Myopia and myopia diagnostics | club5050
Myopia: the most frequent visual disorder in children.
The first signs are deterioration in visual acuity when looking into the distance, fatigue with visual stress, squinting. this is the most common pathology among adolescents, it occurs in every sixth student of primary and secondary grades.
Myopia ( myopia in the scientific literature ) appears most often in children aged 9-10 years, but due to the early use of gadgets, it increasingly begins to develop in young children ( 3-5 years ).
Myopia increases during the period of growth of the child and can increase from weak (-0.25-3.0 D) to medium (-3.25-6.0 D) and high (-6.25 and above) degrees.The higher the degree of myopia, the greater the risk of complications (dystrophy, retinal detachment, cataracts).
It is important to detect the onset of the disease early. Don't miss the moment! A pediatric ophthalmologist at a preventive examination will immediately see the first signs of myopia.
To detect myopia in children, a diagnostic complex is carried out in Leg Artis:
Visometry - assessment of visual acuity at a distance and near.
Refractometry (performed in conditions of a wide pupil) - the detection of myopia, as well as astigmatism.
Evaluation of accommodation - performance and endurance of the muscular apparatus of the eye.
Biomicroscopy - exclusion of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, assessment of the state of the tear film.
Ophthalmoscopy - assessment of the state of the retina, optic nerve, visual fixation using a Heine binocular ophthalmoscope.
Tonometry - measurement of intraocular pressure.
Biometrics - measurement of the length of the eyeball with progressive myopia.
Detection of overt and covert strabismus with measurement of the angle and disruption of connections between the retina and the cerebral cortex.