Contest: When and where did you find steemit and How did you see Steemit So far in your Journey? (#burnsteem25)

in Steem Ghana2 years ago

Hello steem friends

Am so glad am here again. I hope you all are doing fine and still steeming hot. Special thanks to @juzkid @nattybongo and @sarkodieeric1

Seat back and enjoy my entry.


Steemit is an amazing social media platform that we know is built on a Blockchain. On steemit, quality posts are rewarded with a cryptocurrency known as steem.

My Steemit story is such an interesting one that I always want to share it Everytime. I found steemit when I was really having financial difficulty and given up on any or any business done online.

I didn't know about steemit until the year 2021 in the month of January, I travelled to the city of Owerri in Imo state found in Nigeria. I had travelled for to attend a conference there.

My beautiful self

During the conference, I noticed a particular lady kept talking to the people present in the conference about steemit. The name of the lady is @ceendy20. She said beautiful and amazing things that seem to good to be true about the platform, even though she was not talking to me

One day, I decided to meet her so she can tell me one on one about the platform. I told her that I have been hearing her talk to people about something she calls steemit. I told her I would like to know what she means by steemit, she was patience enough to explain to me how it works. She told me steemit is a social media platform where one can make quality and original post and is rewarded for it. I was not so convinced because In the past, i have been involved in other online business that failed so I felt steemit was one of such. I told her I will get back to her.

By February 2021, I went back to the location where I live, which is Lagos state. I thought deeply about steemit. And I had no other option left than to put a call across to @ceend20. I told her I was interested in signing up on steemit. We scheduled a day she would direct me on how to sign up. The day came and I finally signed up on steemit.


I did my introduction post and I was so excited with the experience of writing on the platform for the first time.


Steemit really has been amazing, beautiful, infact let me tell you, steemit has been many things to me since I joined in February 2021.

Firstly steemit has been like a school to me

Yes steemit is like a school to me, I have leant so much from steemit. I remember after making my introduction post, the next thing I started doing was learning how the platform works. I learnt how to make post beautiful by editing it and learnt markdowns.

I have learnt how to engage in quality engagement on other people's post. Not just saying short things on people's post but really engaging them since its a social media platform.

I have leant deligence and consistency on steemit. Over time, I realized that steemit is not a get rich quick scheme, so in other to make something meaningful out of Steemit, one needs to be deligent and consistent in doing the right things hoping for better days.

I literally learn everyday on steemit.

I have learnt how to save through Powerups

With the introduction of the club status, I realized that savings on steemit is possible. When the club status was introduced the first time, I didn't find it funny, but I remember I was one of the foremost person's that embraced the initiative back then. Now I see so much needs in powering up. Aside savings, powerup is one of the ways the system can stay balanced. Also through Powerups you can help support other steemians by voting with your steem power.

My steem power has grown from 300steem to over 3000 steem power in less than a year the club status was introduced. Just yesterday I made a powerup of 1000steem. I would not have achieved that if the club status was not introduced.

Steemit has been my channel of financial support

Oh how steemit has been of great help to my finances. With my earnings here on steemit I have been able to pay for my accomodation twice. I have also got some personal needs settled through steemit. I can not over emphasize the help I have gotten from steemit. Seriously, with all honesty, the highest money I have ever made was made here on steemit. Am so grateful that I found steemit.

Excited me

My journey so far on steemit has been a well of experience, I adjust to new updates and move on when I need to move on. Back then when I joined my mindset was just to come and make money but now, the mindset has changed. I now realize that you need to own steemit for it to work for you. We rise together...

So far, I believe I have made so much progress on this platform, and I think I desire more growth. I want to hit the club dolphin status soon.

I believe so much in this platform, I believe in steem and I believe in what we can achieve together with our collective efforts.

Thank you for reading...

I invite my friends to join this contest.

@lhorgic @beautybb


Steemit is indeed a learning ground. I can day am.better now by the virtue of the things I've learnt here.

I've not only learnt,I've made new friends too and one of those amazing friend is you. Thanks for inviting me. I will try and make out time to drop my entry.

I hope Steem Ghana will welcome me with open arms...

 2 years ago 

Yes they will welcome you dear friend just like I was welcomed.

Thank you for the support

Sure my entry is loading, steemit really brought a beautiful change to our lives both financially and otherwise.

 2 years ago 

That's good to know my dear friend..

I wait for your entry

 2 years ago 

We really appreciate your entry, please keep on sharing in steem-ghana community.

 2 years ago 

Thank you

 2 years ago 

I totally agree with you for the fact that it has been like a school, because when learn a lot on the Blockchain. It has also been like a news center where you can find information that you might be seeking.

Great entry you have there. Wishing you the very best in the contest.

 2 years ago 

Thank you my dear friend, I appreciate your visit

Steemit has been awesome, just to sum it up

 2 years ago 

More than awesome dear.

 2 years ago 

You have shared a whole lot of positives. I pray you well friend. A big thank you to @cendy20 for the help she provided. Your entry tells that steemit has done you so good. I wish you well


 2 years ago 

Thank you so much boss

Thank you for sharing stay engaging. Power up always friend. I wish you a good steem life🇬🇭

 2 years ago 

Thank you

Impressive! Steemit has been a great platform for learning for not just you, but all of us. I'm glad am a partaker of this good news. Let's steem on!

 2 years ago 

Thank you areso correct and on point. I will sure continue to steemon

 2 years ago 

You have adapted well and i can see the growth and progress you have undergone over the months, you are doing amazing Joe, keep up the good work and best of luck in the contest

 2 years ago 

Thank you my dear boss!

Its so good to have you here once again

Amazing entry, nice knowing how you got to know about steemit

 2 years ago 

Thank you dear friend and I would like to read your own entry

Yiu welcome, On it ma'am

 2 years ago 


Steemit is indeed a grate platform where it its users learn a lot from others. The platform has also supported us both financially and other wise. I enjoy reading your steemit journey.

Best regards..

 2 years ago 

Thank you my dear friend for finding time to read..

And yes steemit has touched alot of lives . Steemit transforms..

You are most welcome 🤗

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