The Diary Game: 18/09/2021 - The day of my campus promosteem event by @zzzinnn

in Steem Ghana3 years ago (edited)

4594D20F-C980-4333-B0D1-CE8972EA7B50.jpeg Cover Photo: Group picture with some attendees after the event

Take a look at my diary on Saturday 18th September, 2021. It was the day of the campus seminar on steemit and steem. In this seminar, I invited experienced steemit users to educate us about this platform.

It was a great day for me as we were able to sign up over 15 students on steemit. 💪🏿

Among the guests include; @njaywan (country rep), @farhmade, @massachessetts (campus connect Gh ambassador), @zology69, @desiigner, and @abdulkahargunu.

About my day

As the host of the seminar my day started very early, as early as 6:00AM. I spent the whole night preparing for the seminar and only ended up have 1 hour of sleep, from 5:00AM to 6:00AM.

I woke on the first ring of my alarm. I quickly got up and rushed to the bathroom, brushed, “wash my stomach”, and took a bath, all within 30minutes.

After bathing I didn’t have time to take breakfast because the venue had not been arranged yet. There weren’t yet seats at the venue so I had to go and make sure there are enough seats available at the venue before 9AM.

But before that, I stopped by a provision store and got 3 crates of soft drinks and 3 packs of biscuits as refreshments for the attendees.


By 8:50AM some of the attendees were already at the venue waiting for the seminar to kick start.

DA945DD1-9714-4472-87D5-8B5C42265836.jpegMyself kicking start the seminar

It was until somewhere 9:20AM that we started the seminar.

691FEBB2-A37F-4CF3-9B57-0E3B12683447.jpeg NJAYWAN distributing Steemit flyers among the attendees

602BCCAD-FE8D-4F39-A430-3690E101EF19.jpeg @massachussetts and the other guests guiding the newbies

764508C2-3070-4CE3-B45B-F12D34D8DACB.jpeg Myself distributing more flyers

AE58492D-A705-42A4-8AF1-CE6676415527.jpeg We were done and coming out to take pictures

By 11:20AM we were done with the seminar In order to allow some of us attend to their other engagements.

CC41AB62-6AFF-4EEC-B623-3AB9718DC2A6.jpeg @desiigner, myself, @zology69, and @abdulkahargunu

8EB5E5B1-F730-481F-9AD2-E3A63CA32E33.jpeg Selfie with some of the newbies and guests

1565B39E-1740-43C8-B3D3-21917AB987FD.jpeg Pictures with my team members who are also very beautiful too 😍

4594D20F-C980-4333-B0D1-CE8972EA7B50.jpeg Group picture after seminar

1A8B319E-8D29-470D-A8EA-89F455EBF4CD.jpeg More group pictures with most of the attendees (newbies) and guests

We were done with the seminar and my friends helped me to pack the furniture back to where I got them from earlier in the morning.




After we packed the furniture back we stopped by and a waakye joint and took lunch together.






After the seminar and I went back to hostel and took some rest. I slept the rest of the day and woke up around 7:00PM.


Thank you

Promoting steem through organizing campus seminar


It was a great meetup you organized bro. Thanks for putting this together and inviting us.

It was an honor having you

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