in Steem Ghana3 years ago (edited)

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Good day my wonderful people of steem Ghana, to the admins and moderators of this esteem community I say welldone. Thank you @oppongk for organizing this contest.
I am delighted to make my entry as to regards the impact of #club5050 in my life.

Before talking about the impact of the club in my life I first of all want to start with a brief definition of the three clubs.

What is club5050?

Club5050 means Powering up of half or more than half of the steem you are transferring out. So if you are transferring out 200 steem you have to power up it's equivalent or more for that particular month.

What is club75?

Club75 is the process of Powering up three times or more of the steem you are transferring. The duration of calculation in club75 is two months. To be in club75 I will have to power up three times the steem I cash our for a period of two months.
Example, if I am transferring 200 steem, I will have to power up 600 steem for two months in order to be in club75.

What is club100?

Club100 just has the name implies, means Powering up everything we earn in steemit for the period of three months without transferring out. We will have to power up both the author reward as well as the steem won in contest participation.


Impact of club5050 in my life

Since the initiative of club5050 I have enjoyed the following benefits which would have not been possible if not club5050.

  • Building my steem power
  • Curation sp
  • Voting weight
  • Receiving big votes

Building my steem power


The above screenshot shows one of the ways club5050 has help me build my steem power. In just one month I have been able to power up 590.882 steem. I join steemit in June this year. And I was not able to make that much power up for the past four months. Before the initiative of club5050, my steem power was 420 sp but now I have over 1,041 sp. That is a very big impact of club5050 in my life.
It has help me to build my steem power by Powering up. The club has help me to power up more than I withdraw.

Curation sp


Club5050 has increased the steem I earned on curation.
Since I am building my steem power, the amount I earned on curation also increase.
From the month of June that I joined steemit to September before the initiative of club5050 that is the period of 4 months, I earned only one steem. But now in just one month I earned over 5 steem power. And in a week I earned one steem power. I want to power as much as I could in order to continue enjoying all this benefit.

Voting weight


Before the initiative of club5050, my voting weight used to be $0.00.
But now because of being a club 5050 member I can vote with $0.02 if fully recharge.
If not club5050 I don't think I would have vote with this weight.

Receiving big votes

The initiative of these clubs have given the opportunity to receive bigger support from the steemit team.
I used to receive support from the team and when it's payout, I usually power up most time all the author reward.



Club5050 has so many impact in my life. I want to continue Powering up so as to be in club75. I need 400 steem to power up and be in club75. I will participate in save4dpud comes 1st of December to increase my steem power.
I really appreciate the steemit team for the initiative of club5050, club 75 and club100
Thank you so much steem Ghana team for this wonderful contest.

Special regards


Written by @udyliciouz

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