Dynamic Tuesday || DIY || My Homenade Face Pack || 15% payout of this post to steemwomensclub by @ashkhan

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago

Aoa beauties

~ Hope you all are well and enjoying your happy lives. God bless you all. ~


Today is Tuesday so, the dynamic of the day is DIY, creativity and art. But I am sharing with you my homemade DIY which I have used on my face and hands as well. It has no side effect but the women who have allergic to lemon they can skip this ingredient. So, lets start the DIY dynamic.

Beetroot Juice1 tbsp
Lemon JuiceFew drops
(Basin) Gram Flour1 tbsp
Honey1/2 tbsp
Milk1/2 tbsp


  • Add 1/2 tablespoon of honey in a bowl. Honey is natural ingredient which plays important role in skincare as well. Honey makes your skin soft and glowing as well.


  • Add 1 tablespoon of gram flour. Gram flour is mostly used in wedding for bridal glow and fair skin. So, gram flour is effective for skin to make it's fair and lighten your skin tone.


  • Add 1/2 tablespoon of milk. Milk gives your skin moisture and it can used as a cleanser and moisturzer. Which gives your skin glow and remove the dark spots or pigments.


  • Add few drops of lemon juice. As we know lemon is the natural bleaching agent so, it gives your skin instant brightening and lightening.


  • Add 1 tablespoon of beetroot juice. Beet root juice is effective for acne, pimples and dark spots. It is also useful in reduction of open pores.


  • Mix all the ingredients well and make a face pack of it.



  • You can apply this mixture on face and hands. Apply for 10 to 15 minutes and then leave it.


  • Rinse off with simple water and you can see the amazing results on your skin.


~ I hope you like and must try for instant results. Thank you for your precious time. Good Night and Sweet Dreams. May Allah Bless You. ~



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