Dynamıc Thursday : Healthy Living || Best food to clean out arteries || 10 % of this post payout to steemwomensclub by @ashkhan

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago

Aoa Ladies

~ I hope you all are well and enjoying your happy and healthy life. 2nd day of Eid Mubarak to everyone. ~


Let's talk about the best foods that can help clean out your arteries I am talking about a problem that involves the inside of the layer of our arteries it's called the endothelial layer and if there's a dysfunction with this layer, we get inflammation and we also get scar tissue fibrosis. You also have calcium and cholesterol buildup. You can also have a clot which is a little bit different and one of the absolute best tests to figure out.


What's going on the inside of your arteries?

It's the coronary artery calcification test or scan get it from doctor it's pretty quick, it's not that expensive. it's way more valuable than a cholesterol test. Because it's measuring the amount of calcium buildup in your arteries which is one of the best predictors or mortality from all deaths. So, it's a really important test it should be zero but sometimes; it could be 100, 200, 500, 700, even a thousand or more. The key is if you find that it's very high, we want to apply; and then retest it every several months and make sure it's going down.


1. Normal level of Insluin

You want to make sure that your insulin is normal. You don't want it too high and you do that by dropping your carbs so anything low carb would be very therapeutic to your arteries. So; you want to do a low-carb diet ketogenic diet and you want to do fasting; very important because that will lower insulin. Insulin will cause inflammation in the inside of the arteries and the artery will become thickened and you may even develop a clot.


There'll be inflammation and something called age advanced glycated end products. In this situation that occurs where the inside of your artery the proteins become unusable, they're damaged and you get this from consuming too many carbs and you can also get it from consuming like too many omega-6 oils.


2. Food High in Vitamin K2

You want to consume foods high in vitamin K2 like nato which is a fermented soybean or liver could be beef liver chicken liver eggs definitely the yolk grass-fed butter grass-fed beef sauerkraut maybe a little bit of hard or soft cheese that has vitamin K2 the vitamin K2 is all about keeping the calcium out of the arteries.


3. Vitamin E

This is not a food but it's a very powerful antioxidant tocatrinos is different than tocopherols; this is the vitamin e complex tocotrinols are 50 times stronger than tocopherols. Now if you're consuming green leafy vegetables; we're going to get a good amount of vitamin E.

So, you can also do that but if we actually have damage inside our arteries tocotrinols would be something. It is highly recommended because they're very powerful; they can stop the fibrosis or scar tissue from getting any worse and it gets rid of free radical damage.


4. Omega-3 fatty acids

Decreasing omega-6 fatty acids so we need to get rid of the soy oils the corn oil the canola the cotton seed out of your diet and replace that with omega-3 fatty acids fatty fish salmon cod liver oil; we can do walnuts which has a precursor to omega-3; and also make sure that if you're doing meats, they're grass-fed it has higher amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.


5. Potassium

Decrease the stiffness of the arteries which can then lead to high blood pressure you want to have enough potassium in the diet potassium keeps the arteries nice and soft the problem is most people don't consume enough salad or vegetable to be able to have enough potassium and they're usually low an average.


The American has about one and a half cups of vegetable per day when in fact they need at least seven or more and so that will give you the potassium to really help your blood pressure. You can also get it in a good electrolyte powder.

6. Vitamin D

  • Now the other thing is vitamin d. Vitamin D is very important in keeping your blood pressure low.

  • It supports this dysfunction in a very big way.

  • It can help your arteries from a lot of different angles so vitamin D; it's almost impossible to get it from food you can get it from fatty fish and cod liver oil but the best way is through the sun or supplement here's the thing you need about at least 10 000 ius of vitamin D or even more to drop blood pressure but you'll actually see that blood pressure will come down when you take it.


  • So, the combination of potassium vitamin D is very powerful in keeping the arteries from being too stiff . Now there's another good remedy for high blood pressure pomegranate.

  • You can get it as a supplement or consume the seeds in your salad it has great properties to lower blood pressure; so there you have it some foods to focus on to keep your arteries clean.

~Hope you like it and take care of your health for your loving one. 😍😍 Celebrate your Eid your family and friends. Stay safe and stay home. Share happiness with poor ones.~



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