Steem Women Club Contest #26 Your Care Day | Everything about Nail, Skin Care and Hair Care| Caring for my hair | Treating Split ends and Breakage

in SteemWomen Club3 years ago (edited)


Hello, beautiful women. How are we holding on this season? Trust you all are fine?
Welcome to my contest entry on Everything about Nail,Skin Care and Hair Care. It was more of coincidence as I initially intended to give my hair some treat. And then I came across the contest topic in the community. So I decided to use my hair treatment as an entry.

I didn't like the way my hair was breaking, so I decided to get some antibreakage treatment using natural remedies, onion and coconut oil.


  • Onion Juice : ½ tbsp
  • Coconut oil: ½ tbsp



Onion Juice

  • provide sulfur that support strong and thick hair hereby preventing hair thinning and breakage
  • promotes healthy hair growth
  • Antibacterial properties preventing hair infections like lice infestation

Coconut oil

  • Stimulates hair growth
  • Promotes scalp health
  • Mositurizes hair
  • Adds lustre and shine to hair


Onion Juice is quite easy to make.

  • Grate the onion. Preferable to grate rather than blend,so no need to add water. 💯 % onion Juice is required.
  • Extract the juice using a mesh-like sieve. Use the back of spoon to press out enough juice.
  • Measure out the juice into a separate bowl.
  • Add the coconut oil and mix with a spoon.



I used 3 portions for my entire hair. 1 Onion bulb is actually enough, some juice were still remaining.


  • First, I part my hair into 4 sections
  • Taking one section , I sprayed water with bottle spray.
  • Using my two fingers, I applied the oils and massaged well into scalp and throughout the hair and hair ends.


  • I also treated split ends in my hair. Stretch out hair,trim off where split occurs, you have a healthy end.
    You can treat split ends in entire hair first, if observed in your hair before applying the onion Juice. Or do both simultaneously per section

treating split ends

  • I kept my hair in twists as I apply the juice. Makes it easy for me, cause I wash my hair in twists.

  • Let it sit in hair for about 30 minutes.

  • Wash off with a mild shampoo.


Using L.C.O. method to treat hair

Next morning,after hydrating with water, I moisturized my hair with Shea butter and used an oil-based product to seal in the moisture,Meditrit-3. I observed breakage had reduced drastically: as I apply these materials with my fingers, no hair broke off unlike before that it would just break with a slight touch.

Rubbed in a pea sized Shea butter in palms until it melts. Apply in hair, massaging in scalp and through hair

apply Meditrit-3 on scalp and edges,you can use any good oil you have

I styled my hair in one- side afro.


Using Onion Juice just once yielded a good result for me. If you experience excess hair breakage, you should try this natural treatment.
Onion Juice should be used at least once a week

before & after treating with onion juice

My hair feels soft, mositurized and healthy with a good shine 😊.

Thank you all for reading my post. Hope you find it helpful?

Special thanks

I invite @favour216, @beautybb, @ifylove.

 3 years ago 

You hair is very natural and beautiful. I like it

 3 years ago 

Thank you ma'am 😊.

 3 years ago 

See how you are making me jealous of your hair, I love when ladies take care of their natural hair, some tend to neglect it until it gets to a point of no return. Your hair is beautiful @afunkycares.

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much for your kind words @yuceetoria. It's beneficial for us when we care for our hair and keep it healthy.

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