#Club100 || THEDIARYGAME || 29/08/2022 || MY MONDAY ACTIVITIES

in Steem Ghana2 years ago

Hello everyone,
Is another beautiful day and we give praises and thanks to Allah for all the good things He has done for us.
More over, I’m here to share with you guys how my Money went. 29/08/2022


Today was really a busy day for me ... we we’re having this lecturer who was very difficult when it comes to lectures. He has so many rules and regulations governing his lectures and that’s, when you are late for even a 10 minutes or less than that, just pray that he did not come to the lecture hall before you.

You he comes before, then he will sack you from class and also he will take your ID number and ever he give us quiz or assignment he will removed some marks from it just because you were late for his class.

So due to his rules and regulations, i had to wake up early and prepare myself for his lectures.
So I wake up exactly 6:00am and when I wake up, I go straight to my bathroom and took my bath and I after I finished bathing, I got dressed up for lectures.

I couldn’t even prepare breakfast due to the way his difficulty and also the rules and regulations he has for his lectures.
So his lectures were to start at 7:00am and end at 9:00am.

His lecture was 2 hours lecture. So after I finished dressing, I started to walk from my hostel to campus and my hostel to campus 45 minutes walk.
So I arrived at campus exactly 6:50am.

So I wait for that 10 minutes and the most interesting part of this lecturer is that, his always punctual in class. So he came exactly 7:00am
And he started the class.

His today lecture was so lovely because, he make it so interactive in such a way that everyone in the class was involved.

It the class became more interesting when some guys in the class ask a question and it was about Reproduction
And I believe that, I and you the one reading this post knows how it comes nice when students and their lecturer are discussing about Reproduction.

Everything went well successfully in class today and after the lecture, I and my friends came back to the hostel.



So we finished taking the pictures together, I start to walk back to my hostel.

The most funniest part was that, after I finished the lectures I now came home to prepare my breakfast.
So after I finished taking my breakfast, I took my laptop to watch a movie and the title of the movie I was watching was The punisher.

Is really a nice movie and I will like urge everyone or specially you the one reading this post to watch it and thank me later.

After I finished watching the movie, I slept for some time and it wake up somewhere 4:30pm And it was time for me to go to training.

It was really nice playing the ball and I play to ball for like an hour and it was getting dark so we close and I went back to the hostel.
And this was how my day went.

Thank you!!!


Thank you very much for sharing this post with us. Thank you for your time and energy. Keep on steeming.

Thank you for sharing with us. Keep on sharing good post.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for sharing with us. Always continue to join the outstanding steemian initiative challenge on the platform. Hope to see you win the next time.


 2 years ago 

It is always good to go on empty stomach after which you can then go and take breakfast than to take breakfast and go a miss the lectures. You did a good job in the day. Keep sharing and try to join the outstanding Steemian competition on the platform.


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