Benefits of taking water in the Morning.

in Steem Ghana2 years ago



Hello friends and famz,I trust you're good. Welcome to my blog once again. I want to believe you're getting value from my writeups.
Today we will be looking at something interesting.

Many consider it as a kind of therapy for the body... I mean taking water immediately after you're up from bed. Well I will be sharing with us some vital information about this practice.


It's no more a news that taking water in morning is beneficial to the body. Although many still find it difficult to do this based on several reason. Many are not just used to giving their stomach water in the morning,while some other feel it will distabilize their system.

Expert have actually proven that taking water in the morning does the body more good than you can ever think of. I believe it is the reason why it's called a therapy for the body system.

Let's explore some of the health benefit of taking water after waking up in the morning, at least a glass will give you a good start for the day. Enjoy the ride with me.

5 Benefits of Taking water in the morning.

  • Rehydration.



The body need a particular amount of water to function well daily. That is why we find ourselves taking water at intervals so that the water level in the body can be enough to promote functionality.

An average man spend close to 8 hours sleeping through the night and you know, you don't take water while sleeping. This is to say for good eight hours,you body didn't get the water it should have gotten while awake.

It is then advisable to take at least two glass of water after waking up in the morning to rehydrate the body system which have been starved of water for quite a long period of time.

  • Brain Optimization

Research has proven that the brain is contains a substantial amount of water and the way to make it functional is to ensure continuous intake of water which make it operate at full capacity.

Allowing the body to go dehydrated will make even the brain less active due to the tiredness and fatigue.
Sometimes we wake up feeling tired and even reluctant to do anything. One of the reason is because the body is dehydrated.

Taking one or two glass of water makes you alert and also set the brain on course for the day.

  • Keeps the free from Sickness and diseases.

Yea! You read that right? It is true that it helps keeps the body healthy such that sickness and diseases are kept far from you. I know you want to ask how?

Now when you take water on an empty stomach in the morning, it helps bring balance to your immune system which then helps to fight sickness and diseases.

You all know that a very good immune system fight sicknesses and diseases. Taking water in the morning helps make the immune system stronger and very resistant to sickness and diseases.

  • Detoxification

This sound too big a vocabulary,well am sure many of us who did science related course back then in school can relate, but for those who didn't, I will do a break down for you...smiles.

Toxins are substances the body doesn't need anymore infact when it stay too long in the body,it can result into something very harmful. Hence the need for it to be flushed out of the system.

Taking water in the morning helps flush out these toxins that the body releases as you ride through the night in your sleep. This toxin are released by the body as a result of the repair that the body goes through while the body is resting deeply (sleeping)

So as you take the water on an empty stomach, the water flushes these things out of the body and then gives you a body free of toxins

  • Makes skin radiant and improves skin complexion

Sounds too good to be true right...smiles. I understand you well but research has shown that the elimination of toxins we talked about earlier help to make the skin glow and radiant.



One of the major cause of skin related problem such as wrinkles, dark patches, deep pores in the skin
is dehydration. Begining your day with the intake of water help the proper flow of blood even to your skin and also detoxify the whole system.

I will like to wrap it up here,I believe we have learnt one or two lessons from this writeup. Feel free to share your view in the comment section. I would really love to read them. Thanks for your time.

Credit : @lhorgic♥️


When I take water in the morning I can stay for over four hours without feeling hungry.

Wao! I didn't include this fact 😀. I guess it a very peculiar one but then it amazing. Thanks for interacting with my post.

My BNB pleasure

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