Steem Ghana Contest Week Two: Why I Love Steemit

in Steem Ghana3 years ago

Hello Everyone,

I’m glad about this contest because I have been wanting to tell it all why I love steemit and my journey so far. I will like to thank @nattybongo , @mcsamm and @steem-ghana for this opportunity to express myself and if possible be able to get a reward for it.
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Steemit is a blockchain blogging social media just like Facebook, the diffrence is steemit rewards it’s users with some curations while Facebook don’t. is a platform where every individual can join freely and can possibly earn some money.

Before I get into the main contest I would like to tell my journey so far with steemit.
At the beginning steemit didn’t look real to me. At the beginning when @njaywan talked to me about it, in my mind it was one of the fraud site that’s steals people. I was ever been a victim so I had trust issues with online money making. I believed when he showed me his cash-out and how it works that’s when I gave in all my trust and tried it out. To be honest since I joined I have earned a lot.

Why i love steemit

There a lot of reasons why I love steemit. I would list few few below;

  • steemit improved my writing skills. I could remember the first week I joined steemit, I didn’t know what to do because I wasn’t good in writing. We usually hold Telegram Meeting every Saturday at 7pm. I could remember I told @mcsamm I wasn’t at good writing, he encouraged me and told me

we don’t have good writers, the important thing is to get the message across

That really kept me going and now I think I’m doing better than before I joined.

  • sense of belonging
    In steemit we are like family, we are all from different family, different tribes from different places but we care for each other and help each through time in need. We go for meetups and discuss issues and have fun like brothers and sisters. It’s feels soo good knowing people have your back when you need them.

  • curations
    We get rewards for writing and participation of contest just like this. This is an important feature of steemit. Curation motivate members to work hard more to put in efforts. This rewards provide food on people’s table which eradicate some percentage of poverty. Most communities just like Steem Ghana donates stuffs to the needed. This is possible through steemit.

  • steemit is not owned by the government. I say this because the government don’t care about its people. It seem they enjoy their citizens suffer so they can feed their greed. If steemit was owned by the government, they wouldn’t let the ordinary individuals know about it. They keep it to the circle of their families.

  • steemit is a platform that makes us meet new people. This is so important to me as I like to meet new people. Meeting new people can create opportunities for you. We meet new people on a daily basis on steemit so steemit helps us to socialize with each other.

This is the few reasons I love about steemit. Hope you enjoy reading.

#ghcontest, #steemexclusive #Ghana

 3 years ago 

Thanks for your entry bro, please don't forget to add your link to the post comment lest your entry becomes invalid

 3 years ago 

Okay man

Nice post don

 3 years ago 

Don ooo

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