Climate change, it’s causes, effects and practical solutions

in Steem Ghana2 years ago

Good evening to all members from of steem Ghana. I really want to believe that we are doing well. Today I am here with a post about 'Climate Changes, it's causes, impacts and solutions.'

Everything day we see proof of environmental change and this let us know it is genuine. These are not new changes we see since there were at that point there however off late we have acknowledged they are extraordinarily affecting us, untamed life and spots which are around us.

To get to find out about climate change and why it truly matters, then please continue reading this content I am sharing to find out about circumstances and solutions of climate change.



Climate change is the long term shift in temperatures and weather conditions of a specific environment. These long term shifts patterns are for the most part regular and furthermore human activities have also been the one more principal driver of environmental change.

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Most encounters we face by climate change are primarily brought about by our own activities. The following are some of the causes of climate change.

  • Deforestation

Climate and deforestation generally remains closely connected with one another since environmental change doesn't just increase deforestation all through out of control fires and other terrible weather patterns, yet deforestation the way things are is an extremely important supporter to global warming.

  • Human Activity

Human activities also plays a fundamental part in the addition of climate change. Exercises like the burning of fossil fuel for power and heat will generally expand the rate of climate change. Also, transportation, for example, the use of vehicles, trucks, ships and trains releases the biggest amount of CO2 which causes global warming.




Environmental change significantly affects us in the environment;

  • Weather

One of the essential impact we as a whole encounter or notice about environmental change is the weather and everyone knows. Weather that are impacted by climate change are: heatwaves, flooding, heavy rain and wildfires. These are the major and well known weather changes.

  • Health

Environmental change affects people’ health and this depends on where you find yourself and furthermore your age. Many people’s health has been impacted by environmental change.Heat-related sickness, asthma from air pollution, infections from unclean water quality.


As climate change is quickly increasing, a few activities must/can be used to help with diminishing the rate of climate change where we won't be confronted the most terrible outcomes. Some of the approaches to which we can adjust to fight climate change are as follows;

  • Stop wasting food

To reduce the rate of climate change, we ought to figure out how to minimize the manner in which we waste food consistently and always prepare food in the limit we can consume. Indeed, even our different 'religions' preach against food wastage.

  • Stop deforestation

Terrible felling of trees in the forest when stopped can help with decreasing the rate of climate change around us. I know the greater part of us are in the rural areas, most particularly our moms and sisters use firewood as a way to set up their dishes and even to construct their homes since woods are used as building materials.


Understanding what climate change is, it's effects and solution, when the above arrangements are invited and placed into greatest practice, the rate at which environmental change increases can be decreased to least and furthermore the rate at which our parents at the rural most particularly our sisters and moms are faced by dangers of dry season to get water for the family can be dispensed with.

Many thanks for your time and I truly want to believe that you enjoyed my writing.


I think deforestation is the main key to climate change

Yh definitely

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