in Steem Ghana3 years ago

Hello everyone, pertaining the contest announced by @rubilu123, I also want to narrate to you a movie I have also watched. This movie is a Ghanaian movie and it is in Dagbani and the movie's title is AADALCHI DOO which means a fair man in English context.

Below are names of the the casts and this names are names that were used in the movie:

RadiaMubarik's first wife
Mr Ibu GhanaMubarik's father
SudikatuMubarik's second wife
SuabidaMubarik's third wife
HajiaRadia's mother
AlhajiRadia's father

Please do enjoy,

Radia and her husband Mubarik went to visit Radia's parents after their Islamic marriage. After they have exchanged greetings, the parents of the wife advised them on how to live as good couples.

Screenshot from movie

Two days after, Mubarik, the called Radia and told her that he has been thinking of bringing his father who is Mr Ibu Ghana to come and stay with them in the house, because the two of them can't be in a big house like their's and no one to be there in order to be advising if they go wrong and he want to know if Radia is okay with his decision.
Radia said she doesn't have a problem with that cause it is good to have an elderly person around to right the wrongs they may make.


Mr Ibu arrived and one morning, Radia came and greeted Mr Ibu then told him to come to the dining table and have his breakfast.
Because of the dislike Mr Ibu had towards Radia, he started raining insults on her claiming that it's past time for breakfast even to an extend that Radia wanted to leave but Mr Ibu said he is not done insulting her so she should remain seated till he is done insulting her and so Radia did. When he was done, he asked her how many eggs she has toasted and how many she has boiled for him to chop cause he want them to be plenty. Radia said that enough for his satisfaction and was then able to leave.


The next morning, Mr Ibu called Mubarik and ask him to marry another wife.
Because, since their marriage Radia has not been able to give birth which is automatically a good sign of a bad wife.
That whenever she is to serve him ( Mr Ibu ) food it's always small more to the point, if Radia give birth to two to three children Mubarik cannot marry again and other reasons which are not even necessary.
Mubarik who didn't like the advise from his father but couldn't say it to him said he will think about it.


After some days of thinking, Mubarik decided to consult Radia about his father ( Mr Ibu ) asking him to marry another wife and add to her and he want to know what she thinks about that. Radia didn't wanted to disobey her husband and said so far as Mubarik thinks it will be a good thing to them he should go ahead and get another woman and marry.


Days went by and Mubarik met Sudikatu and proposed to her. One-day, Mubarik decided to take Radia to Sudikatu's house and introduce them to each other.
When they were leaving, Mubarik wanted to give Sudikatu some money and started searching through his pockets but couldn't find any money on him but during that, Radia realized that Mubarik didn't had any money on him so she quickly removed some money from her bag and secretly put it in Mubarik's pocket which saved him from that shame that day.


Mubarik and Sudikatu got married. One-day, Mubarik called Radia and Sudikatu and advised them to live in harmony, respect each other and always have patience.


Everything was going on well in the house. They all respects each other, even Sudikatu and Radia reffered to each other as sisters. Until Mr Ibu advised Sudikatu to see Radia as her rival not her sister and that she should stop respecting Radia. ( You know ladies, they are easy to convince ).


Sudikatu took her father in-law's advise and that was when the whole trouble began.
Sudikatu stopped respecting Radia and always finds a way of getting on Radia's way in order for them to fight and whenever Sudikatu and Radia had a quarrel, Mr Ibu will always be in support of Sudikatu even when she is not right.

Screenshot from movie

One-day, Mr Ibu called for a family meeting which included Mubarik, Radia and Sudikatu regarding a question Mubarik asked him why he dislikes Radia. Mubarik said to his father that this question was supposed to be between him and Mr Ibu but Mr Ibu said he don't like discussing such issues privately that is why he has to call all of them and answer that question in their presence. The reason why he disliked Radia was that he went to a traditionalist and he was informed that Radia want to kill Mubarik and take all the property, Radia always serve him with small food unlike Sudikatu who always makes sure that his food is plenty, Radia do not smiles at him but Sudikatu does and that shows that Radia is not good in bed but Sudikatu is and other unnecessary reason. Mubarik could not stand the embarrassment from his father and ask his wives to leave the room and he also left.

Screenshot from movie

Mubarik called his two wives that is Radia and Sudikatu and advised them to stop the quarrels. One-day, Sudikatu went in to Radia's kitchen and cause a mess and when Sudikatu was confronted by Radia, a fight broke and luckily Mubarik returned home.
He asked of the cause of the fight. When what happened was narrated to Mubarik, he sent Sudikatu packing that she should go back to her father's house and when she learns her lessons and is ready to obey his commands then she can come back.

