A small experiment with old discs| Decorate with a conscience [ESP/ING]

in SteemWomen Club4 years ago

¡Hola, linda comunidad de SteemWomen Club!

Hello, nice SteemWomen Club community!

El día de hoy les presento un pequeño experimento con el mundo de las manualidades, no soy la persona con mejores habilidades pero tenía estos cd viejos y quise hacer este pequeño adorno para guindar arriba de donde tengo todos mis libros, en representación del cielo y los nuevos mundos que descubrimos cuando leemos.

2 cd viejos.
3 hojas de máquina.
Hilo pabilo, aunque de preferencia nailon.
Un lápiz y un lapicero tipo pluma.
Un pedacito de lija.

Today I present to you a little experiment with the world of crafts, I am not the person with the best skills but I had these old cd's and I wanted to make this little ornament to hang above where I have all my books, representing the sky and the new worlds we discover when we read.

2 old cd's.
3 sheets of machine paper.
Thread wick, but preferably nylon.
A pencil and a pen.
A piece of sandpaper.

• Lo primero es hacer un molde de una luna y 4 estrellas. Yo hice dos lunas por cualquier eventualidad.

  • The first thing is to make a mold of a moon and 4 stars. I made two moons for any eventuality.

• Dibujamos en la misma hoja la luna y las 4 estrellas.

  • We draw on the same sheet the moon and the 4 stars.

• Cortamos las figuras con mucho cuidado y lo más pegado a la misma posible.

  • We cut the figures very carefully and as close to the same as possible.

• Tomamos el cd y marcamos la forma con el lapicero tipo pluma. Luego con mucho cuidado de no cortarnos recortamos.

  • We take the CD and mark the shape with the pen. Then we cut it out very carefully so as not to cut ourselves.

• Yo comencé con las estrellas, he de decir que fue muy difícil recortar porque este cd era muy grueso.

  • I started with the stars, I have to say that it was very difficult to cut out because this cd was very thick.

• Hice el mismo procedimiento con la luna, y note que faltaba más definición así que busque un mini pedazo de lija a ver si mejoraba.

  • I did the same procedure with the moon, and noticed that it lacked more definition so I looked for a mini piece of sandpaper to see if it would improve.

• Las estrellas me gustaron mucho después de lijar, pues se veían muy delicadas.

  • I really liked the stars after sanding, as they looked very delicate.

• Lo que si no me gusto fue la luna, así que tome un compás e hice un medio circulo y luego definí por dentro.

  • What I didn't like was the moon, so I took a compass and made a half circle and then defined the inside.

• Hice el mismo procedimiento, marcar, recortar y lijar. Así si me gusto.

  • I did the same procedure, marking, trimming and sanding. That's how I liked it.

• Con eso listo, ordene la luna y estrellas como quiero que se vean.

  • With that done, arrange the moon and stars as I want them to look.

• Después de esto, se toma un pedazo de hilo y medimos entre la primera estrella y la luna, voltee por el lado blanco y pegue con silicón. Para reforzar puse un pedazo pequeño de papel arriba.

  • After this, take a piece of thread and measure between the first star and the moon, flip the white side and glue with silicone. To reinforce I put a small piece of paper on top.

• Lo mismo hice con las 3 estrellas que van debajo de nuestra luna, medí, pegue y reforcé.

  • I did the same with the 3 stars that go under our moon, measured, glued and reinforced.

• Cuando estuvo terminado, vi el resultado final y me gusto pero luego pensé ¿Cómo lo voy a guindar? Resolví esa duda con el mismo hilo, haciendo un pequeño círculo pegado a la punta de la estrella.

  • When it was finished, I saw the final result and I liked it, but then I thought, "How am I going to hang it? I solved that doubt with the same thread, making a small circle attached to the tip of the star.

• Con esto estuvo terminado mi adorno, viéndose de esta forma en dos espacios diferentes: uno con mucha luz y otro más oscuro.

  • With this my ornament was finished, looking like this in two different spaces: one with lots of light and the other darker.

Me gustaría aclarar que no considero mi post un tutorial porque para mí fue un proceso de experimentar e ir resolviendo pero creo que si desean seguir dichos pasos puede salir mucho más bonito que el mío.

I would like to clarify that I don't consider my post a tutorial because for me it was a process of experimenting and figuring it out but I think that if you want to follow those steps it can be much nicer than mine.

Me ha encantado compartir esta experiencia con ustedes. Me despido. Hasta pronto.

I have loved sharing this experience with you. I bid you farewell. See you soon.


hi @cami.rojas Hello I have approved your contest entry. you made simple and beautiful bracelet. You can make a friend happy by giving a gift. Thank you for participating in the contest. I chose Quality post of the day. Keep making quality posts in the community. If there is any problem, contact me on discord. Good luck:)

Welcome to the community. First of all, our motto is we are strong together. You can win the contest. You can interact with your friends. You can delegate for fixed income. I am happy to be in my community, I chose Quality post of the day. Keep making quality posts in the community. If there is any problem, contact me on discord. :)

Thank you very much for your recipe. It looks pretty tasty. I can ask for a plate. I love courgettes. I consume a lot because I am on a diet. I am glad you wrote in detail. I chose Quality post of the day. Keep making quality posts in the community. If there is any problem, contact me on discord.

The experiment you are doing looks amazing. why didn't you join the contest with this. I am glad you wrote in detail. I chose Quality post of the day. Keep making quality posts in the community. If there is any problem, contact me on discord. :)

Hi. Thank you very much for considering my post as a quality one. After uploading it I noticed the contest. But I will participate, I am already preparing my entry. Regards

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