The Diary Game, Better Life, April 30th, 2022 | Fun English Debate & Discussion, "Love or Money ?", "💖 Or 💲???" | 10% to @steemwomensclub

in SteemWomen Club2 years ago (edited)

Fun English Debate & Discussion, "Love or Money ?", "💖 Or 💲???"

Hola amigos my pretty ladies 🥰
How is it going ? Such a pleasure to meet you again in this special women community @steemwomensclub. Hope you have a blessed day, my dearest ladies 💖🤗

Well, owing to the fact that my head is quite not good recently, these days so I couldn’t have make a friend with my pillow and bolster at the night. I got up then drank a spoon honey then play with my lovely nephew, a cutie baby boy in the living room before having Suhoor.

I went to the bathroom to relieve myself, washed my hands with the soap and face then gather in the dinning room with my lovely family. Unfortunatelly we forgot to cook the rice for our pre-dawn meals. The rice into the rice cooker was running out.

Playing with my lovely nephew meanwhile waiting for my sister cooked some meals for Suhoor

Noodles mix fried shrimps & veggies for our pre-dawn meals

Then my sister just cooked noodles chicken broth and fried shrimps. After made a little du’a, I and my lovely family enjoy our meals in hurry. The time for Suhoor almost finished.

After Pray Subuh and recited my Holy Qur'an, I lay down on my bed while playing my cellphone then fell asleep. I couldn’t hold my sleepiness any longer inasmuch as I lack of sleep last night, ”Zzzzzzzzzzz 😴”.

About four hours later my alarm woke me up. Yazz, I had a schedule to teach two of my students in my English private course from Krueng Geukeuh and West Batuphat. Yep, last dawn after got Suhoor one of them chat me and asked me about study English private course.

Yeah, almost two weeks we didn’t meet each others due to the fact that one of them is feeling under the weather, fever and severe head. So that’s why they told me by Whatsapp chat that they miss to study English with me after two weeks have off days. Well, I said yess to them.

Today we have an appointment to study English private course with me at 11 am more outdoor.

I switch off my alarm on my mobile phone then did a little stretching and warming up in my bedroom. I took my bath towel robe then fought with my lovely enemy, water and dipper in the bathroom.

”Mbbbyyyaaarrr... Mbbbyyyuuurrr... Mbbbyyyaaarrr... Mbbbyyyuuurrr...”, Sounds of water fallen from the dipper in the bathroom. Less than thirty minutes later, I back to my bedroom then get dressed. I shake hands and got permit to my lovely sibling therefore, ”Nengggggggg 🏍️”, I rode my motorcycle.

Like I used to do, I asked my students to have a little conversation in English. I gave about fifteen minutes for each person to storytelling about their daily activities during two weeks we didn’t meet each others.

Alhamdulillah in that hot noon, they have a bunch of stories include about their sickness also. Ahaha.

Well, about thirty minutes later I gave some daily vocabs and conversation to them to improve their English skills. I gave some new idioms also to update themselves.

Approximately a few minutes later, I gave a little topic to them and ask them to did a liitle debate and discussions concerning that topic.

Yazz, this is their first time to did discussions and debate. I assume they rather have a good enough skills and capabilities to did a little discussions and debate. And the topic is if you only have two choices in your life, which one you choose, ”Love or Money ???”.

All the praise only for Yaa Rahim, they are happy as a Larry to welcome it, discussions and debate. Moreover they over the moon of the topic, ”Love or Money ?”.

I asked them to make a deal with rock, scissors, paper, stone by their fingers. Who’s the first winner can choose which one they like, ”Love or Money ?”, "💖 Or 💲???"

After made a deal and made decision to choosed what they like, I gave them duration to prepare themselves about ten minutes. I gave them a chance also to search some of articles about love and money by their mobile phone.

My students was trying to make a deal with rock, scissors, paper & stone to choosed their choices for discussion & debate, "Love or Money ???"

We had a fun debate and discussions at that time. My lovely students, two men which one graduated from Politeknik State Lhokseumawe, technical enginering and administration business has a lot of arguments and argue each others.

I remind them to be polite and give a good gesture, body language and manners when debate and discussion still on the process. Alhamdulillah they obey my rule. However we have a lovely time to debate each others with our own point of view of Love & Money in our life

My students told me that they do love debate when study English private course with me. ”Ok well, let’s do it again in the next time !”, I told them. Ahaha...

They so excited for our topic of debate today, "💖 or💲???"

They were arguing about Love & Money in their life

One of my students was explaining that money is one of my the most crucial things in our life

His rivals was trying to argue his friend statement & told that love is the most important in our life

And finally they made a deal that both of them, "Love 💖 & Money 💰" are crucial for our life

Before one of my students took me up to my house by his motorcycle, we asked to forgive each others before Eid Day and a little holiday. We made an appointment also to meet InsyaaAllah ba'da Eid Mubarak.

We took a wefie also to captured our lovely moments and our last meeting on Fasting Day before Eid Day. What a wonderful day.

My student taking me up to my house by his motorcycle 🏍️

After Pray Dzuhur, I pack my clothes and put into my bag. Yazz, today I and my lovely family want to back to my mom’s village, Pijay. Thereafter I clean and tidy up my bedroom.

I Took the broom then sweep my bedroom, living room and veranda. Alhamdulillah I make sure that my bedroom was clean before back to my mom’s village in Pijay.

I taken a bath then took wudhu' or ablution to Pray Ashar. After recited my Holy Qur'an, I get dressed. Several hours later, my elder sister picked us up by her car. After made a little du’a we back to our small village with our happy soul.

On the way back to my mom's village 🤍


Owing to the fact that we want to arrive as soon as possible to our mom’s village, we just bought some young coconut water to break our fast during on the road.

Approximately twenty minutes later, we stopped our car in one of Masjid to Pray Maghrib there. After Pray Maghrib, while waiting for my lovely sisters, I recited Surah Al-Waqiah in The Holy Qur'an in that Masjid.


We stopped also at Bakso Aroma, Bireuen and enjoy some meatballs and beverages to continued to break our fast there. We couldn’t compromize anymore with our tummy. Hoho...

Alhamdulillah several hours later, about 9 pm more we arrived to our small village. We put some of our bags, changed our dressed then got some meals in the dinning room. My mom and sister has cooked one of our favourite foods, shrimp mix potatoes chili sauce and boiled spinach.

After play with my lovely nephews & niece and had a long conversation with our lovely mom, we back to our own bedroom then took a rest to wake up for Suhoor later.

Have a good night, my pretty ladies 🌌💙🤗.

I really appreciate if this lovely community @steemwomensclub want to give some critical or advice to me 🥰. So that my post will have a good progress day by day 🙏🏻.

A massive thank you to @steemwomensclub @svm038 @nadiaturrina for the big support to this lovely community ☺️

Warm regards,


 2 years ago 

Excellent work my sis, keep do your best sis @asiahaiss

 2 years ago 

Alhamdulillah, thanks a bunch ma pretty lady @fitriafifa 🥰🤗

Have a wonderful day, sweety 😚

 2 years ago 

Sama-sama kak🤗. Sukses selalu kak cantik @asiahaiss

 2 years ago 

Aamiin Allahumma Aamiin 🤲🏻
Syukron dekku 🤍😇🤗

Your nephew is so cute. Debates between students are fun and informative.

 2 years ago 

Alhamdulillah, thanks a bunch my dear friend 🥰
Yazz, we had a fun debate at that time ☺️
My students so excited to did it

Have a blessed day 🤍😇

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