Screenshot from movie

Days went by and Sudikatu came back to her husband's house with a Mallam to apologize on her behalf so that she can come back. Mubarik said they should go to Radia and apologize cause she deserves the apology and they did. Radia accepted the apology on the condition that Sudikatu should let peace rain in the house and so it was. They lived happily and peacefully in their home.

Screenshot from movie


But Mr Ibu wouldn't stop there. Mubarik came to his father to apologize for going against him in the pass few days. Mr Ibu gave Mubarik his son a condition that, before he could accept the apology Mubarik must marry another wife and add to the two wives. Mubarik didn't like the idea but because he wanted his father to forgive him, he said he will think of it.


Well, Mubarik married another woman called Suabida. Mr Ibu once again called Suabida and told her that her rivals have been going to juju men in order to spoil the relationship between Mubarik and Suabida so that they will not get married since they went to their house and did Suabida's marriage introduction.
That if any of them greets her she should never respond not to even talk of greeting them. That she should not accept anything from them especially if it's food cause they will poison her with acid. That she should never respect any of them cause they don't deserve any respect from her and that whatever he ( Mr Ibu ) tells her to do she should do it and whatever he tells her not to do she should not do it cause he knows their moves very well. Suabida said she has heard and that she will act on what he has told her.

Screenshot from movie


Suabida acted upon what her father in-law told her to do, even more than that. That her mother is rich, she buys her clothes and cloth from Dubai, she spents more than GH¢10,000 a month and her mother bought a V8 for her but all these are just lies she says just to make her rivals that is Radia and Sudikatu jealous.

Screenshot from movie

One particular morning, she wore a particular dress and was showing it to her Radia claiming that her mother bought it for her from Dubai and that, that particular dress cannot be found in any part of the country and she have five of them. When she went out and came, both Radia and Sudikatu were wearing that same type of dress but different designs and were seated in the living room. When she got in, she saw them wearing those dresses. Radia called her and told her that it's not good to be lying. That their husband bought those type of dresses three pieces, he first brought them to her ( Radia ) to choose before giving it to the rest of them.


One afternoon, Radia, Sudikatu and Suabida were sitting when their husband Mubarik came in and Suabida asked him that among the three of them, who is the most loved one to him. Mubarik said that the one who has the document of the house that is his most loved wife. Upon hearing this, Suabida became happy and quickly rushed into the house and grab the house's documents to show to her rivals that she is the most loved wife.
Sudikatu also went in side the house and brought out her copy of the house's to show to Suabida that she is not the only one who has the house's document. It was then Mubarik told the two of them that is Sudikatu and Suabida that their documents of the house are the photocopies of the original documents which is with Radia. That he will not give a stick to one of his wife and a cane to the other wife because he just and fair. Out of anger Suabida left the scene.

Screenshot from movie

Mr Ibu had enough of Radia and Sudikatu, so he decided to send them packing. Just as that incident was happening, Mubarik came in and wanted to talk sense into his Father by telling him in a mature way that he has no authority to send any of his wives packing because he ( Mubarik ) is the only one who has that authority. Mr Ibu was not getting that understanding. Mubarik had no choice but to reveal the whole secret about how he gained his wealth.


He ask his father that could he remember that he was a house boy to one Alhaji and his wife, Radia was their child and because of how hardworking and respectful he was towards them, they decided to betroth Radia who was their only child to him for marriage. Because Radia didn't wanted to disobey her parents agreed to him ( Mubarik ), because initially Radia didn't wanted to marry an ordinary house boy who she sends on errands and so they married.


So all his property are Radia's property which he ( Mubarik ) claims to own. Radia has kept it all a secret because she didn't wanted to disgrace him. Radia said to Suabida that all the clothes and dresses she claimed were from Dubai were actually her ( Radia ) old clothes and dresses that she gave to Mubarik to give to her.
It was then Mr Ibu realize that he was making a big mistake and . apologized to Radia.Radia accepted his apology and from then the lived in peace, harmony and happy ever after.



  • Always be just and fair.

  • Always respect your husband irrespective of his fanancial status.

  • Be careful of who's advice you put into action.

  • Don't judge a person by the appearance.

  • Always humble yourself before everyone.

  • Always support your husband or wife.

  • Be self respectful at all times.

This post is to the attention of @rubilu123, @oppongk, @nattybongo, @booming01, @njaywan and to you.

Thanks for visiting!



Nice movie watched. Thanks for your participation in this Contest. Please let's all support and apply #club5050

Ok thanks

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Thanks so much

What a vivid explanation of the movie you have watched. I could read your entry without even watching the movie. Thanks for participating ☺️

Thanks so much

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