It's Possible!

in Steem Ghana3 years ago

We are born into the world to start our own destinies. You planning who you want you to be, how to be that person, and the things we need to be that person. Our minds form a masterpiece in this.
Many people come to the world thinking they can never be great but as psychologists and scholars say “success only depends on the second letter in the world SUCCESS.” That’s it deals with how you think and understands that the word
“IMPOSSIBLE” is telling you that “It's possible”



The brain determines who you want to be. Do you know why? What you think and decide to do is automatically taken and the body is up and ready for the decision made. When you realize it’s possible, you do it and you are amazed. That’s the power of the brain.

Successful people have positive minds. It’s not easy to have that but there is a way to possess that. Which is, to understand that everything that seems impossible is telling you directly that “I’m possible.” With this, develop it and you get to realize that, most successful people aren’t magicians but possess master brains that make them understand that everything is possible.

The first position you think you can never get there isn’t true. Let me tell you. The person currently occupying it also thought the same but got there because he realized that all things are possible and it only depends on your hard works. And today he is there. Which you also have a chance if only you understand that all things are possible.

Don’t deceive yourself, don’t discourage yourself. Think positively and the way to success will be easy. Impossible tells us “It's possible” not clearly because isn’t easy and that doesn’t actually mean that you can’t bring it into reality. You can make it no matter the race and struggle. Just be positive-minded and understand that all things are possible with hope in Allah. You can make it.

Thank you!


Thank you for this great reminder that everything is possible. This is a really nice and inspiring write up.

 3 years ago 

U welcome brother.

The first step is to believe in yourself bro. Once you do that, the rest will fall in the right places as time goes by.

Great post bro.

 3 years ago 

I'm glad you loved it.

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