in Steem Ghana2 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone,
Is another beautiful day and we give praises and thanks to Allah for all the good things He has done for us.
I’m back again with another beautiful topic I will like to talk about Afforestation and deforestation.


afforestation and deforestation is really a nice topic to talk about and I and you know how important it is for as to always plant trees and not for as to cut down trees.
In todays topic, I will like to talk about the importance of afforestation, and i will also like to talk about the effects of deforestation and how we can do away with deforestation.





I’m simply terms, afforestations is the process of planting new trees on to a land which was formerly infertile. Moreover, what is it all about is that, we human beings should be addicted to planting more trees and with this kind of habit, it makes our environment looks beautiful.


Importance of Afforestations


There are numerous importance of afforestations but below are some of few importance of afforestations;

  • Afforestations helps in the prevention of soil erosion
  • It also support wildlife.
  • Afforestations also protect our house
  • It also beauties our environment
  • It also support global warming and maintaining of global temperature.


How can we improve in Afforestation In our society


There are so many ways we can follow to improve afforestation In our society.
We can improve it by encouraging each other to plant more trees and this should happen in a sense that, each house hold should the number of trees they are going to plant each year. That’s example if we are having a population of 10 houses, and it happens that each house hold is going to plant 20 trees each year, at the end of a year, we will be having like 200 trees. So with this, I think it can help for our afforestation in our society to improve.

Another way we can improve that is, we should try as much as possible to stop those who cut downs tress to used them as fire woods and other stuff to put a stop to it. And think With those habit been stop, our afforestation can improve.





DEFORESTATION is simply means that, cutting down trees or cleaning a forest land.
Deforestation is really a bad habit and I will say we human beings should do away with that habit. We should say way for cutting down trees.


Causes of deforestation


There are so many causes of of deforestation but I will like to mention few of them. And below are some of the causes of deforestation

  • Agricultural Activities
  • Mining
  • Forest fires
  • Illegal Logging
  • Livestock Ranching
  • Urbanization
  • Desertification of Land

I will like to elaborate on some of the causes of deforestation mentioned above.

Mining: one of the main reasons behind deforestation is mining. A lot of people are into illegal mining and they will hid somewhere and be doing that without the awareness of the government. And before this can happen, they have to cut Down trees before they can do that.

Agricultural Activities: I will also like to talk about Agricultural Activities. This is another cause of deforestation. A lot human beings are into farming and with this, they can down trees for them to mark their farm lands ready for farming activities to be carry out. And bye-by research, abut 80% of deforestation are been cases by Agricultural Activities.

Urbanization: another major cause of deforestation is Urbanization. The construction of roads is undertaken and it came to a point, they have to cut down trees before the road can be successfully done. Moreover, overpopulation too affect our trees and they have to cut them down because as the population increases, they have to cut down trees for them to be able to build more house and infrastructures.


Effects of Deforestation


Deforestation isn’t just a good habit at all and I will say that, let’s do Away with deforestation. Below are some of the effects of deforestation;

  • Soil erosion
  • Climate change
  • Fewer crops
  • Flooding
  • Increase in gases in the atmosphere
    So loot at the effects alone should tell you how bad it is when we cut downs trees.




In conclusion,the main reason why I choos to write about this topic is that, I’m just trying encourage we human beings to say away from deforestation and we should rather practice afforestation.
As we can see from the effects of the deforestation. Is not just good at all and with the afforestation, we all have seen it’s importance to human beings.
So what I have to say last is that, let’s plant more trees to beautify our environment.

Thank you!!!!


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