in Steem Ghana2 years ago


Hi guys,

Welcome to another day in my life.

It’s been a while though. I hope you guys are okay. Today is a Tuesday, and as some of you will know, it's one of my busiest days on campus. On Tuesdays, I have 5 continuous lectures from 10. I try my best to attend all of these five lectures even though it's very tiring.

As usual, I woke up at around 4:30 in the morning to perform my morning prayers. After the prayer, I had to get more sleep cause I didn't sleep early the previous night. Since the next day will be a busy one I needed to make sure I got the required energy levels to attend the class.

After going back to bed I woke up around 9, which meant that I had about an hour to prepare for the class. I ironed my clothes and took my bath. I was late for the first lecture. By the time I got to class, they had already written a quiz.

In my first class

After this class, we had another one in that same class. This time around it was for an hour. I was so hungry so I decided to go get some food before returning to the class. Fortunately for me, the lecturer didn't even come for the lecture so I didn't miss anything. I also took the opportunity to perform zuhr prayer. After prayers, I went back to the class cause it was almost time for the 3rd class.

This time the lecturer came but it was only for an hour. After this class, we moved to the next class. This time around we were fortunate to be changing classes( I was already tired of sitting in the same lecture hall).

When we moved on to the next one I was tired amd bored, the lecturer had not arrived yet so I took it as an opportunity to clear my head. I played a new game which I downloaded recently.

Playing a new game before the lecturer arrived

It took a while but the lecturer didn't come. He sent his assistant to come and take us through the course. We were supposed to sit for that class for 2 hours but we were fortunate cause he finished the outline for the day earlier so we closed earlier.

We had only one class left to attend next, there was an hour interval between the class so we decided to go to the hostel. we had one class left but we were hearing news that he won't make it. Immediately I reached the hostel I laid down on my bed to rest.

Watching a movie to relax after class

I took the time to continue with a movie I was watching the last time. I watched it for a while cause it made me relax for a little time. After a while I went into the bath room to take a shower before praying magrib. Taking that shower made me even more relaxed and I am glad I did.

This was how my day went.
Thanks for reading.


Five continuous lecture in a day, your timetable is a mess and that alone is enough to give you a stressful day. Thanks for the good work.

😂😂it’s a really a mess. For some reasons I don’t seem to wanna miss those classes either.

 2 years ago 

It is always good not to miss a class and I can see you are always present. Keep up the good work.


Thanks bro.

And thanks for passing by.

 2 years ago 


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