A woman's love.

in Steem Ghana3 years ago


For once, l must take a moment to say to the woman who carried me in her womb for my delivery. It is an honest request that l make to everyone who has ever felt the same way too. There are a lot of things that we have done to women which they did not deserve. Most especially during my childhood days. Here in Africa, we make women cry simply because of our attitudes and disobedience. The attitude of some of us is a result of our mum's deeper love for us.

However, women in all ways deserve a special recognition for their effort in raising people like us. Sometimes they easily sleep without eating just so we would be fed and be happy. These and many other things make me reminisce all the extent of love God gave to women. They deserve hearts that wouldn't be compared to any other thing. It has to be duly appreciated for all the good things made of women.


Today, even as the world gave special treatment to all women, l share a message to my little niece who has always developed a stronger love for what l do on steemit. She is one of the few people around me who have always want to get so involved in steemit activities. It is unfortunate she hasn't started to use a start device yet. Even though she introduced herself to making use of technology in almost her studies and assignments.

I am so sure to seem steemit would be the very first to see herself do once she gets her personal fon. I share a piece with all women here on the blockchain for their hard work to ensure a happy home. Your struggle and pain have kept us all in making the best out of life. We cannot compare the level of your love to anything else. We say many blessings to all women for everything they wish for their families.


Like my niece here in a steemit t-shirt, she wishes to become a lawyer someday as it has over the years been her dream profession. l feel excited to support her do all that it takes to be who she ever dream to become. Once again, we share this day with all women on the stem blockchain. May God bring you the best and higher milestone here on the stem blockchain


every man is a son to a daughter. Women are indeed special.

 3 years ago 

You're so right bro.

 3 years ago 

A friend of mine used to say women are unfathomable i always use to add up that, it is the reason why they are so special. They dedicated, strong and passionate in ways that somethings i wonder if God gave them special abilities for that.

 3 years ago 

thats so right

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