Nutrients And Their Importance To Health - #club100

in Steem Ghana2 years ago

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What we take inside the body has impact on how our body becomes. If you take in the right food nutrients, you get the results on and in your body. If you do not make the right nutrition be your medicine, medicine then becomes your food. Paying attention to what you eat helps the body and keeps you strong. On this note I will like to share with you about food nutrients and their importance to health.


Nutrients are chemical substances found in food that helps to nourish the body, repair tissues and provide energy to the body. Adequate access to nutrients is right for each individual and an important condition for good health. Having food with adequate nutrients play a vital role in the promotion and maintenance of health and prevention of human diseases, especially the nutritional deficiency diseases.

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Most people in the developing countries have little or sometimes no knowledge in these elements and their sources. Therefore, I will say that in order to have adequate nutrients in food, it should go with a proper nutrition. Therefore, we define nutrition as the sum of taking in food nutrients, assimilating and using them to maintain body tissue and also providing energy which is a foundation of life.


Ideally, there are six categories of nutrients we can find in food. These are :

  • Proteins.
  • Carbohydrates
  • Fats and oil.
  • vitamins
  • Minerals.
  • Water


Based on the amount required by the body. Nutrients are classified into two(2) types

  • Macro nutrients.
  • Micro nutrients

Macro nutrients are needed by the body in large quantity. These include; Protein, carbohydrates, Fats and oil.

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Whereas micro nutrients are nutrients needed by the body in small amount. They are, minerals and vitamins.


These categories of nutrients are also grouped into three:

  • Energy giving food (Fats and oil, carbohydrates)
  • Body building food (Protein)
  • Protective food (minerals , vitamins).


These nutrients help to Go, Grow and Glow.

Let us take a look at the six food nutrients

  • Carbohydrates


They are substances found in both plants and animals. Carbohydrates are referred to as quick energy food which provide the body with the necessary energy when taken in. Carbohydrates help in metabolism of fat that is it helps in the complete conversion of fat nutrients. Carbohydrates also help in proper functioning of the nervous system. It is important to note that it helps in desirable bacteria growth in the gastrointestinal tract. Eating food that has less carbohydrates can lead to some deficiencies such as incomplete metabolism of fat and oil; as said earlier fat and oil cannot be completely converted. Remember high intake of carbohydrates can lead to overweight. In order to have a normal growth, carbohydrates should be taken in their right proportions to avoid complications. Example of foods that contain carbohydrates: bread, corn,rice, wheat etc


  • Proteins

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They are the most essential food nutrients needed for body building, repair of worn out tissues.Body tissues including skin hair and vital organs in the body are all made up of protein. Proteins are made up of simple substances referred as amino acids. When protein is taken into the body the end product is amino acids. Proteins provide energy and heat to the body and also helps in building of body hormones. Stunted growth, kwashiorkor, overweight and anaemia are some of the deficiencies one can get with eating less protein foods. Protein is spread throughout the body through a day's meal that is, since protein cannot be stored in the body. Foods that contain protein: beef, crab, chicken etc


  • Vitamins

They are essential nutrients for life. Vitamins have to be obtained from foods. They regulate metabolism. Vitamins protect the body against infection and diseases. Examples of foods containing vitamins: potatoes, carrot, fruits and vegetables.


  • Minerals

They are substances used to promote chemical reactions in the body. Minerals help in the maintenance of bones and teeth. Minerals also help in contraction and relaxation of body muscles.


  • Water

It is one of the nutrients needed by the body. This is because, it is very vital to life. Water has no energy level but we cannot live without water. Every human being needs to take adequate water in order to promote good health. Water quenches thirst hunger. It aids in digestion. Water lubricates our joints and nourishes our organs in the body. It is very germane in the formation of body fluid such as blood. Aside the water we take in we can also get water in foods such as: watermelon, cucumber, lettuce etc


  • Fats and oil


Fats and oil help in the development of the brain. It protects the body against cold by insulating heat to keep the body warm. Deficiency of fats can result to infertility for both sexes, the deficiency can also result to dry rough scaly skin. Examples of food containing fats and oil : butter, margarine, palm oil etc


These are the six categories of nutrients, their functions and their importance to our health. For one to be healthy, gain energy and nourishment, one has to maintain a balanced diet food. That is to say, foods containing their right nutrients in their right proportions. When one eats food in their right proportions, he or she is free from diseases. We shouldn't forget to keep personal hygiene also.


I hope you loved it. Thank you for your time.

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Great post - please try to use copyright free images in your next post thank you.

 2 years ago 

I appreciate your kindness, industry and support. You're doing a great job. Thumbs up👍 . Thanks to you for your visit.

 2 years ago 

Eating food with right proportion is the best way to adopt . Your writing skills are impeccable. Keep sharing friend.

 2 years ago 

Thank you friend. I admire the avid reader you are

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Thank you very much

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