice cream and that roasted fish am seeing there haha.

Ooooh ofcourse, you will be welcome and we will love to see you joined us next year so that we can go and enjoy the roasted fish and ice cream today

Thanks for coming mom

Your family is the most important think that can hapoen to you in the this . I look ove the connectionn and the way you cater for your siblings . Nothing is stronger than family and i see that bond.

You guys look alike and i see they are vety fun of you that is awesome .

Keep bringing them up in the ways of the Lord and never forget to introduce tgem into steemit once they reach 13. This is an avenue where they will learn and improve their skills. Good luck with this contest bro. And best regards from

Your family is the most important think that can hapoen to you in the this . I look ove the connectionn and the way you cater for your siblings . Nothing is stronger than family and i see that bond.

Yes bro I make sure I Carta for my siblings very well because of the love I have cor

You guys look alike and i see they are vety fun of you that is awesome .

That's true bro., That's how most of us are I'm the family.

Keep bringing them up in the ways of the Lord and never forget to introduce tgem into steemit once they reach 13.

I'm glad because I'm trying my possible best to bring them up I'm the fear of the lord and that's why we oftenly use to go the church, and most of all, I always tells them some stories found I'm the bible

Thanks for your positive visit broy

 2 years ago 

Being around our love once is always refreshing most expecially our family members. Reading through your article I can see that you are so close to your family and your love for the is something else.

Thank you for sharing and I wish you all the best in this contest.

Being around our love once is always refreshing most expecially our family members

You are right dear. That is why they are so close to my heart and I can't trade them for any

Thank you for sharing and I wish you all the best in this contest.

Thanks also for dropping with meaningful comment dear

 2 years ago 

You are always welcome 😊

 2 years ago 

Wow I can see you are very close to your family ,you share good moments with your siblings .Taking them out for relaxation and catching fun with them . Family is gold .I love the way you take care of your family you are a good example of a brother ,father and mother to them .keep it my dear .May the good lord continue to provide you so that you can take care of them .

Wow I can see you are very close to your family ,you share good moments with your siblings

Yes oooh my dear, they so close to my heart, that's is why we oftenly spent time doing so many activities when ever I'm around

Family is gold .I love the way you take care of your family you are a good example of a brother ,father and mother to them .

Indeed family is gold dear.hahaha I love the way you describe me my dear. I have to do all this so as to protect them all the time

Thanks so much for your kind wishes my dear. Thanks also for the positive entry

Waouh @chiabertrand that is another aspect of you that I discover. I did not know that you are close to your family like that.

This is the first most common thing we always do as a family because every Sunday morning or any other church day, we often go to church together

It is very important to always pray God no matter the situation we are going through whether happy or sad, having a job or not. For me most of the time I always say Thank you. Thank you for loving me unconditionally, thank you for saving me, Thank you for guiding me thank you! Thank you. Cause it is very important.

Playing with kids 😅 that is one of my favourite activities. Some times I play with my kids brothers untill the ask me if I am a child. Nevertheless I find it very pleasant to play with them because they teach me a lot.

After playing is watching TV with them that one is the worst 😅 the type of program I watch are for kids most of the time soi usually watch TV with them.

Your post is very interesting. Keep on

Waouh @chiabertrand that is another aspect of you that I discover. I did not know that you are close to your family like that.

Hahaha my brother, my family is so close to my heart, that's why I cherish them so much and I don't joke with them

It is very important to always pray God no matter the situation we are going through whether happy or sad, having a job or not

Yes bro, thats why I always make sure we go to church most often so as to give thanks to for the provision and how he always take good care of us

Playing with kids 😅 that is one of my favourite activities. Some times I play with my kids brothers untill the ask me if I am a child.

Hahaha same here with me bro. I oftenly play with them most at times and that's why there always love being besides me since I play all types of children play with them 😂😂

After playing is watching TV with them that one is the worst 😅 the type of program I watch are for kids most of the time soi usually watch TV with them.

Hahaha I oftenly watch but football or action movies but when I came and see them watching their cartoon, I always join them in watching it because I still have the my child spirit in me because when I was growing up, I use to like watching cartoon alot, especially the famous Tom and Jerry or Mr Bin

Thanks for the engaging visit my brother

You are welcome brother. We have our own ways to be with our families. That is what makes them to be special to us

 2 years ago 

I commend you for doing so many things as a family. Well done!
I could not help to smile when you wrote about your siblings who doesn't like to watch soccer much but they do it anyway. I suppose they know who buys the ice-cream.
Good luck for the contest!

I commend you for doing so many things as a family. Well done!

Thanks so much for the congratulations

I could not help to smile when you wrote about your siblings who doesn't like to watch soccer much but they do it anyway. I suppose they know who buys the ice-cream.
Good luck for the contest!

Hahaha they always join me in watching soccer because they know they might benefit at the end so that i can switch the channel to their desire channel Which is cartoon. And they also do so because they might thing I will go and buy them ice-cream for them 😂😂

 2 years ago 

Umh so I was right about those ice-creams 😊

Thanks for sharing @chiabertrand, I will endeavour to participate.😊🤗

 2 years ago 

Family means a lot to us so continue loving them

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