SteemWomenClub Contest #20 | 5 Favorite Places in My Bolívar City 🌁

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago

Hello dear Ladies ❤️

Today I'm going to share my 5 favorite places in Bolívar City that are actually closed for many reasons and I don't know when I'm going to have another opportunity to go over there in order to enjoy their spaces. Let's go then.🏃🏻‍♀️

Zamuro Fort


This was a strategic site located at the highest hill of the city with surrounded rocks that was built at the beginning of XX century during the Liberty Revolution in the battle of Bolívar City (July of 1903) and the name is due to a certain slave, José Zamudio, that used to take care the horses of his owner but was murdered by hanging him over an araguaney, a national tree with yellow leaves. Right now it's not so often visited by citizens because the huge insecurity that is taking place in our nation, not only the town. So, I got the flute pictures with my father during a festive celebration and there was a lot of people and cops taking care the area in that moment.👮

Soto Modern Art Museum


Jesús Soto was an emblematic international kinetic artist that has born in the city, so this building is built in his honour, with modernist architectural influences of course. Over here you can see many of his creations and I came here to celebrate my birthday a couple of years ago to have the opportunity of getting inside of the famous yellow mobile created by him. Unfortunately, he died at the year of 2005 and the museum is currently open with strict restrictions imposed by government to avoid the spreading of Covid-19.🦠

San Isidro's House


I came here to celebrate my birthday too but last year this time and I didn't have idea of the future of this historical place where our liberator and national hero Simon Bolivar has stayed here and written his famous speech (which was pronounced at the Angostura's Congress): Sadly, there was a considerable theft of furnitures and unique things that were kept so far in the house, so now the place is temporarily closed for the public. Security in Venezuela was always a big problem I might say and I feel that they've also stolen the soul of my city's history not just physical stuff.😔

Ruiz Pineda Park


The only big park that our city is owning. It's actually forbidden to entrance due to the coronavirus lockdown. At the festival of Sapoara fish in August of every year, it was usual to elect the queen of the event, where national artists came here to performance and share with people of my city. It's also installed a big but illuminated Christmas tree in December, although this is already not done since the beginning of pandemic situation. Over here in my teenager age, I'm at the long avenue that is located in front of the park, where it's also a tradition to show the carnival's floats during this period at the starting of the year.🎉

Conservatory of Music


Beautiful memories I have from this place that was like my second home. It's a school where I learned my first lessons of music, all related with theory, flute and singing as you can see at the picture, it's me in a chorus of children in front of this historical place built with exquisite architectural details in the XIX century. I don't know if right now there's still open to kids in order to provide education of music, but I'm pretty sure the answer is yes, it's probably closed due to the obvious reasons that we're already aware.🚫


In summary, as these are my favorite places in my city, I'm inviting @sarahraudhah and @ainie.kashif to see my article, hoping to get in contact soon through this wonderful community. Regards there and see you in the next opportunity. 😊


*** See you in next post *** 📝

 3 years ago (edited)

Hi @alegnita, thanks for sharing this wonderful post. I enjoyed reading your story so much. It felt like walking through memory lane of your childhood. I agree that some people cannot understand the historical value for what they have done to all this important places. I love to try and visit all of them if I can. So nice also to see your childhood photos, awesome! I lost all mine. Take care Alana and Happy Weekend! cheers, ainie

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much Ainie. Glad you liked it. I also wish you a good weekend 🙂 See you soon through Blockchain platform. #venezuela #affable

Excelente publicación, me gustó mucho el Fuerte de Zamuro por el monumental cerro escarpado con sus inmensas rocas. Valioso sitio histórico es la Casa de San Isidro, desafortunadamente extrajeron significativos bienes.

Esta publicación quedó fabulosa, me gusta. Te felicito y deseo mucho éxito.

 3 years ago 

Hola, buenas tardes. Muchas gracias por pasar a comentar Daniel. Tuve suerte de plasmar varias áreas a través de las fotografías en aquella oportunidad sin saber lo que después iba a pasar.🙄 Pero bueno, a seguir mirando al futuro. Envío saludos. #venezuela #affable

Excelente trabajo, me gustó mucho.

Feliz día


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