Steem Women club Engagement Contest // Improving Personal Development // By @chant.

in SteemWomen Club2 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone, accept Steem greetings from my end, it’s a pleasure to participate in this week's challenge based on personal care/development. We at times overworked ourselves and forget to take care of ourselves to the extent that we suffer depression. Most of us if we are asked how many hours we dedicate a day to care for ourselves, will be surprised that many will say there is no time for such activities. Today I will be sharing what I do for personal care/development.


The uncertainties and pressure that arise in our daily lives, make it difficult to create time to care for ourselves. I always say it is us human that has time and not time having us. So, my dear friends, always create time to care for yourself because that is exactly what I do. There is no duplicate of life.

What I do to Improve On My Personal Care/Development

Meditate 🧘‍♀️

First I always do my morning meditation 🧘‍♂️ 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♀️especially when I feel stressed. I do this to feel better and not suffer depression. It helps me to relax my mind and my body as well.


Attend Serminars

Secondly, my goal is to protect the vulnerable group in my community. To achieve this, I attend seminars on themes related to human rights protection, gender-based violence, and child protection. These seminars help me to build my self-confidence by addressing these ills in my community. I attend sermonises as a way to network with experts in the field. Seminars also help me to meet new friends with that I share my thoughts and seek advice from them.



Reading Books

One thing I have learned in life is that knowledge is power. To be able to stand out amongst a crowd, one needs knowledge and it can only be acquired by reading books related to your interest. Do not just read books for the sake of reading but go for those books that will help build your career. I envisage one day becoming a big businesswoman, so during my rest time, I do read books such as

“The Capitalist Nigger” written by Chika Onyeani , “Rich Dad Poor Dad” authored by Robert Kiyosaki, and “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth” authored by T. Harv Eker.

Reading these books makes me have a positive mindset about becoming a businesswoman.

Learning Online courses

At times we find ourselves in situations where we are not able to afford tuition fees to learn and maybe become a professional. But with the internet, and a good phone, this is no longer a problem. Since I embarked on my journey to protect vulnerable persons, I can say my family could not afford fees for me to study in those prestigious institutions. Thank God with the internet, I had to learn free courses online offered by reputable organizations. This gave helped me to build my portfolio and today I can say I am proud of who I am. Some of my certificates acquired through online learning are seen below.





Develop A proper Sleep Routine

Having a good sleep is just like having a balanced diet with all the nutritional content. When we deprived ourselves of good sleep, we risk having some health problems. So what I do daily is developed a proper sleep routine by having a siesta during the day and making sure I have at least 7 hours of sleep at night. This helps my body to properly make use of insulin hormone and prevents certain illnesses such as diabetes.



The first recommendation will be that we should endeavor to eat healthy food. Do not eat junk food, avoid eating food containing much sugar. Take natural sweeteners like pure honey. When you eat healthy food, then your body will treat you well.
Secondly, some people wish to go back to school but do not have money to afford tuition fees. Some are willing to learn a trade but do not have the skills. I will recommend they check free online courses related to their field of interest. This will help them build a career from there.


To conclude, developing personal care is a life lesson that we need to learn every day until the day we depart from earth. It is a continuous learning process to improve our mental well-being, better our health conditions, and seek progress in life.
Therefore, we all are responsible for becoming who we want to be by building our mindsets first. Nobody in this life has your interest at hand rather than you.
I will like to invite @majerius, @wase1234, and @fombae to take part in this challenge.

 2 years ago 

Ma'am you are really a goal setter and getting
Look at all those course completion certificates
But the one I agree with you most is sleeping because personally I get alot of body aches when I don't sleep

There's something I heard ooo
I heard that meditation opens and empties the mind
So when we meditate the devil can easily enter our minds 😅
Is that true?

 2 years ago 

But the one I agree with you most is sleeping because personally I get alot of body aches when I don't sleep

Yeah sleep is very important for our health. Whenever I missed my routine sleep, I always have body aches which can only be regained by sleeping properly.

So when we meditate the devil can easily enter our minds 😅
Is that true?

😂🤣😂🤣My first time of hearing such statements but I think those are assumptions because if there was something as such, I would have experienced it.

I'm coming with my own. Though my own go bi na about sports so.
I didn't know you had all these certificates from plan international. I love that organization so much

 2 years ago 

I am waiting for your entry and thanks for reading through my post.

Waouh aunty Chant this is amazingly amazing. Meditation and so many goals set you're the real deal. I love this

 2 years ago 

😂😂😂😂 No matter the matter my dear, we still strive to become better version of who we were. Thanks for reading through.

 2 years ago 

You have good activities for yourself development.

That sleep aspect for my attention, having good sleep is good and should not be neglected, sometimes we get so carried away and think it doesn't matter but when it compiles we may break down. Thank you for sharing your activities with us.

 2 years ago 

Sleep is very important, one of the reasons I hate to travel at night is because I will not be able to have proper sleep which affects me. No matter how busy you are, it is always advisable to get enough sleep. Thanks for reading my post.

 2 years ago (edited)

Yes thats true...but traveling at night is my best though


I can see you spend alot of time to build your body systems which is good healthcare with this it make you more flexible than can think of so nice write up and see you in my next entering

 2 years ago 

Thanks for reading through my entry post.

 2 years ago 

To conclude, developing personal care is a life lesson that we need to learn every day until the day we depart from earth.

These are such wise words. If we don’t this ww are not going to move ahead with time and when we do realise that something is missing it is too late.
Thank you for sharing.

Good luck for the contest!

 2 years ago 

I do appreciate your engagement on my post and I wish you luck as well.

 2 years ago 

Thank you! 🎕

 2 years ago 

One thing I have learned in life is that knowledge is power.

This is very true. Knowledge is indeed power. And i can see you're doing alot to acquire it from seminars and online courses.

You're doing a great job
All the best

 2 years ago 

Yes ooh my dear, if you have not acquire knowledge then you are heading for a dump.

 2 years ago 

I love meditation too and I can see you're doing quite impressive job too and that's the best stress reliever.

You're doing great in attending serminars for self development and I must confess you're doing great in achieving four different online courses online.

Good luck my friend

 2 years ago 

Yes my dear, meditation 🧘‍♀️ is amongst the first things I do in the early hours and I enjoy every bit of it. Thanks for reading through my post.

 2 years ago 

You're welcome

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