The Diary Game:Registeration of a New Skill Craft Person, Monitoring and Capturing Sucess Stories of MasterCard Young Africa Works Project(16/06/2021)

in Steem Ghana3 years ago (edited)

Today has been stressful but a wonderful day and I’m glad to share my day with you all.


Woke up at 5:00am and did my morning activities and my devotion then I got prepared for work at 7:00am.


I got to work and did monitoring for the apprentices who have received start up kits and then after I left work to Pattis Vocational Institute. Pattis Vocational Institute is one of the renowned Vocational Institutes in Kwabre East District.


Pattis Vocational Institute

Pattis is into fashion, decoration, bridal and catering. Since we needed people to train apprentices, I had to go to the shop to register her

With the CEO of Pattis Vocational Institute



Some Works of Pattis Vocational Institute

I then went to check up on some apprentices who have been given to skill craft persons



Then I went to star apprentices who have gotten start up kits and are doing great to capture their success stories.

Star Apprentice 1

Tawfiq in the middle with his apprentices at both sides. He is a Tailor and he was given sewing machines, iron and other start up kits. Tawfiq is now a master training 2 new apprentices. We are proud of him because he is creating employment

Star Apprentice 2


Janet in white with her apprentices in pink. She is a hairdresser and she was given hairdryer, sink and other start up kits. She is now a madam training 3 new apprentices. We are proud of her because she is creating employment

Star Apprentice 3

Hannatu at the far left and her apprentices in pink. She is a hairdresser and she was given hairdryer, sink and other start up kits. She is now a madam training 3 new apprentices. We are proud of her because she is creating employment

After a long day I went to buy some mangoes. Fruits are good for our well-being.


My day was fantastic and fruitful.Steem on and have a goodnight


 3 years ago 

Patties offers great vocational service with the Kumasi province. Her presence on steemit will equip her workers abilities to make some effective impacts on their jobs. Thanks for introducing steemit to this entrepreneur.

 3 years ago 

Thank you for the compliment

 3 years ago 

Doing a great job out there, such an industrious lady, I really admire you for your hardwork. Keep it up

 3 years ago 

Thank you

 3 years ago 

It is always fun reading your diary game dear

 3 years ago 

Thank you

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