The diary game. Ensuring a better future of my siblings

Hello everyone,

It’s another grind day with beautiful features and I am here again to share with you my diaries .
I am a big brother in family so there are always some responsibilities that are always compulsory on me as far as my dad is not around with us in the house again. This is nothing else but taking good care of my siblings and making sure that everything is going on right.
At this their young stage, I have to make sure they meet all their needs in other not to go wayward because of other things.
However, in terms education they have to get 100% attention from parents for a good foundation. So I always make sure that they report to school early every morning during the weekdays and on Saturday they attend Ahmadiyya to also learn their religion, and this is how I treat them.

Normally early in the morning, I wake them up at 6:00am for them to brush their teeth, take their bath and breakfast and by 6:30am,they are done with that. After this, I give them their school money which my dad has sent to me and then carry them on a motorbike to their various schools. They are about four siblings, two attending the same school and the other two also attending the same school.

Ready for school.


On our way to school.

Fadila who is the eldest among and followed by Nasiba, attend the same school known as Excellence College International and then Muhayyideen and Mubi also attending Yamveila International Academy which has a block for crèche and a different block for the primary students which are located at the same area.
I pick Fadila, Muhayyideen and Mubi I stay in the same house with to school, and drop Mubi first.

At Mubi's school.

After that, I now go to pick Nasiba who stays with my step mother in a different area.I then pick her and drop them at their school and that is Excellence College International now send Muhayyideen to his school which is very far from

At Nasiba's house.


At Fadila and Nasiba's school.


At Muhayyideen's school.

All this is done in other support them, to make them comfortable to learn and understand. Why because, other children who do not get this support and it is that they are footing to school, always get tired when they get to their various schools and cannot concentrate again but only to be sleeping in class which is not advisable.
Some also board candoo to school which also delays them.

Some students in a candoo to school.

And mostly some children are always disturbed and forced to think at the young stage which distrusts them. Because whenever they see that their colleagues are carried on motorbikes and cars to school early and they are footing and they are late to school too, which is not also advisable.

They should have a good foundation at this young stage and taking good care of because they are the leaders of tomorrow.

Thank You!!!

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